HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-05-031 1 PLANNING BOARD MEETING May 3, 1971 The meeting of the Planning Board was called to order in its office at 7:30 P.M. on May 3, 1971 by Chairman, Mrs. Brown with members Clarke, Costello and Graham, and Planning Director Zaleski present. Minutes of Planning Board meetings of April 12 and 26, 1971 were approved MINUTES as amended. 4/12 4/26 The draft of a letter to the Historic Districts Commission offering them the help of the Design Advisory Committee was approved as amended. A letter to the Town Counsel requesting him to prepare approval papers for the Drummer Boy subdivision was approved. Dr Clarke reported on the meeting of the residents of Turning Mill Road area which he attended. The meeting was attended by some 25 area resi- dents, Representative Cole, Senator MacKensie, Mr. Kennedy, of the DNR and the chairman of Burlington's Conservation Commission. It was re- ported that H.3344 authorizing access across Route 3 to landlocked area in Burlington in rear of the Turning Mill -Partridge Road lots was re- ported out favorably by the Transportation Committee and is in the Ways and Means Committee. The Burlington Conservation Commission does not plan to propose the acquisition of this land in Burlington. Mr. Kennedy of the DNR Water Resources Board said that his office was interested be- cause of the water supply aspects. Senator Mackenzie stated that he in- tended as of this time to oppose H.3344. Representative Cole reported on his conversation with Nordblom, one of the owners. Mr. Cole has the im- pression that Nordblom and Moss, the other owner, are willing to give up that portion of their land located in Lexington. The state DPW would not oppose the bill if the cost of Route 3 crossing will not have to be borne by them(an estimated $500,000), but would oppose any ramp from the area to Route 3. Dr. Clarke had commented on the difficulty of getting an access to the commercial (industrial) area in Burlington from a public way in Lexington over residentially -zoned land. It was agreed that a written report by Dr. Clarke will be distributed to Planning Board members. HISTORIC COMMISSION DRUMMER BOY MEETING WITH TURNING MILL RESIDENTS The proposed letter to the Lexington Conservation Commission inviting them to meet with the Board on May 10 to discuss the Burlington land and CONSERVATION the proposed Article to acquire the land in Lexington at Burlington line re was approved. BURLINGTON LINE. Next reviewed were drafts of letters commenting on proposed legislation pending before the General Court and of interest to planning boards. Letters on the following bills were approved with some amendments. 1) S.1207 5) H.1278 9) H.2560* 13) H.2950 2) S,1208 6) H.2158* 10) H.2933 3) S,1209 7) H.2351 11) H.2945 4) H. 785 8) H.2355 12) H.2946 Next discussed was H.2162 amending Ch. 774 of 1969. The planning director recommended that H.2162 be opposed since it would strengthen a poorly - written ineffective law. 2 At this time the results of referendum overturning the vote of the Town Meeting on Art. 72 were announced (2718 in favor.of the Town Meeting vote, ' 5175 against) and a discussion followed regarding the future of subsidized housing in Lexington. Mr. Costello recommended deleting RH housing at the next town meeting and investigating the possibility of scattered site housing. The matter was tabled for future discussion. It was decided to take no action with respect to H.2162 at this meeting. Notices of the following petitions to be heard by the Board of Appeals on May 11 were noted: Bonanno Heritage Glass and Mirror Co. Johnson BOARD OF Burri Hager System Development APPEALS NOTICES Smith Corporation It was decided to oppose the Heritage Glass petition for the reason that the proposed addition would be excessive for the lot, the access would be very poor, parking greatly inadequate and additional variances would be needed due to inadequate yard next to RO district. The Board next reviewed the request of Mr. Butler, 9 Bruce Road for the sale to him of lot 48 Hillside Avenue (Assessors Lot 303, May 13), which is adjacent to his property. It was agreed to advise the Selectmen LOT 48 that the Planning Board would have no objection to the sale of lot 48, HILLSIDE AVENUE provided it is consolidated with the lot of 9 Bruce Road. Notices of Historic Districts Commission hearings on May 5, including the proposed building at 11 Waltham Street were noted. ' Other written communications, as listed on the agenda under information were noted and placed on file. The chairman expressed interest in attending the annual meeting of the Massachusetts Federation of Planning Boards on May 7 and 8, 1971. The work program for the next year was taken up next. The Board considered a tentative list of projects prepared by the planning director and a memorandum by Mrs. Brown reviewing both the principal proposed projects WORK PROGRAM and the manner of carrying out and publicizing planning studies and proposals. Particular attention was given in the discussion to the method of complet- ing land implementing the town -wide conservation plan and to the future relationship of the subsidized housing and multi -family dwellings, including possible revision to RH and RM zoning and the introduction of planned unit development for RS districts. Mr. Graham suggested the following grouping of subjects in the work program, each grouping to be a particular concern of one member: 1. CBD, including Waltham Street at Vine Brook Road, Clark- Muzzey Street parking lot, Central Block, Library expansion and other ' related matters; suggested member assignment to E. Lund. 2. Conservation, including master plan completion and implementa- tion program, liaison with Capital Expenditures Committee, Great Meadows watershed study, coordination with recreation plans; suggested assign- ment: D. Graham. f7 1 3 3. Special permit uses regulation in residence district, including the regulation of nursing homes, tennis clubs and other uses; suggested member assignment: E. Clarke. 4. Housing, including RE, scattered site, other approaches, RM regulations and PUD. The Planning Director pointed out several items which will have to be taken up whether or not they are specifically included in the work program, such as pending and proposed subdivisions, subdivision regulations, evalua- tions of census data, updating zoning map and by-law and building up an up-to-date inventory of land uses and housing (utilizing existing town records through the use of electronic processing equipment) and others. Ile pointed out that tackling too many projects with the limited capacity of the Board may result in reduced quality of the output. Donald M. raham 4��� Clerk