HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-12-09PLANNING BOARD MEETING December 9, 1968 Meeting of the Planning Board in its office on Decem- ber 9, 1968 was called to order by the chairman, Mrs. Riffin, with members Clarke,Fowle, Lund, Worrell and planning direc- tor Zaleski present. Mr. Clarke mentioned that the selectmen were inquiring of the School Committee whether the need still exists to buy the school sites voted by the Town Meeting. It was de- cided to discuss the sites and take a position regarding the desirability of their acquisition by the town. At 7:45 p.m. Mr. Roe Hendrick, traffic consultant, met with the Board to discuss preliminary recommendations re- sulting from his study of Bedford St. -Hartwell Ave. traffic. Upon a motion duly made and seconded the Board VOTED to go into Executive Session to discuss matters which, if made public at this time, could adversely affect the financial interests of the town. The Board voted to resume open meet- ing at 8:45 p.m. Attorney Harold Stevens met with the Board to discuss the proposed citizens' article to establish a classifica- tion of "garden centers" and the regulations pertaining thereto. Numerous questions were asked by Board members as to what measures could be taken to prevent undue or improper uses of the proposal in a manner not intended. The minutes of the Planning Board meeting and Executive Session on December 2, 1968 were approved. Upon a motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously VOTED to approve the definitive subdivision plan of Carnegie Place subject to the terms and conditions of the covenant and subject to the condition that lots 18, 19A, 20A, 43A and 44A shall not be built upon without a prior written consent of the Board of Health. Upon a motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously VOTED the construction of ways and the installation of utili- ties in the Bloomfield St. subdivision having been completed to the satisfaction of the town in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement of January 17, 1966, upon ' the execution by the developer, Ralph H. Hall, Trustee, of a grant of utilities in the subdivision to the town in a form SCHOOL SITES BEDFORD ST. -HART - WELL AVE. TRAFFIC GARDEN CENTERS MINUTES CARNEGIE PLACE SUBDIVISION BLOOMFIELD ST. SUBDIVISION 1 1 1 December 9, 1968 -2- satisfactory to the town counsel, the town counsel is author- ized and requested to return to the developer the savings bank book N-25774 of the Lexington Federal Savings and Loan Associa- tion showing a deposited balance of $1000.00 now held by the Town, together with the assignment and the withdrawal slip. This will terminate the developer's obligations under their terms of said Agreement of January 17, 1966. The preparation of the annual report was discussed next and it was agreed that various portions of the report shall be prepared as follows: Mrs. Riffin: beautification, suburban responsibilities committee Fowle: nursing home zoning Worrell: sidewalks, planned unit development Lund: Hayden Woods Clarke: Design Advisory Group The news release on Hayden Woods prepared by Mr. Lund was discussed and approved. A memorandum from the State Dept. of Community Affairs requiring the submission of all requests for federal funds to the Dept. was read and noted. It was decided to verify that the selectmen are informed of this. Mr. Clarke reported on the meeting of the Design Advsory Group on December 5, 1968, for the purpose of formalizing the structure and operation of the Group and working out proced- ural requirements for greater participation and review of construction projects by the Planning Board and the Design Advisory Group. The proposed Article for the review of land conveyances and construction projects was discussed by the members of the Board. In general, the Board was in favor of the article although some clarification or more narrow inter- pretation of paragraph 2 may be desirable. ANNUAL REPORT HAYDEN WOODS PRESS RELEASE DEPT. OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS DESIGN ADV.GROUP The planning director reported on the extremely high WORTHEN RD. EXT. cost of constructing Worthen Rd. in the Clematis Rd. sub- division ($304,000) and across the Bowman School land ($77,000), as estimated by the town engineer. It was decided to inform Mr. Lind of the Trinity Covenant Church of these estimates. Articles for the 1969 Annual Town Meeting were reviewed ARTICLES FOR next and acted upon as follows: ANNUAL T.M. The Board then voted to insert articles for traffic ARTICLE FOR studies as proposed by Mr. Hendrick, one for the study of TRAFFIC STUDIES high accident intersections (with a possible reimbursement under Chapter 519, Act of 1967) and the other for the al- ternate ways of solving the North-South traffic problems between the center and Route 2. The meeting adjourned at 11:35 p.m. i Francis T. Worrell Clerk December 9, 1968 -3- t I. Approved and signed (Special Permit Requirements) II. Approved and signed (Reference to Use Schedule) III. Approved and signed (Accessory parking in R0, RS, RT) IV. Approved and signed (Compliance with Dimensional Regulations) V. Approved and signed (Lots reduced in violation of zoning) VI. Approved and signed (Yard definition incl. security stations) VII. Approved and signed (Street line definition) VIII. Approved and signed (Limiting SP to commercial greenhouses) IX. Approved and signed (Permitting accessory greenhouses) X. Approved and signed (Omitting CG district SW of Lowell/North Sts.) XI. Approved and signed (Omitting Laconia St. CG district) XII. Amended to alt. of 11.12 (Hinds Land acquisition) XIII. Amended to alt. of 11.12 (Crawford Land acquisition) XIV. Amended to alt. of 11.12 (Valleyfield Trust Land acquisition) XV. Approved and signed (Verdone Land acquisition) XVI. Approved and signed (Hayden Ave. CR rezoning) XVIII. Approved and signed subject to being omitted if the Recreation Commission agrees (Corazzini land acquisition) XIX. Amended, approved and signed (Omit occupancy permit, provide certificates) XX. Approved and signed (Rear and side yars next to R0, RS, RT, RM) XXI. Approved and signed (Eliminate nursing homes in R0, RS, RT, RM) XXII. Amended - to be 'signed (New institutional regulation) XXIII. Approved and signed subject to town counsel's approval (Mason St. easement) ' XXVIII. Approved and signed (Bedford St. setback from baseline) XXIX. Approved and signed (Woburn St. RM Zoning) 2 versions one to be discarded upon consultation with Atty. Kobrick The Board then voted to insert articles for traffic ARTICLE FOR studies as proposed by Mr. Hendrick, one for the study of TRAFFIC STUDIES high accident intersections (with a possible reimbursement under Chapter 519, Act of 1967) and the other for the al- ternate ways of solving the North-South traffic problems between the center and Route 2. The meeting adjourned at 11:35 p.m. i Francis T. Worrell Clerk EXECUTIVE SESSION OF PLANNING BOARD MEETING ' December 9, 1968 Mr. Hendrick described the present status of roads in the area and the existing proposals for the connection of Hartwell Rd. to Maguire Rd. in Bedford and the proposed extension of runways to- wards Lexington and towards Rte. 62. As a result of his studies, Mr. Hendrick believes that a con- nection between Hartwell Ave. and Rte. 128 would carry over 14,000 cars daily or about 1680 vehicles in peak hour, thus reducing the 22,000 daily vehicle load on Bedford St. by almost one-half. A previous proposal for widening Maguire Rd. and Hartwell Ave. and building an underpass at Bedford would cost some $1,160,000 and would not improve the conditions at Bedford St. A connection between Summer St. in Bedford and the junction of the proposed Rte. 128 connector with Hartwell Ave. would be of limited value (165 cars in peak hour). Traffic counts have shown a maximum of 2412 cars per hour on the inside lane on Rte. 128 at B & M RR. bridge, the other lanes running lower (1400+ per hour). The total per hour load on Rte. 128 is 11,000 cars and a total ADT is about 172,000 vehicles. The taking for the connector would re- quire about 15 acres of land. A general discussion of various possibilities followed. Mrs. Riffin reported that the Conservation Commission has been offered by Modoono 7.5 acres land accessible from Vine Street via a 12 ft. right-of-way at $2000+ per acre.