HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-09-08A regular meeting of on Monday, September Chairman presiding in Worrell and planning PLANNING BOARD MEETING September 8, 1969 the Lexington Planning Board was held in its office 81 1969, at 7:30 p.m. Present were: Mr. Fowle, Vice - the absence of Mr. Lund, Messrs. Clarke, Graham, director Zaleski. After brief discussion, the Board accepted the application of Ernest W. SPRINGDALE Kitchen, Inc. for the approval of the definitive subdivision plan entitled ESTATES "Springdale Estates, Lexington, Mass., dated July 13, 1969, by Miller and DEFINITIVE Nylander, showing land southeasterly off Bates Rd. September 29, 1969 was PLAN agreed upon as the date to be set for a public hearing to be held in Esta - brook Hall at 8:45 p.m. The Board also accepted the application for the approval of the definitive plan entitled "Drummer Boy, Lexington, Mass." dated August 18, 1969 by Joseph W. Moore, Inc., Oneida Corp., applicant, showing land located southeasterly of Winter St. and Rangeway and westerly of Hadley Rd. between Grove St. and Bedford St. September 29, 1969 was agreed upon as the date to be set for a public hearing to be held in Estabrook Hall at 8:00 p.m. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board VOTED: VILLAGE CIR. To extend the time within which the Planning Board must act on the P.B. ACTION definitive subdivision plan of "Village Circle," dated May 12, 1969, TIME EXTENDED to November 10, 1969, inclusive, as requested by the developers. A letter from Oak Park Corp. requesting the release of lots 20 and 21, OAK PARK II Saddle Club Rd., and lots 1 and 2 Brookwood Rd. as shown on the subdivision RELEASE LOTS plan of Oak Park - Section II and requesting the amount of security neces- 20 and 21 sary to release lots 1 and 2 was considered next by the Boatd. The Board authorized the release of lots 20 and 21 of Oak Park - Section II which have frontage on Saddle Club Rd. The planning director was asked to request Town Counsel to prepare the papers for the release of lots 1 and 2 and set bond at $9,000 as recommended by the Town Engineer. The next item considered was a letter from Partridge Associates requesting MINUTE MAN the reduction of the Certificate of Deposit on Dudley Rd. After reviewing HIGHLANDS IV the Town Engineer's letter relative to this subdivision, a motion was duly DUDLEY RD. made, seconded and the Board unanimously VOTED: REDUCTION OF The construction of ways and the installation of utilities in Dudley BOND Rd, in the Minute Man Highlands Section IV subdivision to serve lots 214 through 219, inclusive, and lots 224 through 228, inclusive, secured by a bond dated May 2, 1969, in the penal sum of $35,000 and by certif- icates of deposits in the Northeast Federal Savings and Loan Association, having been partially, but not fully, completed to the satisfaction of the Planning Board, the penal sum of said bond and the obligations of the developers thereunder are hereby reduced from $35,000 to $20,000. The Town Counsel is hereby authorized and requested to arrange for the release and return to the developer, Partridge Assciates, Inc., of deposits in excess of $20,000. 1 September 8, 1969 -2 The next request considered by the Board was for the reduction of surety CARMEL CIR. posted to guarantee the completion of ways and utilities in Carmel Circle, WOODBRIDGE EST. Woodbridge Estates II subdivision. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board unanimously VOTED: The construction of ways and utilities in Carmel Circle, Woodbridge Estates II subdivision, having been partially, but not fully, completed in accordance with the terms of the bond dated October 4, 1968, the obligations of the developer thereunder and the security posted to guarantee the completion of such construction in the form of deposits in the savings account #34093 in the Lexington Trust Company in the name of A. John Essarian is hereby reduced from $10,000 to $5,000. The Town Counsel is authorized and drawal and return to the developer, in excess of $5,000. requested to arrange for the with - A. John Essarian, of said deposits After a brief discussion, the Board agreed to postpone action on Carol Lane (Centre Estates) request of August 8, 1969 for bond release. Next item considered was a letter from the Town Engineer stating that all required work has been completed in the Country Club Manor I and II subdivision. The Board approved a letter to Mr. Mark Lichtenstein of 9 Augustus Rd. stating that all required work in this subdivision is completed and the Planning Board is now in a position to recommend the acceptance of Augustus Rd., Shaw P1., Hickory St., Blinn Rd. and Vaille Ave. as town ways by the 1970 Town Meeting. The planning director was asked to request Town Counsel to prepare and arrange for the execution of a grant of streets and utilities to the Town. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the members of the Board VOTED: To release the interest of the Town of Lexington in and the obli- gations of the developer and the surety under the bond dated August 1965 in the penal sum of $23,000, reduced by the Planning Board to $1,000, given to ensure the construction of ways and utilities to serve lots 196 through 199 inclusive and 220 through 223 inclusive Philip Road in the Minute Man Highlands Section IV subdivision, the required construction having been completed to the satisfaction of the Planning Board. REDUCTION OF BOND CAROL LA. BOND RELEASE POSTPONED COUNTRY CLUB MANOR I & II COMPLETED MIN. MAN HIGHLANDS 311 SEC. IV on PHILIP RD. RELEASE BOND The plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated July 10, FORM A #69-28 1969 by Miller & Nylander, showing lots l and 2 on Tower Rd., submitted TOWER RD. with Form A application #69-28, was reviewed by the members of the Board and upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: That said plan does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law. The plan was so endorsed by members of the Board. September 8, 1969 -3 The plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated February 3, FORM A #69-32 19679 by Miller b Nylander, showing lots at Westview St. and Hartwell WESTVIEW ST. - Ave., submitted with Form A #69-32, was reviewed by members of the Board HARTWELL AVE. and upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: That said plan does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law. The plan was so endorsed by members of the Board. The plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated September 2, FORM A#69-31 1969 by Miller & Nylander, showing land located at 2006 Massachusetts Ave., submitted with Form A application #69-31 was reviewed by the Board and 2006 MASS. AVE. upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: That said plan does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law. The plan was so endorsed by members of the Board. A letter in response to an inquiry of Legislative Research Council as to LEGISLATIVE whether Lexington has given consideration to the "new town" or "new RESEARCH COUNCIL community" approach through planned unit development, cluster zoning, etc., 1 was approved by the Board and signed. A copy of the PUD Guide was enclosed with the letter. A letter inviting the Town Engineer to the meeting on September 15, 1969, LETTER TO T.E. with Roe Hendrick, Worthen Rd. Traffic Counsultant, was approved and signed. RE. TRAFFIC ' The Board considered the request for the release of the $6,000 bond held PADDOCK LA. by the Town to ensure the completion of Paddock La. Upon a motion duly BOND RELEASE made and seconded, the Board VOTED: DENIED All required work has not been completed and when these items are completed and the streets and utilities granted to the Town, the Planning Board will release bond so as to permit acceptance of Paddock La. A letter to the developer enumerating the specific items not completed was approved by the Board. After discussion with Mr. Cataldo, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, PROPERTY AT concerning the property located at 1620 Massachusetts Ave. and the feasi- 1620 MASS. AVE. bility of rezoning or acquisition by the Town, this item was tabled for the next meeting. After a brief discussion of the drainage problems of the Birch Hill sub- BIRCH HILL LA. division and the problems created by the installation of a drain pipe on DRAINAGE an easement abutting 7 Birch Hill Lane, the Board decided to consult with the Town Engineer before acting upon this matter. The Board discussed a letter of complaint received from Donald A. Wilson WILSON FARM concerning the quality of drainage affecting his farm and the brook which DRAINAGE is located on this land due to the filling of the land adjacent to it. The planning director was asked to transmit copies of the Wilson letter to the Board of Selectmen and the Town Engineer for comments and to advise Mr. Wilson of this action. September 8, 1969 -4 Raytheon Company plans for the proposed addition for storage space were RAYTHEON CO. received next. The Board was of the opinion that the proposed exterior ADDITION FOR ' changes are such as to require a finding and determination under the STORAGE provisions of Section 13 of the Zoning By -Law. These changes are B/A PETITION acceptable to the Board. Mr. Zaleski was asked to state the Board's opinion to the Board of Appeals. An announcement was read inviting the Board members to a meeting at 7:30 P.M. September 10, 1969 in the Selectmen's Room for a discussion of the uses of LEX. ACADEMY the Lexington Academy building for school use. BUILDING Planning Director Zaleski reported on the changes which have been sug- TOWN OFFICES gested for the Planning Board offices in the Town Office Addition and ADDITION the changes which have been planned by the committee. The Board asked the planning director to contact Mr. Allan Kenney, chairman of the committee, and ask for a meeting at which a Design Advisory Committee architect could meet with the committee and the architect for the addition. 1 After discussion of flood plain and wetland zoning, the Board decided WETLAND ZONING to ask the Department of Natural Resources for aid in deciding which areas cannot be drained without damage to adjacent land in Lexington. The planning director was asked to invite a representative to meet with the Planning Board. The planning director reported he had a conversation with Mr. John CODE ENFORCEMENT Harvey relative to part-time employment as code enforcement officer. OFFICER The Board asked the planning director to write the Department of Community. Affairs and make an appointment to have a representative meet with the Planning Board and the Lexington Housing Authority on October 6, 1969, to discuss state housing assistance programs and pro- cedures in a program for the provision of low and moderate income housing. The notices of the Board of Appeals hearings to be held September 9, 1969, were noted and discussed. The Board asked the planning director to write the Board of Appeals stating the Board's policy concerning the petition of Carl Burri to divide a lot on Winter St. The Board concurred it has no objection to the reduction of frontage to 100 ft. instead of the required 150 ft. on these two lots provided a condition is imposed by the Board of Appeals prohibitting any future reduction of these lots which would permit additional houses to be built there. The definitive subdivision plans of Oak Park II (Fairfield Dr.), approved by the Board on August 4, 1969, were signed, the appeal period having expired and the required Covenant having been given by the developer. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Francis T. Worrell Clerk DEPT. OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRf HOUSING B/A NOTICES SEPT. 9, 1969 CARL BURRI WINTER ST. FAIRFIELD DR. DEFINITIVE PLANS SIGNED