HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-12-14C PLANNING BOARD MEETING December 14, 1970 Chairman Lund called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with members Worrell, Clarke, Graham and Mrs. Brown, DAC representative R. Daley, Planning Director Zaleski present. A motion was duly made and seconded and it was unanimously VOTED: To extend to January 19, 1971, inclusive, the time for Planning Board action on the definitive subdivision plan entitled "Idy'2- wilde", dated December 29, 1969, as requested in writing by the applicant, Trustee of JoJen Realty Trust. The plan submitted with Form A70-38 was endorsed by the Board after the addition of the following notation as recommended by Town Counsel: "Poplar St., so called, does not constitute a street as defined in the Lexington Zoning By -Law; lots 32, 33, and 34 therefore have no frontage on a street and do not, separately or jointly, constitute a building lot or lots." Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: The plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", Land Court Case No. 28193, dated August 31, 1970 by Miller and Nylander showing land on Poplar and Acorn streets, Edward F. Abell, appli- cant, requires no approval under the subdivision control law. Upon a motion duly made and seconded it was VOTED: To approve the annual report of the Lexington Planning Board for 1970 as amended. At 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Carroll and Florence C. Carroll met with the Board to view and discuss the Board's proposed long-range plan for parking in the Muzzey-Clarke St. area which included property owned by the Carrolls. The Board's intent was to acquaint the owners of the land with the Board's plan. The Carrolls were assured that no eminent domain takings were contemplated at this time. If the Carroll property ceases to be used as it is now the Board would want it to be allowed to be acquired by the town. Mr. Lund requested and the Carrolls agreed to let the Board know if they had any other plans for the land in the future. Mr. Carroll stated that his mother resides in the residence on the prop- erty now and they do not see any other use for the property at this time. IDYLWILDE SUBDIVISION EXTENSION OF TIME FORM A70-38 POPLAR AND ACORN STREETS P/B 1970 ANNUAL REPORT MUZZEY- CLARKE PARKING, CARROLL PROPERTY, 17 MUZZEY ST. The Board discussed the proposed letter dated December 8, 1970 to be sent LETTER to the Board of Appeals with regard to the Haroian petition for permission TO B/A to store and sell supplementary items in conjunction with the operation of RE: a nursery at 353 Concord Ave. The letter stated in detail the background HAROIAN and reasons for the Board's recommendations. The Board voted 4 to 1 in favor of signing the letter. Mr. Clarke was opposed. The Board of Appeals' hearing Dec. 15 will make the final determination of the Haroian petition. The Board voted to pay the Thomas Griffin Associates' bill for professional THOMAS services in accordance with agreement May 18, 1970 which included delivery GRIFFIN of services, maps and reports referred to items five, six and seven in the ASSOCIATES amount of $1,250.00. The Planning Board requested the Planning Director to write a letter to WETLANDS the Board of Selectmen in response to their letter of Dec. 19 requesting C.K. PARKER comments and recommendations regarding a notice of intent to alter certain HATCH ACT inland wetlands of Curtis K. Parker located on Woburn St. opposite Marshall HEARING Road. The Board of Selectmen have scheduled a public hearing to be held 12.14.70 minutes (continued) -2 Dec. 21, 8:15 p.m. in the Bird Room as required by the Hatch Act. Since HATCH ACT no plan or description of the proposed change was submitted to the Planning HEARING Board they could make no comments, but agreed that a representative would (continued) attend the hearing and the Board would respond as information becomes avail- able. The Board also would recommend that certain procedures be established or rules set up for the future in regard to Hatch Act Hearings. The Planning Board discussed the potential uses of the property at the cor- HARRINGTON ner of Mass. Ave. and Clarke St, as requested by the Board of Selectmen. HOUSE The Planning Board's plan for the center does not involve the acquisition of this property, except possibly as an open link or small park between the Battle Green and Belfry Hill, which would not justify the expenditure of any large sum of money. The Planning Director suggested that the Harrington House property would be more useful if Clarke St. was closed between the Medical Building and Mass. Ave. as a street and used for parking or library addition. The Board suggested that the Town Manager should be informed of this idea. The Planning Director will write a letter to the Selectmen advising them of the Planning Board's position. The Planning Director will write a letter to the Selectmen so that the WORTHEN necessary procedures could be completed for the proposed corridor for ROAD Worthen Rd. which is to be reserved between Marrett Rd. and the Bowman CORRIDOR school. The letter should also be submitted to the Town Manager. The Board noted the recommendations of the Town Engineer in his letter REQUESTS FOR of December 8 in regard to subdivisions and the various areas where BOND RELEASES developers have requested bond releases or reductions. OR REDUCTIONS The Board discussed the proposed Articles A through M for the 1971 1971 Annual Town Meeting. Articles A, B, C have to wait for further informs- TOWN tion; Article D - a letter should be written to the Conservation Commis - MEETING sion to ascertain the plans of both the Conservation Commission and Rec- ARTICLES reation Committee; Articles E and F would have to wait until after the Dec. 17 hearing; G and M are not needed; I may be withdrawn; a draft of Article H through L has been distributed to the Board for review. The Planning Board discussed the proposed Article on Zoning District Maps ZONING and the hearing held on Dec. 7, reviewing the arguments in favor and ques- DISTRICT tions which may be raised by Town Meeting Members, in preparation for the MAPS, Board's report to the Annual Town Meeting. A draft of a favorable report ARTICLE 8 is to be prepared by the Planning Director and distributed to the Board. Next discussed was the proposed Article on Tennis Clubs. Especially noted TENNIS were problems of dimensional control, lighting, traffic and impact on the CLUBS immediate neighborhood. Members were impressed with the Recreation Commit- ARTICLE 11 tee's stand that, looking at the practical side, it might be the only way that tennis courts, which are needed, could be had at this time when town money is scarce. However, the Board was of the opinion that the existing zoning controls of special permit uses in R districts are inadequate. It was unanimously agreed to recommend the referral o f this Article to the Planning Board for study and proposals for the modification of the applic- able zoning controls. Board members noted the Board of Appeals postcard announcement of its B/A DECISION d&ision in favor of granting the petition of Mrs. Mildred A. Heywood, HEYWOOD, owner of property at 72 Waltham St., for a variance to convert the prop- WALTHAM ST. erty into a professional building. Information that it would be sold to 11 1 1 12.14.70 minutes (continued) -g an insurance agency prompted a request that a copy of the permit's con- B/A DECISION ditions be obtained from the Board of Appeals. Mr. and Mrs. Belcher had (continued) met with the Planning Board to discuss this property on October 5, 1970. The Board discussed the Town Engineer's letter describing the inadequacy DRUMMER BOY of certain vertical curves with regard to sight distances on the roads SUBDIVISION of the Drummer Boy subdivision. The Planning Director explained the situation which requires no action by the Board at this time. Action by the Planning Board on the Drummer Boy subdivision must be taken by Dec. 28. The Board noted and approved the Planning Director's memo to the Town PLANNING Manager stating the types of services for which people may be referred BOARD to the Planning Board or Planning Department. SERVICES Mrs. Glenda R. Goldberg requested that the Planning Board avail them- REQUEST selves of the services of the USDA by contacting Mr. Robert Morehouse, FOR District Conservationist, for a study of soils and the effect of build- SOILS ing in the area of the proposed Clematis Brook Development. Also she STUDY, noted that the Brook's -.name was Beaver Brook. Board members, very much USDA aware of USDA's free service, having used it in the past, clarified its value, stated what results could be expected, how it would be done, and cautioned that it had limitations. The report will be requested. The meeting adjourned at 10 p.m. Eric T. Clarke Clerk