HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-02-09PLANNING BOARD MEETING February 9, 1970 The meeting was called to order in the office of the Planning Board at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Lund with members Graham, Clarke and Worrell and Planning Director Zaleski present. The Board met with Messrs. Scanlon, Melbye and Hruby of the Lexington TAX TITLE LAND Housing Authority, Messrs. Gallagher and Bertini of the Recreation Com- OFF WINTHROP RD. mittee and Messrs. Brown, Sussman and Mazerall of the Conservation Commission to discuss the tax land off Winthrop Rd. Mr. Scanlon stated that the Housing Authority would use the land, if it is found to be suitable for building for 50 units. Assuming groups of 8 two-story units of 500 sq. ft. each, 600 ft. x 110 ft. would be needed, exclusive of street. Five hundred feet of street may be required. The Conservation Commission members Brown and Sussman pointed to the existing drainage problems and the water in cellars of adjacent houses. Mr. Gallagher for the Recreation Committee expressed interest in an area 200 x 200 ft. for a neighborhood playground. Mr. Sussman suggested a drainage systems approach as a pre -requisite for the determination of land uses. The question of obtaining sufficient funds for a suitability study was discussed next. Mr. Scanlon explained the requirements of preliminary soil studies which must be undertaken before any construction is permitted by the Dept. of Community Affairs. It was suggested that once the land is made available to the Housing Authority by vote of the Town Meeting, studies may be undertaken for the Housing Authority. The chairman suggested that the Authority submit within 2 weeks a letter elaborating on its require- ments, and that a similar letter be submitted by the Recreation Committee. It was also tentatively agreed that a reversion clause may be incorporated in the conveyance of this land by the Town. Lexington Housing Autbrity, Conservation Commission and Recreation Committee withdrew. Attorney Patricia Hagedorn, with representatives of the Cerel-Roberts Trust, met with the Board to discuss the proposed rezoning to CR of land between Cambridge Water Lands and Waltham line. Mrs. Hagedorn advised the Board P. HAGEDORN, ATTY that the Chief of Police recommends electronic connection to his head- HOBBS BROOK AREA quarters and would send a cruiser when needed. The Fire Chief believes PROPOSAL TO CR the proposed use, particularly with sprinkler system installed, would not be a problem and could be adequately protected through mutual assistance from Waltham. There is a possibility that the State DPW may permit direct emergency access for fire trucks from Rte. 128. The Board suggested that some comments from Waltham officials would be desirable, especially as regards traffic. Mr. Roberts commented that, as a result of previous comments by the Planning Board, they may build 2 large buildings (90,000 sq. ft. each) instead of 5 smaller ones. Mrs. Hagedorn introduced Robert Foster, civil engineer of Schofield Bros. to discuss the availability of sewer. According to Mr. Foster, the existing 12" sewer in Tracer La. in Waltham would be adequate and Messrs. Delaney, Howe and Walsh of Waltham DPW do not anticipate any problems; a pumping station may, however, be necessary on the land to be rezoned due to grade difference. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to go into executive EXEC. SESSION session to discuss matters which, if disclosed, could adversely affect the F. MICHELMAN financial interests of the town or the reputation of any person. Following SUBSIDIZED a discussion with Mr. Frank I. Michelman, regarding the proposed legislation HOUSING for subsidized housing, the Board voted to resume open meeting. I February 9, 1970 -2 1 1 1 Town Counsel's comments in the letter of February 4, 1970 were discussed ARTICLES 84, 87 next. Board members requested a copy of Art. 84 incorporating the proposed OF ATM CHANGES text changes for review at the next meeting. The proposed change of Art. 87 was assented to. Reviewing the comments on Art. 88, the Board agreed as follows, subject to Mr. Legro's assent: 36.13 (a) change "stock" to "number of units of subsidized housing in the Town" (b) change "thereby fulfilling" to "and to,fulfill" 36.21 leave as is 36.22 leave as is 36.23 omit "determined by the Board of Appeals to be appropriate for subsidized housing" 36.24 instead of "appropriate" say "consistent with local planning standards and policies concerned with land use, building design and requirements of health, safety and welfare of residents of the Town of Lexington. 36.26 leave as is 36.28 leave as is 36.37 leave as is 36.61 leave as printed in the Town Meeting Warrant 36.62 leave as is 36.63 change to "number of units of subsidized housing in the Town" 36.9 the intent is as stated in the question On Art. 90, item E, the planning director was requested to review the REVIEW ART. 90 language. The minutes of the meeting of February 2 were approved. MINUTES The draft of the letter to Mr. Hendrick was considered next and approved R. HENDRICK with amendments. LETTER The letter from Mr. Nickerson regarding the petition of Mrs. Whitney for B/A LETTER RE. a variance was discussed as the next item. It was decided to write to M. WHITNEY Mr. Nickerson pointing out the danger of excessive variances and recom- PETITION mending that, if used, a temporary permit be made non-renewable and limited to the time needed to find new quarters. The Board agreed to cancel the public hearing on the Idylwilde subdivi- IDYLWILDE sign, if the applicant requests one month's extension of time for action SUBDIVISION by the Planning Board. HEARING POSTPND. The preparation of reports on zoning articles was discussed snd.'articles assigned to Board members for report preparation as follows: E. Lund - Articles 87, 88, 89, 90, and 107 F. Worrell - Articles 84, 85, 86, 101, and 105 E. Clarke - Articles 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97 and 104 Donald Graham - Articles 91, 98, 99, 102, and 103 PREPARATION OF REPORTS - ARTICLES ASSIGNED TO MEMBERS Ll 1 February 9, 1970 The chairman advised the Board that precinct meetings will be held on RH and other zoning articles and the members agreed to represent the Board at the following meetings: March 3, Precinct 1 and 2, E. Clark March 5, Precinct 3 and 5, F. Worrell March 12, Precinct 4 and 6, D. Graham The Board decided to take no action on the re -certification of the Workable Program pending receipt of recommendations or request from the Selectmen. The letter from Atty. P. Tropeano regarding the proposed building line on Wallis Ct. was noted and placed on file. -3 PRECINCT MEETINGS MEMBERS TO REPRESENT THE PLANNING BOARD WORKABLE PROGRAM NO ACTION WALLIS CT. BLDG LINE The referral by the Selectmen to the Planning Board of streets to be STREET accepted by the 1970 Annual Town Meeting was taken up next. The Board ACCEPTANCES agreed to write to the Town Counsel asking him to meet with the Board to discuss the meaning of "laying out". It was decided to inquire of the Selectmen regarding the approval by the Bureau of Public Roads of the Worthen Rd. at Rte. 2. The Board noted that the Conservation easements are eligible for reim- bursement by both the Dept. of HUD and the State. Cluster zoning study by the chairman of the Sharon Planning Board was noted and placed on file. No reservations were decided upon for the governor's conference on Community Affairs pending receipt of the program. The copy of Town Counsel's letter to C.C. & F. regarding Forbes Rd. was noted. The meeting adjourned at 11:05 p.m. Francis T. Worrell Clerk SELECTMEN RE. WORTHEN RD.-RT.2 CONSERVATION EASEMENTS CLUSTER ZONING SHARON PL.BD. GOVERNOR'S CONF. T.C. LETTER RE. C.C. & F.