HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-08-041 1 LJ PLANNING BOARD MEETING August 4, 1969 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mr. Worrell with members Graham and Clarke and planning director Zaleski present. The minutes of the meeting of July 28, 1969, were discussed briefly The Board next reviewed a pre -preliminary sketch of land of J. Napoli at Middle St. and Marrett Rd. Mr. Napoli would like a waiver on the length of the cul-de-sac to 990± ft. while keeping the number of lots to 26 and conveying to theTown the wet area near Marrett Rd. (about 104,000+ sq. ft.). The Board was generally sympathetic, but preferred to have more wetland preserved and to provide a pedestrian connection to Marrett Rd. MINUTES J. NAPOLI MIDDLE ST.- MARRETT RD. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously voted to go EXECUTIVE into executive session to discuss matters the disclosure of which would SESSION adversely affect the financial interests of the Town or the reputation B/A Variance of any person. Following a discussion of a Board of Appeals variance, the Board resumed open meeting. Mr. J. Napoli next met with the Board to discuss the proposed subdivision J. NAPOLI of his land at Marrett Rd. and Middle St. The Board reiterated its SUBDIVISION position regarding the possibility of extending the street to the adjacent property and suggested other changes regarding the pedestrian access and the need for drainage easements. Mr. Napoli stated that he would be willing to provide 20 ft. wide strip, which may have to be used also for a sewer connection. The minutes of the meeting of July 28, 1969 were approved, subject to any MINUTES corrections which may be offered by Erik Lund at a later date. Notices of Historic Districts Commission hearings were noted and placed on HISTORIC DIST. file. COMM. NOTICES Mr. Sateriale, one of the applicants for the Oak Park II Subdivision, OAK PARK II met with the Board and requested that the Board approve the subdivision. APPROVED Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED':. To approve the definitive subdivision plan entitled "'Oak Park' - Section II Lexington, Mass.", dated February 28, 1969, revised June 27, 1969, by Joseph W. Moore Co., Inc. submitted by Oak Park Corp., appli- cant, subject to automatic rescission, if no concurrence is received from the town counsel within the 20 day appeal period from this date. The approval is subject to the terms and conditions of a Covenant to be given by the applicants under the provisions of General Laws, Chapter 41, Section 81-U, and to the grant of easements and convey- ance of open land. (See Appendix) Legislative bulletin 32/69 was considered next and the progress of LEGISLATIVE several bills of interest to the Planning Board noted. BULLETIN P/B Meeting, August 4, 1969 -2 The plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass." dated February 3, FORM A #69-27 1967 by Miller and Nylander, showing lots 1 and 2 on Hartwell Ave. and HARTWELL AVE. - Westview St. submitted with Form A application #69-27 was reviewed by WESTVIEW ST. members of the Board and upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED: That said plan does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law. The plan was so endorsed by members of the Board. The planning director advised the Board that only about 150 copies of ZONING BY-LAW the Zoning By -Law remain and that it becomes necessary to reprint the REPRINTED entire By -Law at a cost of over $400 rather than replacing the amended pages. The draft of a letter to the town counsel regarding outstanding better- BETTERMENTS & ments and service charges in subdivisions was read and approved by the SERVICE CHARGES Board as prepared by the planning director. SUBDIVISIONS The request from the residents of Augustus Rd. for its acceptance as a AUGUSTUS RD. town way was considered next. It was decided to inform the residents ACCEPTANCE that the required work in the subdivision had not been completed and REQUEST until it is and the bond is released, the street cannot be accepted. The Board next discussed the adequacy of parking in the CB district at PARKING - Worthen Rd. and Bedford St. in the light of the recent building additions. WORTHEN RD. AT Mr. Worrell offered to summarize the problems and other possible zoning BEDFORD ST. matters in writing for the next meeting. A general discussion on zoning and other actions for the provision of housing for families of low and moderate income housing followed. The meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. 1 Francis T. Worrell Clerk LOW & MODERATE HOUSING ZONING P/B Meeting, August 4, 1969 1 APPENDIX C E R T I F I C A T E O F A C T I O N This is to certify that the Lexington Planning Board on August 4, 1969 approved the definitive subdivision plan entitled "'Oak Park' - Section II Lexington, Mass.", dated February 28, 1969, revised June 27, 1969, by Joseph W. Moore Co. Inc., submitted by Oak Park Corp., applicant, subject to the terms of a covenant to secure the construction of ways and utilities in this subdivision. Before endorsement of the Planning Board's approval on the plan, the applicant shall execute and deliver to the Planning Board, in form satisfactory to the Planning Board, the following: 1. Said covenant to secure the construction of the ways and installation of the utilities to serve all the lots in this subdivision. 2. A grant to the Town of Lexington of water, sewer and drain easements in Brook- wood Road and Fairfield Drive and drain easements in lots 8, 16 and 17 on said plan. 3. A deed or deeds conveying to the Town of Lexington parcels A,B, C, D, E and F on said plan, in accordance with the terms of the special permit by the Lexington Board of Appeals dated October 15, 1968. The streets in this subdivision shall be named Brookwood Road and Fairfield Drive, as shown on the subdivision plan. The duly advertised public hearing on this subdivision plan was held on May 12, 1969. This certificate is given under the provisions of Section 81-U of Chapter 41, General Laws. cc Oak Park Corp. Town Clerk Town Counsel Town Engineer Assessors LJ LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD By Alexander V. Zaleski Planning Director