HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-02-24PLANNING BOARD MEETING February 2.4, 1969 The meeting of the Planning Board was called to order by Chair- man Lund in its office at 2:40 p.m. instead of the scheduled time of 7:30 p.m,, February 24, 1969, because of a snow emergency. Members present at this meeting were Mrs. Riffin, Messrs. Clarke, Fowle, Worrell and planning director Zaleski. The plan submitted by Mrs. Goodwin with application Form A WESTWOOD- endorsement was reviewed by members of the Board and upon a motion NORTH FORM A duly madd and seconded, it was unanimously voted that approval under Subdivision Control Law is not required for the plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Massachusetts", dated January 29, 1969 by Everett M. Brooks, Co. C E or Surveyor (Westwood Road and North Street. The plan was endorsed by members of the Board. Drafts of reports prepared by members and the planning director ARTICLES were read and reviewed. Article #88 (lot division in violation of #88, #95, zoning) was approved. A corrected date of February 6 as date of hear- #96, #98 ing was noted on Article #95 prepared by the planning director. Articles #95 (Eliminate CG district at Lowell & North Street) and #96 (Eliminate CG district at Lowell & Woburn Streets) were discussed. Chairman Lund was in favor of combining the two articles and it was agreed that Mr. Zaleski and Mr. Worrell would get together on these ' two articles. Article #98 concerning change of setback line at Bed- ford Street, prepared by Mr. Worrell, was read by Chairman Lund. Changes were agreed upon and approval of the report as amended was voted. Chairman Lund read the draft of report on Article #99 (elimina- ARTICLES ting nursing homes as a permitted use) and #100 (for further regu #90, #100 lation of nursing homes and related uses) as submitted by Mr. Clarke. There were some questions about parking spaces and partitioning. There was discussion of the specified 6 beds per 1,000 population standard considered adequate now, but increases may be necessary as time goes on. The question of special institutional zoning being spot zoning was brought up. Reference was made to last year's Town Meeting request for an article taking nursing homes out of residence districts, not out of all districts. Mr. Zaleski questioned the legality of the last paragraph of article having institutional zones in RO districts. Mr. Clarke will modify the report on Articles #99 and #100. The report on Article #107, as submitted by Mr. Fowle, was re- ARTICLES viewed and minor changes made. Planning director Zaleski read the #107, #106 draft of the report on Article #106 on Garden Center definition and use. It was suggested that this Article be indefinitely postponed for further study. Town Meeting referral to PlannAng Board was recommended by the planning director as desirable. Mr. Fowle con- curred and motion was made and seconded that there be a recommendation for the referral of this Article #106 by the Town Meeting to the Planning Board for further studies. After brief discussion of this proposal, a motion was made by Mr. Worrell and seconded by Mrs. Riffin, including a statement of position. The planning director added the proposed statement to the report of the Planning Board and the approval of the report was voted by the Board. -2 - Mrs. Riffin read the draft of the report she had prepared on ' Article #101 for the rezoning to RM of land in back of Woburn Street for moderate income housing. In discussion of the draft, the chairman expressed his opinion, concurred in by the members, that an access from Massachusetts Avenue would not be practical or desirable. Mr. Worrell suggested that a statement regarding the impossibility of a requirement for the inclusion of a percentage of people from the town or other means of tenant selection suggested. There was some question concerning who should make the motion or who would be the most effective proponent. It was suggested that a representative of the Suburban Responsibilities Committee should be the spokesman for this article. The report will be modified by Mrs. Riffin and Mr. Zaleski in accordance with the recommendations of the Board for approval on March 3. 1 ARTICLE #101 The definitive plan of Longfellow Road extension subdivision LONGFELLOW was viewed. Since the acquisition of this land for conservation had RD. SUB - been previously voted, the planning director was asked to prepare DIVISION a letter to notify the Selectmen of receipt of plans. A date for a public hearing was set for April 7, 1969 at 8:00 p.m. The minutes of the Planning Board meeting of February 10, MINUTES 1969 were approved. The minutes of February 20, 1969 meeting APPROVED were approvedwith corrections in article numbers, as noted by the planning director. The executive session minutes of February 20, 1969 were accepted and approved. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to go into executive session to discuss matters which, if disclosed, could adversely affect the financial interest of the town. Following a discussion of Hayden -Woods, the cost of Valleyfield Trust land, and the possibility of the Conservation Commission coming into this matter, the Board voted to resume open meeting. Planning director Zaleski reported he had talked with the Town Engineer regarding the Hayden Woods sewer connections. There was some discussion of the question of grade and land development in regards to the sewer connections. It was decided to ask the Town Engineer to design the sewer within 750 feet of Hayden Avenue, rather than in conservation land, to the extent that the topography permits. EXECUTIVE SESSION HAYDEN WOODS SEWER The planning director informed the Board of Charles Cole's NAPOLI FARM proposal for apartments on Napoli farm and read a list of questions APARTMENTS he had regarding this proposal. Chairman Lund suggested the planning director ask Mr. Cole to plan to see the Planning Board after the Town Meeting. There was discussion of the legislative proposals before the LEGISLATIVE General Court and appearing or writing in opposition. The planning PROPOSALS director was asked to prepare letters in opposition or in support of bills which he considers of sufficient importance for such action. -3 - It was agreed to postpone the discussion of the remaining items on the agenda to the next meeting. The meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m. /Francis T. Worrell Clerk