HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-12-21PLANNING BOARD MEETING December 21, 1970 In the absence of the chairman and the vice-chairman, Mr. Eric T. Clarke, clerk of the Board, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with members Mrs. Brown and Mr. Graham, and Planning Director, Mr. Zaleski, present. The minutes of December 7, 1970 were approved as submitted. 12/7 MINUTES The Board reviewed the plan submitted with the application Form A70-39 by FORM A70-39 the Mass. Dept. of Public Works, Daniel S. Horgan, Chief Engineer, showing PEACOCK land to be conveyed to Gerard Sussman. The parcel is considered excess q FARM RD. land by the Mass. D.P.W. and is being conveyed to the abutter to enlarge his residential property on Peacock Farm Rd. Upon a motion duly made and seconded the Board VOTED: The plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington", showing Lot A6 off Concord Turnpike, Route 2, requires no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. The Board voted to pay the sum of $75.00 for the services rendered by VOTE TO PAY Norman A. Homsy, AIA and Associates, Architects and Engineers, for cost HOMSY BILL estimates on low and moderate income housing. The Planning Board report on Article 8, Zoning District Maps, was approved ART.8 REPORT and signed as amended by the Board members present. APPROVED Mr. Graham read the notices of Board of Appeals' decisions, all granted: B/A Pershan to convey property, which would reduce his lot. DECISIONS ' Heath & Co. to erect a sign. Gudeman variance for a carport. Tillinghast to complete a 2 story utility building. Harolan to store and sell supplementary items at Nursery The conditions imposed by the Board of Appeals in granting a special permit B/A for the Haroian Nursery on Concord Ave. were discussed. Some of the Board SPECIAL members expressed their opinion that the Board of Appeals did not impose PERMITS adequate conditions. The recently granted Heywood variance was discussed in this context, as well as similar problems on tennis courts. Also refer- red to was the Planning Director's memo enumerating conditions which apply to special permit uses and the Planning Director discussed the various pos- sibilities of permit uses dealing with the problem of inadequate controls for special permit uses. Mrs. Brown would like to see the Board explore the problem together with the Board of Appeals. It was decided to take no action with regard to the Board of Appeals' decisions at this time and to write to the Building Inspector, as recommended by the Planning Director, asking the Building Inspector's help in informing recipients of special permits of the general requirements of the Zoning By -Law applying to all special uses in residence districts. The Board agreed to release to the Lexington Minute -Man the approved Plan- P/B REPORT ning Board Annual report after the Special Town Meeting, i.e., on January RELEASE 149 1971. DATE The Historic Districts Commission's hearing notice on the application of HISTORIC the Trustees of the Supreme Council of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite DISTRICTS of Free Masonry for a permit to demolish or remove the house and barn at COMMISSION 1162 Massachusetts Avenue was noted by the Board. HEARING 12.21.70 minutes (continued) -2 Joseph W. Moore Co., Inc.'s letter of December 17 was read by Mr. Graham. DRUMMER The problems of Grade, vertical curves and sight distances on Cayuga Rd. BOY were explained by the Planning Director. An extension of time for Plan- SUBDIVISION ning Board approval will need to be requested by Oneida Corp., owners of the "Drummer Boy" subdivision. The letter dated December 17 from the Selectmen to Norman J. Richards, WORTHEN attorney for Clematis Brook Village, regarding the construction of ROAD Worthen Rd. was read. The Selectmen contend that, until the Planning Board determines what the access should be and how Worthen Rd. should be extended to service this subdivision, they cannot make a decision regarding participation by the developer. Mr. Lund arrived and presided over the meeting until it adjourned. The Planning Board letter to the Selectmen, dated December 17, containing HARRINGTON recommendations on the Harrington House, property at the corner of Mass. HOUSE Ave. and Clarke St., was approved and signed. (for details see 12/14 mins.) LETTER The letter to the Selectmen, dated Dec. 17, re. Worthen Rd. corridor was WORTHEN approved and signed. The letter refers to the position of the Conserva- ROAD tion Commission relative to the acquisition of land in this area, as well CORRIDOR as the need for the Town Engineer's assistance in compiling information necessary to define the exact location of the corridor. Mrs. Brown left the meeting at 8:30 p.m. to represent the Planning Board at the Hatch Act Hearing regarding the notice of intent to alter certain ' ,inland wetlands of Curtis K. Parker, located on Woburn St. opposite Marshall Rd. Mrs. Brown had personally looked at the area to be discussed. The intention to fill this land, according to Mr. Parker, was based on the fact that the area is a potential health hazard. The land is lower than the surrounding area resulting in insufficient drainage. The Planning Board report on Article 11 was approved as amended. Mrs. Brown returned and made an oral report of the Hearing to the Board. After discussion by members the Board asked the Planning Director to write a letter to the Board of Selectmen saying that the Planning Board would not object if suitable fill is used and it is graded to provide proper runoff. It is the Board's recommendation that the owner be required to furnish a topographic plan of his land certifying and ensuring proper grading. PARKER WETLANDS HEARING ARTICLE 11 PARKER WETLANDS The Board responded to the letter from the League of Women Voters, dated P/B MEMBERS Dec. 18, by designating members to represent the Planning Board at precinct REPRESENT meetings as follows: P/B AT Jan. 5 - Precinct 1 - Mrs. Sanborn Brown Jan. 7 - Precinct 4 - Mrs. Brown PRECINCT 2 - Eric T. Clarke 5 - Mr. Graham MEETINGS 3 - Donald Graham 6 - Erik Lund The LWV and the Lexington Commission on Suburban Responsibility are sponsoring these informal living -room discussions of the Trinity Covenant Church proposal to rezone land from RS to RH, Article 12 of the Special Town Meeting Warrant. ' Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board VOTED: To go into executive CONSERVATION session to discuss matters the disclosure of which would adversely affect COMMISSION the financial interest of the town or the reputation of any person. After EXECUTIVE discussion with the Conservation Commission of possible 1&nd acquisition SESSION the meeting adjourned at 11 p.m. Eric T. Clarke, Clerk