HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-10-271 PLANNING BOARD MEETING October 27, 1969 The regular meeting of the Planning Board was held in its office on Monday, October 27, 1969 at 7:30 p.m. The meeting was opened by Chairman Lund with members Clarke, Graham, Worrell and Planning Director Zaleski present. The first item considered by the Board was the approval of Spring- dale Estates. The planning director reported the Board has sot received a request for the extension of time for action by the Board and the deadline is November 10, 1969. Upon a motion made and seconded, the Board unanimously VOTED: The construction of ways and the installation of utilities in the Woodside Acres (Conestoga Rd.) subdivision having been partially, but not fully, completed to the satisfaction of the Planning Board, the obligations of the developer and the surety under the terms of the bond dated November 13, 1967 and the ppual sum of said bond are hereby reduced from $8,000 (previously reduced on December 18, 1967 from $25,000) to $1,000. The reduction of the bond on Maureen Rd. was discussed next. It was the consensus of the Board to postpone action on this matter for a week or two. Sites for housing for the elderly were discussed and a letter to the Housing Authority regarding possible locations of these sites was approved as amended by the Board. SPRINGDALE ESTATES ACTION BY PL. BD. DEADLINE WOODSIDE ACRES CONESTOGA RD. REDUCTION OF BOND MAUREEN RD. BOND REDUCTION POSTPONED HOUSING FOR ELDERLY -SITES A letter from Mrs. Jacqueline Davison was read by the chairman and MRS. J.DAVISON discussion on the acceptance of streets and width of pavements ACCEPTANCE OF followed. The Board approved sending a letter making an appoint- STREETS ment for November 10 for residents of the Woodhaven area to meet with the Planning Board. The plans of J. E. Prestijohn for a proposed motel on Bedford St. J.E. PRESTIJOHN relative to a Board of Appeals advisory report were reviewed next. MOTEL Action on this matter was postponed for a week. BEDFORD ST. The next item considered was a review and report on the proposed 115 KENDALL building of the 115 Kendall Corporation to be located on Hartwell CORPORATION Ave. The planing director reported the Planning Board could not B/A PETITION make an advisory report to the Board of Appeals without the topography plan and had suggested the petitioner ask the Board of Appeals for a postponement of a decision until the Planning Board can give their report. After discussion with Mr. Nickerson, Chairman of the Board of Appeals, the Board was informed the hearing would be postponed. Mr. Donald Nickerson, Chairman of Board of Appeals, met with the D. NICKERSON Board to discuss the proposed draft of the article on Nurseries NURSERIES ART. regarding new zoning. Mr. Nickerson expressed opposition to the draft as it is proposed stating it would be more 'difficult for the Board of Appeals to work under this provision than the present situation. P.B. Mtg. October 27, 1969 -2 ' The Planning Board joined the Board of Selectmen at 8:15 p.m. to discuss the traffic relative to Drummer Boy subdivision streets and TOPICS (Traffic Operations Program to Increase Capacity & Safety). Mr. Graham suggested the Selectmen request a meeting with the state officials to discuss TOPICS. The use of the jughandle as an entrance to the Drummer Boy subdivision was discussed with a sug- gestion that is is dependent upon the outcome of plans for Rte. 128. The progress of getting the 128 access and the design of the inter- section to replace the jughandle were discussed. The Board of Select- men suggested that no move on the use of TOPICS for Bedford for Bed- ford St. intersection should be made until the state DPW responds to the Town's request for direct connection to Rte. 128, supposedly within two weeks. Once the reply is received, we can proceed with consideration of redesign of the jughandle. BD. of SELECTMEN TOPIC & BEDFORD - HARTWELL INTERSECTION Upon returning to its office, the Planning Board discussed the NURSERIES nurseries article further. The chairman suggested including this in ARTICLE a public hearing sometime before the deadline for submission of articles for the Annual Town Meeting, to get the feel of the public on this proposed article. At 8:45 p.m. Dr. Manfred Friedman met with the Board to discuss conservancy zoning and read a wetland district zoning plan he had prepared. No action was taken. The next item considered was a letter from Joseph Cronin regarding Bedford St. and Worthen Rd. zoning controls. The chairman read a draft proposal prepared regarding the zoning controls for parking in CB districts. It was discussed and the Board agreed that amended draft should be considered next week. The Chairman wrote to Mr. Cronin, appraising him of the Board's work on this matter. CONSERVANCY ZONING DR. FRIEDMAN J. CRONIN ZONING CONTROL The Conservation Commission met with the Planning Board and Stanley CONS. COMM. Brown began the discussion by requesting executive help in preparation EXEC. HELP of applications. Mr. Lund informed him the Planning Board has expressed to the Board of Selectmen a need for full time planner to help out. The next item discussed was conservancy zoning. It was suggested that CONSERVANCY such proposal, if at all appropriate, should come to the Planning ZONING Board from the Conservation Commission. Other items discussed were the Great Meadows study being made and the EXEC. SESSION conservation restrictions index. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, LAND it was voted to go into executive session to discuss matter the dis- ACQUISITION closure of which would affect the financial interest of the Town. After a discussion of land acquisition items, the Conservation Commission left and the Planning Board resumed open meeting. Next considered was the request of Louis Stoico for the reimbursement of $2,311.00, as per bill dated September 22, 1969, for the installation ' in the Paddock La. subdivision of drains larger than necessary to serve the Paddock La. subdivision alone. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: To approve the payment of $2,311.00 to Louis Stoico, Inc., for the installation in the Paddock La. subdivision of drains larger P,B, Meeting, October 27, 1969 -3 than necessary to serve the subdivision alone and to request the L. STOICO Board of Selectmen to pay the above amount in accordance with the REIMBURSEMENT provision of Chapter 570, Acts of 1962 out of the funds appropri- PADDOCK LA. ated under Article 34 of the Warrant for the 1969 Annual Town Meeting. The purchase of a tape recorder was considered next and it was the TAPE RECORDER consensus that such a purchase would not be justified at this time. The meeting adjourned at 11:05 p.m. fl 1 Francis T. Worrell Clerk EXECUTIVE SESSION ' October 27, 1969 Someone asked if the Conservation Commission should talk with Mr. Nelson about the wetlands of Drummer Boy land and think of buying it. The Board informed the Commission the time for Planning Board action had been extend�to December 16, 1969 on this subdivision definite plan. Mr. Nelson has said Oneida Corporation will stay"Yand request extensions until they get approval. Stanley Brown remarked he had heard Boston Edison was not notified as an abutter. F. Smith stated the Commission has been pressed by Mrs. Wheaton and Mrs. Briggs to do something about the wetlands. J. Sussman asked if the Board has "saving clauses" to protect them in making a decision or if they have to approve if the developer meets requirements. A. Zaleski, planning director, referred to the letter from Board of Health and the first statement which can be used in questioning this subdivision. The chairman remarked that if the Town Engineer and the Board of Health approve it, the Planning Board have to give approval. F. Smith said he would like to talk with Mr. Nelson and perhaps bring in an article to buy this Land for conservation. There was discussion of this land and conservancy zoning and if the Town can be held responsible for drainage or if the developer can be held responsible. Mr. Lund suggested the Board could inform Mr. Nelson but not pressure him. Someone suggested the Planning Board send Mr. Nelson a copy of the Board of Health letter. At this point, the Drummer Boy plan was reviewed. The next area discussed was the Idylwilde Farm which is owned by J. Napoli but Robert Cass has an option. There was discussion of the necessity of an article in accepting some of the land as a gift or paying for it. A Town Meeting vote would not be needed if the land were a gift to the Town for conservation. Hayden Ave. land was discussed. The Conservation Commission reported it is waiting for the plans to be prepared by owners. The acquisition of this land has had HUD approval and the Commission is waiting for State approval -option is to January 15, 1970. The Busa land will have to be taken by eminent domain as he is asking $25,000, $7,000 over the appropriation. Mr. Graham asked the Commission's opinion on Meagherville. .Mr. Brown suggested they would like it for conservation. J. Sussman said it is not appropriate for dwellings. E. Lund asked if the Conservation Commission is planning to come in with other pieces of land at the Annual Town Meeting. ' tand at Maple and Woburn (Green d White) was mentioned. The Conservation Commission said they have exhausted all land for sale and it is either eminent domain or end of acquisition . Planning Board had indicated it is against eminent domain. Capital Expenditures Committee has indicated they would Oct. 27, 1969 - Executive Session ' support a program involving bonding and eminent domain where necessary. The Planning Board suggested they would probably support it if the Capital Expendi- tures Committee gave support. F. Smith asked about the location of the reserved strip of Worthen Rd. in the area between Marrett Rd. and the Trinity Covenant Church land. Other property mentioned was the Meek land next to Swenson farm; Ashley & Cotton land voted to be acquired in 1966; Justin St.; land on end of Brigham Rd. - 3 acres at Hancock St. side of RR track; Pinard Land off Webb or Young St.; Vine Brook land off Woburn; Juniper Hill (the Board questions the possibility of this land as moderate income housing area and would prefer if the Conservation Commission would wait on this); Rte. 128 - west side greenbelt; Waltham St. to Woodhaven;'` Maple St. and the Gold Ribbon meadow. 11 1