HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-05-18LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD May 18, 1970 The regular meeting of the Planning Board was held in its office on Monday, May 189 1970. Chairman Lund opened the meeting with members Brown, Graham, Worrell and Planning Director Zaleski present. The minutes of the May 11 meeting were approved. MINUTES APPROVED A letter prepared by the planning director,.eewritten by Dr. Clarke B/A PETITION stating the Planning Board's recommendations to the Board of Appeals DOUGLASS F & D regarding the Douglass finding and determination concerning an office Building on Militia Dr., was reviewed and signed. Action on the release of the bond. on Conestoga Rd. (Woodside Acred) was postponed until comments are received from the Town Engineer. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board VOTED: To request Town Counsel to prepare the legal instruments for the approval of the Village Cir. subdivision and have the Covenant executed by the developer, Louis Stoico, president of Village Development Corp. ' Seasons Four, located on the Gold Ribbon Farm, was discussed next. The planning director reported the Building Inspector had informed him that he is pressing for compliance with certain conditions required by the Board of Appeals. The chairman suggested the planning director ask the Building Inspector if he has any intentions of investigating the items being sold which violate zoning regulations. The planning director reported Mrs. Schumacher has been in the office inquiring about the tax title lots between Anherst and Wood Sts. and expressing her desire again to buy some of the lots. The Board suggested giving her the same reply as before, that the use of tax title lots for subsidized housing is being studied. Dr. Robert Stewart and a group of Lexington doctors, including Drs. Lawrence Anderson, Delbert Black, Howard Potter, Morris Hratch, met with the Board to discuss the feasibility of a large medical facility to accommodate the doctors of the Clarke St. Medical Building and the doctors in the Waltham St. Building. They also discussed the possibility of expanding the Clarke St. facility or rezoning this area to comercial zone and also discussed the parking problems involved in either case. Un:a a motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted to go into executive session to discuss matter the disclosure of which would adversely affect the Town or the reputation of a person, After further discussion of the ' parking situation in the center, the Board resumed open meeting as the doctors left. VILLAGE CIR. TOWN COUNSEL REQUESTED TO PREPARE COVENANT a, SEASONS FOUR BLDG. INSP. TO PRESS FOR COMPLIANCE MRS. SCHUMACHER TAX TITLE LOTS DR. R. STEWART MEDICAL BUILDING P/B Mtg. May 18, 1970 2 Atty. Pat Tropeano, Messers. Nylander and Cosgrove met with the P. TR(W8ANO ' Board to discuss the Cosgrove property at Wood St. and Hartwell E8. C®RIVE Ave. in relation to property owned by Mr. Nylandir and Atty. AND TROPEANO- Tropeano on Hartwell Ave. and the possibility of rezonitg this NYLANDER LAND area to another zone other than residential. The Board advised Mr. T ropeano that it could not give any opinion or suggestions until At knows more about the outcome of the proposed Ite. 128 and Hartwell Ave. connector route. e Mr. Nishan Haroian met with the Board to discuss his property NISHAM HAROLAM on Concord Ave., which had been proposed to be rezoned to RM CONCORD AVE. at the 1970 Annual Town Meeting and was defeated. The Board suggested Mr. Haroian consider and discuss with Mr. Niles the possibility of subsidized housing for this Property. The Board decided to not meet on May 25 and agreed that Mr. NO MEETING ON Graham should meet with Mr. John Culp of Justin Gray Associates MAY 25 and discuss the first work item of the Meagherville study and report to the Board at the next meeting. A letter to the Board of Selectmen regarding policy guidelines POLICY GUIDE - for the Selectmen in deciding where sidewalks should be built was LINES FOR discussed. The Board decided to postpone further discussion of SIDEWALKS this matter until all members had had an opportunity to read the draft prepared by Mr. Worrell. ' The planning director showed the Board the Town Engineer's copy of a map showing the relocation of Rt. 2 and the service reads to be used connecting the end of a. 2A to Rt. 2. The Board discussed the report prepared by Mr. Worrell on the Worthen Rd. Traffic Study which was conducted by Roe Hendrick, consultant for the study. The planning director was asked to contact Mr. Hendrick for clarification of his report as to whether a redesigned intersection at Waltham St. and Marrett Rd. would be a suitable substitute for a completed Worthen Rd. without a widening of Waltham St. pavement elsewhere. Mr. Worrell agreed to revise the report. Mr. Royston Daley, chairman of the Design Advisory Committee, reported on the Design Advisory Group meeting on May 12. The decision was made to have an annual meeting in April of May following Town Meeting. Also, it was decided that one member of the DAC would attend the Planning Boaod meetings, with five regular members and an alternate, on a rotating basis. Mr. Daley will attend in May and June; Mr. Notkin, July; and Mr. Olsen, August. The DAC would like to meet with the Board to discuss matters at length and a meeting was tentatively scheduled for June 1. Mr. Graham suggested it might be helpful to have a member of DAC present at the Meagherville study public meetings. Mr. ' Daley questioned the appropriateness or suitability of the SAC advising beyond the Planning Board meetings. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. am: RELOCATION OF RT. 2 WORTHEN RD. REPORT DESIGN ADVISORY COMMITTEE