HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-11-09PLANNING BOARD MEETING November 9, 1970 ' Chairman Lund called to order the meeting on November 9 at 7:30 p.m. with members Worrell, Graham, Clarke, and Mrs. Brown, and Planning Director Zaleski present. The plan submitted last week by William J. Dailey, Jr. with application FORM A70-35 Form A70-35, showing a division of property at Adams and North streets ADAMS & NORTH subject of a special permit of the Board of Appeals, was reviewed by STREETS the Board. The Planning Director reported that the plan did not con- flict with the special permit. Upon a motion duly made and seconded it was VOTED: The plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated October 26, 1970 by Miller and Nylander showing lots at Adams and North streets required no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. The plan submitted with the application Form A70-36 was reviewed by members of the Board. The Planning Director explained that a nota- tion was added with the approval of Mr. Nylander reading "Lot 2 not to be used as a separate building lot". Upon a motion duly made and seconded it was VOTED: The plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass., Land Court Case No. 35933", dated August 19, 1970 by Miller & Nylander show- ing land on Woburn St., Francis W. A. Smith, applicant, requires no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. The Board endorsed the plans. The minutes of November 2, 1970 were approved as amended. 11/2 MINUTES Mr. Gardner Ferguson of Lexington Federal Savings & Loan Association MUNICIPAL met with the Board to discuss a proposed municipal parking area between PARKING Muzzey & Clarke streets. Mr. Ferguson was not in favor of selling all MR. FERGUSON or any part of the Association's land to the town. He claims that the property at 11 Muzzey St. was for sale a year ago and that the town could have bought it at that time. Other reasons follow: a. The land was bought for and provides free parking essential for the operation of the bank. b. Some of this land will be needed for access.to a future drive- in window. c. The sale of the back land would separate the land of the building at 11 Muzzey St. from the other property of the bank and in Mr. Ferguson's opinion the bank is not legally allowed to own real estate for investment purposes. Mr. Graham said that we need a sketch layout made to see thettruse and our use side by side to clarify the Issue. General discussion followed in which Mr. Ferguson did not agree with the Planning Board that a municipal parking lot could provide necessary parking in a more efficient way at no expense to the bank or that an arrangement could be reached that could leave adequate land for future access to a drive- in window. After Mr. Ferguson had left, the Board discussed the entire parking lot concept and agreed to propose articles for the acquisition for municipal parking of property available in this area. ' The Board amended the wording of the letter to be sent to Mrs. Shhumacher TAX TITLE LOTS regarding her request to purchase lots 82 and 83 Colonial Ave. off Wood MRS. SCHUMACHER St. The Board is not in favor of the town selling these tax title lots. 11.9.70 minutes (continued) -2 The letter to the Conservation Commission re: Ingleside -Carnegie Place LETTER TO ' was discussed and approved after changes were made in the wording of CONSERVATION the letter. In essence it read that if Mr. Spagnuola wishes to change COMMISSION grading and drainage in this location, he must submit a formal applica- RE: CARNEGIE tion for the revision of the subdivision, together with plans showing PL.-INGLESIDE the proposed modification in a form suitable for recording. The letter to the Board of Appeals explaining the Planning Board's policy LETTER TO B/A of recommending underground wiring as a condition of special permits RE: WIRING under section 13.2 was approved by the Planning Board. 1 The Board discussed the proposal to replace the lengthy boundary descrip- tions of the various zoning districts with maps of each district. The Planning Director explained that the maps will show the boundaries of each district in complete detail but should be easier to follow than legal descriptions. The proposed notice to the newspaper with the details of the Warrant Article will be held until next week so that it may be reviewed by Town Counsel for his approval of the wording. The Board voted to deny the request of Mr. G. Nicolai for the release of the surety bonds now held to ensure the completion of the required work in the Heritage Acres Subdivision. The denial was based on the determination that the items of required construction and installation have not been completed in a satisfactory manner according to the Town Engineer. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: 1. The work required under the terms of the Agreement of June 21, 1968 for lots 10, ill 12, 24 and 25 in the Heritage Acres subdivi- sion having been partially completed, the obligations of the devel- oper under the Agreement and the penal sum furnished to guarantee said work shall be reduced from $6,000 to $3,000. 2. The work required under the terms of the Agreement of Jan. 5, 1970 to serve lots 13 through 23 inclusive in the Heritage Acres subdivision having been partially completed the security held to guarantee said work shall be reduced from $14,000 to $3,000. The bond reductions on other subdivisions were deferred in the absence of recommendations from the Town Engineer. ZONING DISTRICT MAPS HERITAGE ACRES MR. NICOLAI'S REQUEST FOR RELEASE OF BONDS The news release on zoning hearings to be held in Cary Hall on Dec. 7 NEWS RELEASE on 2 proprosals to amend the Zoning By -Law was approved. The hearing ZONING HEARINGS on Zoning District Maps will be at 8 p.m. The hearing on the amendment on Tennis Clubs will be at 8:15 p.m. Legal notices on both of these will appear in the Minute -Man on November 19 and 26. The letter from the Lincoln Planning Board announcing that Mr. David M. LINCOLN'S Donaldson will be Lincoln's liaison representative for the Town of LIAISON Lexington was noted and it was agreed that a letter should be sent to REPRESENTATIVE him acknowledging the announcement and saying that we shall contact FOR LEXINGTON him when problems of mutual interest or concern arise. About 13 persons interested in the proposed Clematis Brook Village development and the JCA report on Meagherville remained throughout the open meeting to hear any progress on either of these matters. The Planning Director announced that he had received from Norman CLEMATIS BROOK & MEAGHERVILLE 1 L' 11.9.70 minutes (continued) -3 Richards the text of the proposed Article for the rezoning of Trinity CLEMATIS BROOK Covenant Church land to RE. The Board tentatively scheduled December 10 & MEAGHERVILLE for a hearing on the Clematis Brook zoning change. No additional inform- (continued) ation had been received from JGA on the Meagherville Study. Mr. Paul Plasse asked if penalties could be imposed on JGA for being late. Next discussed was the Concord Ave. study. Since it recommends the acquisition of lands, upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board VOTED: To go into executive session to discuss matters the disclosure of which would adversely affect the financial interest of the Town or the reputation of any person. After further discussion of proposed land uses and acquisitions, the Board resumed open meeting. At 10:30 p.m. the Board met with the Board of Selectmen in executive session. After discussion on Worthen Rd. and other matters involving the financial interests of the Town, the Planning Board returned to its office and adjourned at 11:15 p.m. Eric T. Clarke Clerk CONCORD AVE. STUDY EXECUTIVE SESSION