HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-09-28Frank Sandy's letter about a tree hearing concerning a maple tree on TREE HEARING Grant St. was noted. Since the Selectmen appointed a committee to act on such matters the board did not take a formal stand on this matter. Mrs. Mott -Smith of 108 Pleasant St. met with the Board to present the MRS. MOTT-SMITH following questions: WORTHEN ROAD (1) Does the central conclusion of the Planning Board report on Worthen Rd. warrant or justify a reconsideration of the 1969 Town Meeting decision (Articles 22 and 23) to construct a section of Worthen Road? (2) If it does will the Planning Board sponsor insertion of an appropriate article in the warrant for the Special Town Meeting? Mrs. Mott -Smith added that the width of the road and the implications that the road would be extended concerned her. The Board's response to her questions was that it is premature to discuss the problem since the Planning Board has not met with the Selectmen. The State is in the process of designing this road which is under Ch. 90 funds. The devel- opment of Trinity Covenant Church property will depend on Worthen Rd. for an access. The only legally proper way not to have Worthen Rd. across the Bowman School land would be by a Town Meeting vote abandon- ing the public way. The Planning Board will meet with the Selectmen to discuss this problem. PLANNING BOARD MEETING September 28, 1970 ' Chairman Lund called to order the regularly scheduled meeting for September 28, 1970 at 7:30 p.m. with members Worrell, Clarke, and Graham, DAC representatives Pierce and Daley, and planning director Zaleski present. The plan submitted with Form A70-28 was reviewed by the Board and, FORM A70-28, upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: F. JOYCE, The plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated HAYDEN AVE. September 25, 1970 with Form A70-29 by Frederick R. Joyce, Lot 291, Hayden Ave., does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law. It was noted that the wording of the endorsement notice had to be corrected to does "not" require approval. The plan submitted with Form A70-29 was reviewed by the Board, and FORM A70-29, upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: CRAWFORD, Since Lot "B" of the plan entitled "A Compiled Plan of Land in HAYDEN AVE. Lexington", Hayden Ave., dated August 27, 19709 by John J. McSweeney, Town Engineer, is not a building lot, approval under Subdivision Control Law is not required. Approval was given to a proposed news release prepared by Mrs. Butter STATISTICAL from a letter and questionnaire to be used as a means of providing PROFILE OF APT. data for a "statistical profile" of Lexington apartment dwellers, DWELLERS BEING both letter and questionnaire having been previously approved by the ASSEMBLED Planning Board. The League of Women Voters are assisting the Board in assembling this information. Frank Sandy's letter about a tree hearing concerning a maple tree on TREE HEARING Grant St. was noted. Since the Selectmen appointed a committee to act on such matters the board did not take a formal stand on this matter. Mrs. Mott -Smith of 108 Pleasant St. met with the Board to present the MRS. MOTT-SMITH following questions: WORTHEN ROAD (1) Does the central conclusion of the Planning Board report on Worthen Rd. warrant or justify a reconsideration of the 1969 Town Meeting decision (Articles 22 and 23) to construct a section of Worthen Road? (2) If it does will the Planning Board sponsor insertion of an appropriate article in the warrant for the Special Town Meeting? Mrs. Mott -Smith added that the width of the road and the implications that the road would be extended concerned her. The Board's response to her questions was that it is premature to discuss the problem since the Planning Board has not met with the Selectmen. The State is in the process of designing this road which is under Ch. 90 funds. The devel- opment of Trinity Covenant Church property will depend on Worthen Rd. for an access. The only legally proper way not to have Worthen Rd. across the Bowman School land would be by a Town Meeting vote abandon- ing the public way. The Planning Board will meet with the Selectmen to discuss this problem. 1 1 1 9.28.70 Minutes (continued) The minutes of September 14, 1970 were approved as amended. The minutes of September 23, 1970 were approved as submitted Correspondence from Robert Lyon with a summary of a meeting he attended with the Medical Associates was discussed. The Board requested the planning director's recommendation concerning muni- cipal parking in the center of the block bounded by Mass. Ave., Muzzey 5t., Raymond St., and Clarke St. and rezoning of the balance of Medical Associates land. A question on the Library set -back, which might be resolved by rezoning, will await further recommendations. -2 9/29, MINUTES 9/23 MINUTES PARKING, CLARKE- MUZZEY STS., MEDICAL ASSOCIATES REZONING Messrs. Berger and Culp of Justin Gray Associates, Mr. Ballantyne of MEAGHERVILLE the Dept of Community Affatrs, Mr. Swartz and Mr. C. Cole of Lexing- JUSTIN GRAY ton Interfaith, as well as others discussed with the Board for nearly ASSOCIATES two hours the Meagherville preliminary report, Mr. Culp and Mr. Berger explaining the plans. The before mentioned persons were introduced to those in attendance by the Planning Director. Several concerns were raised i.e., the traffic situation, the water problem, the time schedule, the fact that more than an engineering problem is involved here, the number of school children, the height and type of units, parking problems. Many questions were asked, i.e., how they arrived at 330 units, why there weren't more alternatives, how many units of each type -town houses -efficiencies -mixed, who would build the road to the play area, what other accesses, who controls after a contractor takes over, would there be rental or home ownership, what would happen to the bridle path and stream, would we need to rezone (note: a statement was made in answer by the consultant that the existing zoning regulations for RM districts would be suitable for the pnoposed development and no new zoning would need to be adopted), why not more choices of pains, would topography be considered when deciding height of buildings? Some of the favorable aspects mentioned were: "all children can walk to school without going along a road way", it has a fairly open char- acter". An explanation of how rent could be skewed to accomodate dif- ferent income levels was made. "Most units are between one and three bedrooms", it was stated. Some members of the Board were impressed with the loop road and the fact that the plan showed two housing groups, were "pleased with the placement of the school site, development of the play area and conservation area", and the fact that "the Town has design control as the owner". The Consultant was concerned that "houses blocked into the plan might turn some people off". There was a concern among Planning Board members that "discussion tonight might act as a directive", which was not the intent. The plan needs to be reviewed by the engineer in light of the before - stated problems. A preliminary plan incorporating changes based on engineering factors will be ready within a week according to JGA. The sketch plan under discussion was not intended to be the complete pre- liminary plan. A letter from Alexandra D. Dawson, re: Shawsheen Watershed Protection TOPHET Association, with reference to the status of the development of Tophet SWAMP Swamp was explained by the Planning Director. A copy of this letter was sent to the Town Engineer and our copy placed on file. 1 1 1 9.28.70 Minutes (continued) Board members were extended an invitation to attend the Fall Conference of the Mass. Federation of Planning Boards, Sat., Oct. 17 in Hyannis. A letter prepared by the planning director to be mailed to Mr. O'Connell, to Mr. Gallagher, Mr. Daley, Mr. Young, and Mr. Brown for comments on the feasibility of developing certain land on Bow St. as multiple -family dwellings was approved by the Board. The Planning Board noted that, at the Board of Appeals hearing held on Sept. 8, 1970 the following decisions were made: granted: Krebs - prefab.classroom Schontag - kindergarten Frazer - garage Chabot - sign not granted Wallis - subdivide lots Kiley - tool shed -3 MASS. FED. OF PL. BDS. MEET. BOW STREET B/A DECISIONS Historic Districts Commission notes of hearings to be held Oct. 1, HISTORIC DIST. 1970 were noted as follows: COMM. HEARINGS Joseph Buss, Lexington Flower Shop - sign at 1851 Mass. Ave. Modern Gourmet, Inc. - signs at 27 Waltham St. A letter from John Vernalis of Hunneman S Co., 225 Franklin St., HUNNEMAN b CO. Boston, was reviewed. Vernalia's interest is in advising, developing, and managing low and mixed rental, residential properties. A copy of the letter will be sent to the Housing Authority. Edward J. King's (MASSPORT AUTHORITY) letter assuring us that "there are no changes in our thinking about Hanscom Field since the writing of my July 15 letter" was read and placed on file. A letter dated Sept. 17 from Don Olson, DAC, to the Town Manager regarding his recommendations about the Boston Edison lighting proposal for the Battle Green was noted and placed on file. The Board read a letter from Justin Gray Assoc. which stated that the proposed play area land bounded by Earl and Garfield streets to the east and southeast should present no construction problems due to soil conditions. Dates for meetings October 5 were noted as follows: Mrs. Belcher - re: corner Waltham St. and Vinebrook Rd. Mr. Eisenberg - Re: Clematis Rd. Meeting with Selectmen - re: Worthen Rd. Report. A meeting with the Conservation Commission. HANSCOM FIELD BOSTON EDISON LIGHTING MEAGHERVILLE SOIL REPORT LETTER MEETINGS SCHEDULED A letter from the Board of Selectmen advising of the acquisition of HAYDEN AVE. land on Hayden Ave, owned by the Valleyfield Realty Trust, authorized under Art. 71 of the 1969 Annual Town Meeting, and the land owned by the Area Realty Trust, authorized under Art. 72 of Annual Town Meet- ing, was noted. Proper drainage in the area of the Idylwilde subdivision remains a IDYLWILDE problem. Extensions will probably be requested "until we get through MR. CASS Town Meeting". There has been no definite word that the Town will bear the expense. 9.28.70 Minutes (continued) -4 The Board unanimously approved the concept of the Planning Director's SIGN BY-LAW ' proposal to have the regulation of signs all in the Sign By -Law, to make municipal and public signs subject to regulation when not within a way, to clarify in more detail and reduce areas of signs in R dis- tricts and to provide some structural and locational rules for signs in R. districts. The Board discussed the problem of vandalism in Town. It is a con- VANDALISM cern of the Town Manager and it was reported that he will appreciate ideas from the Board regarding design and land use control measures intended to discourage vandalism, particularly in business and recre- ation areas. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted to discuss in EXEC. SESSION executive session matters which, if disclosed, could adversely affect the financial interests of the Town or the reputation of any person. Following discussion of possible acquisition of certain parcels of land for conservation purposes the Board resumed open meeting. The Board members noted the receipt of a copy of the draft of the "Report on Subsoil Investigation for the Great Meadows Study" by Haley & Aldrich, Inc., geological consultants for Camp, Dresser & McKee. The report was placed on file. The letter to Donald P. Keay, Lexington Association, informing him of the status municipal parking lot, was signed by the letter was mailed to Mr. Robert Lyon. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. 1 Federal Savings & Loan of negotiations of the Chairman. A copy of the Eric T. Clarke Clerk GREAT MEADOWS STUDY MUNICIPAL PARKING, LEX. FED. SAV- INGS & LOAN