HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-11-10PLANNING BOARD MEETING November 10, 1969 The regular meeting of the Planning Board met in its office on Monday, November 10, 1969 at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Lund opened the meeting with members Clarke, Worrell, Grabam, Fowle and planning director Zaleski present. The first item discussed was the Town Office Addition and layout plans TOWN OFFICE prepared by the planning director showing changes which could be made ADDITION by utilizing corridor space. The Board unanimously approved a letter LETTER AND to be sent to Allen Kenney, Chairman of the Town Office Additions LAYOUTS Committee with copies of the two layouts enclosed. Chairman Lund read a letter which was received from the Board of Select- HATCH ACT men relative to a Hatch Act hearing for land on the Idylwilde farm to be HEARING held in the Selectmen's Room at 8:00 p.m. Mr. Fowle attended the hearing. IDYLWILDE The next item considered by the Board was a letter from the Board of MEETING RE. Selectmen regarding a meeting to discuss the Lexington Academy property LEX. ACADEMY on Saturday, November 15 at 8:30 p.m. The minutes of the November 3 meeting were discussed and approved by the MINUTES Board. Approval of the minutes of the October 20 and October 27 meetings was postponed. A plan of land submitted by J. F. Russell with a Form A application #69-43 was reviewed by the Board. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was FORM A #69-43 VOTED: SANDERSON RD. That approval under the Subdivision Control Law is not required of the plan entitled "Subdivision Plan of Land, in Lexington, Mass.", dated November 5, 1969 by Fred E. Joyce, Surveyor, showing lots located on Sanderson Rd. The next item discussed was a letter from the Conservation Commission CONSERVATION requesting the restriction of development near Great Meadows. The planningCOMMISSION director was asked to write the Conservation Commission reminding them REQUEST FOR that the laws of the Commonwealth do not permit a municipality to stop RESTRICTION private development which complies with the applicable zoning and other DEVELOPMENT rules and regulations and that certain pieces of land have been approved for building for which the developers may obtain building permits at any time. The Board agreed to keep the Commission informed of any new develop- ment proposals. The 1970 Budget for the Planning Board Personal Services and Expendi- 1970 BUDGET tures to be submitted to the Appropriation Committee was unanimously APPROVED approved by the Board and signed by the Chairman. BY BOARD A draft of the Capital Expenditures Budget relative to land acquisition CAP. EXP. with proposed amount of 1969 and amount budgeted for 1970-1974 was BUDGET discussed briefly by the Board prior to meeting with members of the Capital Expenditures Committee. The minutes of the November 3 meeting were discussed and approved by the MINUTES Board. Approval of the minutes of the October 20 and October 27 meetings was postponed. A plan of land submitted by J. F. Russell with a Form A application #69-43 was reviewed by the Board. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was FORM A #69-43 VOTED: SANDERSON RD. That approval under the Subdivision Control Law is not required of the plan entitled "Subdivision Plan of Land, in Lexington, Mass.", dated November 5, 1969 by Fred E. Joyce, Surveyor, showing lots located on Sanderson Rd. The next item discussed was a letter from the Conservation Commission CONSERVATION requesting the restriction of development near Great Meadows. The planningCOMMISSION director was asked to write the Conservation Commission reminding them REQUEST FOR that the laws of the Commonwealth do not permit a municipality to stop RESTRICTION private development which complies with the applicable zoning and other DEVELOPMENT rules and regulations and that certain pieces of land have been approved for building for which the developers may obtain building permits at any time. The Board agreed to keep the Commission informed of any new develop- ment proposals. Planning Board Meeting -2- November 10, 1969 Next, the Board considered the petition of the Board of Appeals hearing for William Maloney, scheduled for November 25, 1969. The plans of the proposed medical building to replace the Old Belfry Club were reviewed by the Board. The Board was of the opinion that it cannot support this petition. The planning director was asked to write the Board of Appeals stating the Board's opposition to this petition. B/A HEARINGS WM. MALONEY MEDICAL BLDG. Mr. Van Boughton and Mr. Lee Whitman, Capital Expenditures Committee CAPITAL members, met with the Board to discuss land to be acquired by the Town EXPENDITURES in 1970. Upon a motion duly made, seconded, it was voted to go into COMMITTEE executive session to discuss matter the disclosure of which would affect MET WITH the financial interest of the Town. After discussion of specific parcels BOARD of land, the Board resumed open session. Mrs. Jacqueline Davison and other residents of the Woodhaven Area met MRS.J.DAVISON with the Board to discuss street standards and the possibility of RE. OLDER exceptions in cases of older established neighborhood streets, such as STREET Grassland St. No action was taken and the matter was postponed to a STANDARDS future agenda enabling the Board to study present standards and future procedures. Lester Stevens, Jr. met with the Board next to discuss proposed garden type apartments at Adams and North Streets. The plans are for approx- imately 30 two-bedroom apartments with an estimated 10 apartments per building. The Board questioned if this plan meets the criteria of the Board's requirements for garden apartments. No action was taken. Mr. Stevens will be notified of the Board's decision at a future date. A letter, stating the Board's opposition to the Board of Appeals petition for a sign proposed by the Friendly Ice Cream Corp. to be erected on Bedford St., was approved by the Board. Also approved was a letter prepared by the planning director, stating the Board's opposition to the proposed use of property on Allen St. by John P. Carroll for a junkyard or overnight storage of salvaged auto- mobiles. This Board of Appeals hearing is scheduled for November 18. The notices for Board of Appeals hearings scheduled for November 25 were noted as follows: Mrs. Norman Travers - side yard variance Knights of Columbus - sign 115 Kendall Corp. - finding and determination William Maloney - medical building John and Rosins. Buss. - renewal of roadside stand Enid and Sherman Starr - appealing Building Inspector's decision on parking at the Lexington Golf Club. The Board discussed drafts of zoning articles next. Article E concerns the acceptance of several parcels totaling 5.13 acres from Oak Park Cor- poration and Article F concerns the acquisition of 91,500 square feet more or less off Marrett Rd., part of the subdivision plan entitled "Idylwilde Farms." After discussion, the Board voted 3-1 in opposition to changing the zoning of land on Bedford St. from CH to CR. LES STEVENS GARDEN TYPE APARTMENT PROPOSAL B/A PETITION FRIENDLY ICE CREAM SIGN B/A HEARING JOHN CARROLL AUTO JUNKYARD NOTICES FOR NOV. 25, 1969 ZONING ARTS. FOR 1970 ATM 1 1 Planning Board Meeting -3- November 10, 1969 The Board decided to meet on Saturday, November 15 at 4;00 p.m. to LAND discuss recommendations of land to be acquired by the Town and ACQUISITION recommended to the Capital Expenditures Committee. Next item considered was the tax title lot 48, Hillside Ave. which TAX TITLE Mr. Butler has asked the Board of Selectmen to sell to b1m for LOT #48 addition to his property in this area. The planning director was asked to inform Mrs. McCurdy, Executive Secretary of the Board of Selectmen, HILLSIDE AVE. suggesting Mr. Butler re -submit his bid in six months at which time the Board will know if this lot is needed for the housing program. Mr. Fowle reported on the Hatch Act hearing on Idylwilde farm which he HATCH ACT had attended earlier. Comments of the Planning Board are required within HEARING a week. Mr. Zaleski will check with Jo Jen Realty Trust on details of IDYLWILDE FARM the proposal. The Selectmen's minutes of October 15 were reviewed next. SELECTMEN"S MINUTES Mr. Zaleski will check on the Worthen Rd. hearing scheduled for Nov- WORTHEN RD. ember 14 and notify the Board members. HEARING The planning director was requested to send a letter to Albert Gray, Jr., LETTERS TO Executive Assistant to the Board of Selectmen, requesting letters to CHAIRMAN OF Mr. Lund be sent to the Planning Board office or a copy, if mailed PL.BD. directly to Mr. Lund. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. Francis T. Worrell Clerk EXECUTIVE SESSION November 10, 1969 Van Boughton reported the Capital Expenditures CommiSg€g:. is aware of land khat has been considered by the Conservation Commission and that the Commission has spoken to the Planning Board about this land. He inquired as to what plans the Board has. Chairman Lund told him the Board has no plans for land to be acquired this year. He informed Mr. Boughton the Board had taken a vote and the result was 4 to 1 in favor of eminent domain for lands justified for conservation land. In answer to how the Board decides if a piece of land is justified, Mr. Lund said the members look at it. Mr. Boughton said the Conservation Commission had told them that there is no more land available except by eminent domain. One member of the Capital Expenditures Committee stated he thinks the Conservation Commission is looking for some support from a willing seller before getting an appraisal. Also he fell they are reluctant to set priorities until sure of support. The Chairman of the Board suggested the Board would like to see the Conservation Comm.ission come in with pieces of land and say they want to acquire these pieces but thought it a bit late for this year. There was discussion of the roles of thet-onservation Commission and the Planning Board in land acquisition. Mr. Lund asked if it would be of assistance if the Board had priorities of special pieces so this information could be passed on to ' the Capital Expenditures Committee. Mr. Boughton remarked there would be times when important pieces of land could be taken only by eminent domain. Mr. Worrell suggested members of the Planning Board get together and work with the Conservation Commission since the present group are not the activist those were in the previous group headed by J. Sussman. Mr. Worrell then suggested he would meet with one or more members of the Board on Saturday, November 15 to review the Board's plan of a few years ago and set up priorities. Mr. Graham suggested if the Drummer Boy matter is solved, it would have high priority. Someone suggested that Drummer Boy might be a negotiable sale. Mr. Zaleski suggested land between Maple and Woburn ST., 100' on each side of the brook, would be a second priority piece and land along Vine Brook although not as urgent. He also mentioned land off Spring ST. and land along Rt. 128. The planning director was asked to prepare an outline of these five areas mentioned as priorities for the meeting on Saturday. Mr. Boughton said the Conservation Commission had mentioned the Meek property and a piece behind the Lexington Lumber yard. ' One member of the Capital Expenditures Committee asked if the Conservation Commission is aware of the Planning Board's feeling on eminent domain. Mr.Lund said they had not been informed of the vote. Mr. Boughton suggested the Capital Expenditures Committee would like to have a report from the Planning Board on the priorities by the first week of December. Executive Session, November 10, 1969 Mr. Zaleski mentioned Center Beautification and parking lots in the Central District. There was a brief discussion of the Norman May land on Muzzey St. The Board had no special proposals to present at this time. It was stated that playground areas planned for last year have not been built. Mr. Lund said the Board does not have any special plans for acquiring land for a housing program, only talking in terms of tax title lots and friendly developers at this stage. Mr. Boughton was given a copy of the preliminary housing program prepared by the Planning Board staff. Mr. Boughton suggested the Board prepare a form showing the proposed land acquisition for 1970-1974 for the Capital Expenditures Committee. Mr. Zaleski showed the committee a draft form which needs to be revised before submitting it. The Board agreed to submit this form and other information to the Capital Expenditures Committee in a few weeks. 1 C.