HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-04-26PLANNING BOARD MEETING April 26, 1971 ' Chairman Lund called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. with members Clarke, Graham, Costello and Mrs. Brown, planning director Zaleski, and secretary Mrs. Cole in attendance. Also present were Lexington Minute -Man reporter T. Curran, Frank Sandy and Mrs. Sanderson. Mr. Ralph H. Hall met with the Board by appointment to discuss the legal- ity and requirements for building on lots in the vicinity of Jean Rd. He has an option to purchase the land and is interested in obtaining building permits. He presented to the Board a preliminary lot plan showing lots on Aaron, Morgan and Jean Rd. Aaron and Morgan roads are paper streets. Jean Rd. has been considered a road by previous Planning Boards. He was told that the streets should be paved and constructed to town standards. A variance that had been granted in the past for a lot on Aaron Rd. is no longer valid. Sewerage and sidewalk requirements should be determined. The Town Engineer and Board of Health's recommendations would be necessary. Mr. Hall had been to the Building Inspector and found that he had only enough frontage to get a permit for one lot on Jean Rd. Mr. Hall would proceed with the division of land depending on leaching capacity of the land and legal status of the streets. It was agreed that Town Counsel should be consulted for an opinion on lots on paper streets. The prelim- inary lot plans were returned to Mr. Ball, who left at 7:55 p.m. RALPH HALL, RE. LOTS ON JEAN RD. & PAPER STS. Mr. Spagnuola, meeting with the Board by appointment, presented a plan SPAGNUOLA, showing the regrading completed to date of the existing pond located on INGLESIDE RD., Ingleside Rd. He said'he built Ingleside Rd. to just beyond Carnegie P1. CARNEGIE PLACE and that he had tried to work out a cul-de-sac with Ben Franklin Homes. He would like to leave this last stretch of Ingleside Rd. unbuilt. Four lots remain undeveloped. Water continues to collect in the pond in this area. Mr. Spagnuola has been unable to obtain an easement to permit the construc- tion of a slope for support of the road on the northeasterly side of Carnegie P1. near Maple St. He would like the return of some of the $14,000 bond held by the Town. Whether the existing slope is sufficient so that a retaining wall is unnecessary remained a question. The Board agreed that the Town Engineer should be consulted concerning the drainage problem on Ingleside Rd. and to be sure that the slope at Carnegie PL is adequate. The Board met in the Bird Room with the Selectmen and representatives from VINE the Board of Appeals, Arts and Crafts Society and Lexington Housing Author- BROOK ity in regard to the Vine Brook Village. In response to Mr. Cataldo's VILLAGE statements and questions, no one objected to 1200 sq. ft. being conveyed to the Arts and Crafts Society provided this land were not used for parking and if the area of the housing site would not be less than 4.4 acres. Upon a motion duly made and seconded the Board VOTED: EXECUTIVE To go into executive session to discuss matters the disclosure of SESSION which would adversely affect the financial interest of the town or ' the reputation of any person. After a discussion of matters affecting the financial interests of the town, the Board returned to its office to continue with items on its agenda. KA The minutes of April 19 were approved as amended. 4/19 MINUTES ' The Board discussed the questions submitted by the Lexington Minute -Man on RH housing and the Planning Director's proposed responses. Mr. Lund suggested several changes in the wording and upon some discussion, the final text of replies was agreed upon by the majority of the Board. Mr. Costello was recorded as opposed to the rezoning. At 9:20 p.m. the Town Counsel and Town Manager met with the Board. Upon EXECUTIVE a motion duly made and seconded the Board VOTED: SESSION To go into executive session to discuss matters the disclosure of which would adversely affect the financial interest of the town or the reputation of any person. After discussion of matters affecting the financial interests of the town, the Town Counsel and Town Manager left the meeting and the Board resumed open session. Upon a motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously VOTED: IDYLWILDE To extend to May 25, 1971, inclusive, the time for Planning Board SUBDIVISION action on the definitive subdivision plan entitled "Idylwilde", dated Dec. 29, 1969, if requested in writing by the applicant, Trustee of JoJen Realty Trust on April 27, 1971. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: DRUMMER BOY ' To extend to May 11, 1971, inclusive, the time within which the ONEIDA CORP. Planning Board must act on the definitive subdivision plan entitled "Drummer Boy, Lexington, Mass.", dated Aug. 18, 1969, revised to Sept. 1, 1970, as requested by the Oneida Corp., Applicant. Mr. Costello stated that the Supreme Court ruled that states may permit NEWSPAPER voters to reject by referendum low-income public housing projects in ACCOUNT OF their community. Mrs. Brown questioned whether an accurate inter- SUPREME CT. pretation of this U.S. Supreme Court decision can be made from a brief DECISION newspaper report. Mr. Lund submitted his resignation as chairman of the Planning Board. He was presented with a gavel in recognition of his services. Mrs. Brown was elected to the chairmanship. Mr. Costello abstained from NEW voting. CHAIRMAN The meeting adjourned at 11:07 p.m. 11 "Donald M. Graham Clerk