HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-01-18PLANNING BOARD MEETING
January 18, 1971
The Board set public hearing dates as follows:
February 8, Monday, 7:30 p.m., Cary Hall - citizens' petition HEARING
re: rezoning to CG, Waltham and Vine Brook (Tropeano) DATES
February 10, Wednesday, Science Lecture Hall, Sr. High School- SET
citizens' petitions, re: rezoning to RH
8:00 p.m. Bow St. (Cataldo)
8:30 p.m. Bedford St. (Moore)
February 17, Wednesday, Science Lecture Hall, Sr. High School
8:00 p.m. Meaghervillo
February 22, Monday, Cary Hall, 7:30 p.m. - CB rezoning
Mr. Worrell read Mr. Ferguson's letter of January 8, re: Article CB DISTRICT
inserted in the Warrant for the Annual Town Meeting, saying that PARKING,
Mr. Ferguson would appreciate having any proposal for acquiring or FERGUSON
exchanging for town land a part of the Lexington Federal Savings &
Loan Association's lot for off-street parking in their hands as
promptly as possible in order to study the proposal before submitting
it to the Bank's Board of Directors for their consideration. A tenta-
tive date was set for Thursday, 3 p.m., at which time Messrs. Worrell,
Olson, Zaleski and Mrs. Brown would meet with Mr. Ferguson.
The letter from William M. Glovsky, Trustee of the Whiter and Greener EMERSON RD.,
Trust, dated Jan. 6, regarding reimbursement for the extra cost of THE GROVE
constructing a 70 foot wide street (Emerson Road) was noted by the SUBDIVISION
At 7 p.m. Planning Board members Worrell, Clarke and Mrs. Brown, DAC
representative Notkin, Planning Director Zaleski, Secretary Mrs. Cole,
and representatives of other town boards attended the meeting in Cary
Hall sponsored by the Executive Committee of the Trustees of Cary Memorial
Library in cooperation with the Permanent Building Committee and the
Architects Design Group to discuss the alternatives for the library reno-
vation and expansion program. A cost comparison chart was presented by
the Architects Design Group. Each Board or group was requested to assign
a member to represent them in making known the group's feelings about the
various alternatives presented.
At 7:45 p.m., in the absence of the chairman, vice-chairman Worrell
called the meeting of the Planning Board to order in its office in the
Legion Room.
The Board accepted Mr. Worrell's offer to represent them on the Library
renovation and expansion study committee.
The minutes of January 11, 1971 were approved as submitted.
Upon a motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously VOTED:
To extend to March 23, 1971, inclusive, the time for Planning Board
action on the definitive subdivision plan entitled "Idylwilde„
dated December 29, 1969, as requested in writing by the applicant,
Trustees of JoJen Realty Trust.
The revised drawings of the Idylwilde subdivision have not been received.
The Board set public hearing dates as follows:
February 8, Monday, 7:30 p.m., Cary Hall - citizens' petition HEARING
re: rezoning to CG, Waltham and Vine Brook (Tropeano) DATES
February 10, Wednesday, Science Lecture Hall, Sr. High School- SET
citizens' petitions, re: rezoning to RH
8:00 p.m. Bow St. (Cataldo)
8:30 p.m. Bedford St. (Moore)
February 17, Wednesday, Science Lecture Hall, Sr. High School
8:00 p.m. Meaghervillo
February 22, Monday, Cary Hall, 7:30 p.m. - CB rezoning
Mr. Worrell read Mr. Ferguson's letter of January 8, re: Article CB DISTRICT
inserted in the Warrant for the Annual Town Meeting, saying that PARKING,
Mr. Ferguson would appreciate having any proposal for acquiring or FERGUSON
exchanging for town land a part of the Lexington Federal Savings &
Loan Association's lot for off-street parking in their hands as
promptly as possible in order to study the proposal before submitting
it to the Bank's Board of Directors for their consideration. A tenta-
tive date was set for Thursday, 3 p.m., at which time Messrs. Worrell,
Olson, Zaleski and Mrs. Brown would meet with Mr. Ferguson.
The letter from William M. Glovsky, Trustee of the Whiter and Greener EMERSON RD.,
Trust, dated Jan. 6, regarding reimbursement for the extra cost of THE GROVE
constructing a 70 foot wide street (Emerson Road) was noted by the SUBDIVISION
1.18.71 minutes (continued) -2
Board, as well as, the memo from the Planning Director explaining that EMERSON RD.
the Grove subdivision was approved in 1961, while the special act author- (continued)
izing reimbursement was not passed until 1962. Mr. Zaleski also believes
that the developer had agreed to build 70 ft. wide street in exchange for
the Town installing sewer in this subdivision. The Planning Director has
reported this to the Town Manager. It was agreed to send a copy of Mr.
Glovsky's letter to Mr. O'Connell.
The Board of Appeals notices for hearings to be held January 26, 1971 B/A
were noted as follows: HEARING
Catalano - continue selling flowers, produce, etc. 643 Waltham St. NOTICES
Smith - insufficient front yard
Mystic Valley Mental Health Assoc. - remodel barn
Wilson Farm Inc. - nursery to sell supplementary items
Conroy - Heywood property, 12 Waltham St., for professional use
Kraska - Lex. Chalet, signs
McSweeney Bros. Trust - redivide lots on Eaton Rd.
After discussion of petitions the Planning Board decided to oppose the
following and asked the Planning Director to write letters for the reasons
stated below:
Conroy: Opposed because rezoning is pending for this and adjacent
Kraska: Board recommends a reduction in size of the sign to avoid
proliferation of large signs in that area.
Eaton Rd: The legal status of the lots did not conform to zoning
requirements in effect at the time of recording and
were actually treated as one lot by building too close
to and across the lot lines, the Board decided to suggest
that the Board of Appeals obtain Town Counsel's advice
because of the similarity of this situation to Morris
Motors and other cases ruled on by Mr. Legro.
Wilson's Farm: If granted, the permit should include an explicit
statement of the supplementary items to be sold and
conditions and limitations imposed regarding hours of
operation, lighting, outdoor storage, parking, access
etc., as well as, advice from the Traffic Committee or
Town Engineer so as to avoid traffic congestion in the
Noted by the Board was the following information:
1. The letter from Robert N. Morehouse, District Conservationist, to LETTER RE:
the Board of Appeals, re: Chalet site. (Letter dated 12.19.69:) SOILS, 444
2. HUD Newsletter, especially the decision that the owner of a 221 HUD
(d) (3) project may not evict a tenant even at the expiration of
the lease, except for cause after a hearing. In effect, the
decision gives tenants indefinite tenure unless misconduct is
' proved.
3. MHFA SEMINAR, sponsored by the Rental Housing Association, Feb. MHFA SEMINAR
16 at Newton Marriott Hotel. (Mr. Worrell read the topics to
be covered at the seminar.)
1.18.71 minutes (continued)
The Board discussed the Cary Library renovation and expansion proposals CARY
with the idea of clarifying the Board's views on the subject and in order MEMORIAL
to instruct the Board's representative as to their recommendations. It LIBRARY
was agreed that the Board should address itself primarily to the planning
considerations of compatibility with adjacent land uses, conformance to
the development master plan, traffic patterns, safety and convenience,
rather than to cost or internal functional arrangements. The Planning
Director cited statistics to show desirability of library locations next
to the high school and shopping, rather than on the school administration
lot near Woburn St. The Board generally decided to support keeping the
library in its present location, as opposed to the Woburn St. site, and
to make available to the agencies concerned information from the Planning
Advisory Service report #241 "Planning the Public Library" cited by the
Planning Director. It was also agreed to remind those concerned with the
library addition of their earlier agreement to coordinate their plans with
the Board's plans for a municipal parking lot off Clarke St.
The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
Eric T. Clarke
' Clerk