HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-09-30PLANNING BOARD MEETING ISeptember 30, 1968 The meeting of the Planning Board was held in their of- fice, Town Office Building, on Monday, September 30, 1968. The chairman, Mrs. Riffin, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with members Worrell, Clarke, Fowle, planning director Zaleski and Planning Board secretary, Mrs. Savet, present. Mr. Nickerson, chairman of the Board of Appeals, and Messrs. Wadsworth and Dawes, members of the Board of Appeals, met with the Planning Board to discuss the Drummer Boy land. The Board of Appeals feels that this subdivision is against the intent of the Zoning By -Law and before they make a de- cision wanted a few things cleared up regarding the layout. Mr. Wadsworth felt that it was the intent of "cluster" zon- ing to provide self-contained subdivisions centered on a cul-de-sac and that the Drummer Boy plan in which 20,000 s.f. lots face conventional 30,000 s.f. lots across a subdivision street was not what the town meeting expected. Mrs. Riffin explained that this is more or less a town -wide situation and that there are other subdivisions in town that also have 30,000 s.f. lots facing smaller lots across a street. Cluster zoning is limited but will always abut in some way on someone not in a cluster area. Mr. Wadsworth brought up the fact that he did not think this was a legal zoning of the area. Mr. Zaleski compared Paddock Lane to Drummer Boy in which "cluster" lots also face Marrett Rd. By comparison Drummer Boy is a sub- division where this condition is less acute. Mr. Nickerson concluded by saying that they would have to think about it fur- ther. He also said that there would be the condition that no use be made of Hadley Rd. during construction. The Board of Appeals was told that Parcels A, D and B should be given to the Town, while C will be conveyed to the home owners for re- creational purposes. The Board of Appeals left after announc- ing their intention of pondering over all that had been said before they take a vote. Mr. Harold Goldberg met with the Planning Board and pro- duced maps and slides of the area in which they would like very much to have a swimming club. He wants the Planning Board's support on this, as his petition was denied by the Board of Appeals. After a short discussion with Mr. Goldberg, the Board decided to take this up another time and inform him of their decision. The release of lots 27, G and H in the Lowell Estates sub- division, requested by Atty. S. Russian was discussed next and the Board VOTED: r To request the Town Counsel to prepare for execution by the Planning Board a release of lots F, G, H and lot 27 on B/A RE DRUMMER BOY VINEBROOK SWIM CORP. LOTS 27, G & H LOWELL ESTATES September 30, 1968 -2- the definitive subdivision plan entitled "Lowell Estates, Lexington, Mass.," dated December 9, 1958, recorded in Middlesex South Deeds as plan 533 of 1959 in book 9358, page 204, from the provision of the Covenant dated Febru- ary 13, 1959, given by George J. and John S. DeVries, d/b/a Lexington Development Company, that "the ways and services to serve any lot in said subdivision shall be installed and constructed in accordance with the rule and regulations of the Lexington Planning Board before such lot may be conveyed." The release is solely for the purpose of combining the land encompassed by these lots with adjacent land to the southwest for the purpose of eventual resubdivision and not for use as separate building lots. The action on plan submitted with Form A #68-29 showing these lots was postponed until the re- lease is effective. The minutes of the meeting of September 23, 1968, were MINUTES reviewed by the Board and the Board discussed the extension of Worthen Rd. The minutes were approved as corrected. Mrs. Riffin read an excerpt from a letter by the Select- WORKABLE PROGRAM men regarding the Workable Program. Copies of this excerpt will be sent to the Board members. A Mr. Julian Steele of the State Dept. of Commerce and CONSULTANT Development is to be invited to attend the next Board meet- ing to discuss the Workable Program with the Planning Board. Mr. Fowle recommended that a consultant definitely be in- volved so that the planning director's time will not be tied up. A motion was made and seconded that the Planning Board would prepare a workable program with the aid of a consult- ant. Funds should be requested from the Selectmen to carry on the work of this Program. It should not come out of the budget of the Planning Board. It was so voted. Mrs. Riffin next read a letter from Jack Mitchell, of CAPITAL EXP. the Capital Expenditures Committee. They would like to meet COMMITTEE with the Planning Board on October 14, 1968. Copies of the capital expenditures budget will be sent to the Board mem- bers. The Board next reviewed the plan entitled "Plan of Land FORM A #68-28 in Lexington, Mass.," dated September 9, 1968, by Miller & CONCORD AVE. Nylander showing lots 1, 2, and 3 on Concord Ave. with Form A #68-28 and upon a motion duly made and seconded it was voted that this plan does not require approval under the subdivision control law since lots 2B and 2C shall be conveyed to and be- come parts of lots 3 and 1 respectively. The plan was so en- dorsed by members of the Board. The notice of the Historic Districts Commission hearing HISTORIC DIST. was reviewed by the members of the Board and placed on file. 1 1 September 30, 1968 -3- Notices of Board of Appeals decisions were read and placed on file: A. Glick - Granted; J. Asadoorian - Denied; Vinebrook Swim Corp. - Denied; Arthur R. Douglass - Granted. WCOP, Drummer Boy and Lexington Gardens are being held. The notices of Board of Appeals hearings on October 15, 1968 were reviewed next. Mr. Worrell made a motion, which was not seconded, to write to the Board of Appeals in oppo- sition to the petition of Ralph Semon for a variance from yard regulations on Bedford St. Mrs. Riffin read a letter written to Donald Sleeper by Mr. Legro re Ingleside - Carnegie P1. The letter was noted and placed on file. A letter from the Dept. of Natural Resources re Kennecott Copper in connection with the Hatch Act was read by Mrs. Riffin. This concerns their new addition, the road from which goes to Hayden Ave., crossing a brook and must get approval. The Conservation Commission joined the Planning Board at 9:30 p.m. Upon a motion duly made and seconded it was voted to go into executive session for the purpose of discussing matters, the premature disclosure of which could adversely affect the financial interests of the Town, or the reputa- tion of any person. Following a discussion of land acquisition, the meet- ing adjourned at 11:15 p.m. Francis T. Worrell Clerk B/A DECISIONS B/A NOTICES INGLESIDE - CARNEGIE PL. KENNECOTT COPP. HATCH ACT CONSERVATION COMMISSION 1 1 PLANNING BOARD EXECUTIVE SESSION MINUTES September 30, 1968 The Planning Board met with the Conservation Commission at 9:30 p.m. to discuss land acquisition. A table of superblocks had been prepared by planning director Zaleski for the study of both groups. There are approximately 500 acres for acqui- sition. Mr. Sussman felt that this table should be treated as a confidential paper by both Boards and is not public information. The Conservation Commission is negotiating for the purchase of 5 front lots owned by Mr. West at Oak St., at approximately $6,000 per lot or $17,500 per acre, and subject to the right of the Wests to use the land during their lifetime. Mrs. Riffin reported on the status of negotiations for the purchase of back land and the rezoning of front land at Hayden Ave. The firm of Bolt, Beranek and Newman are interested in purchasing this land, but the rear boundary of land to be rezoned has not been determined because the Valleyfield Trust has not agreed to sell their land and the architect (Mr. Beckwith of Anderson, Beckwith and Haible) is preparing a layout to determine the land needs. It was decided to invite a representative of Bolt, Beranek and Newman and a representative of the Conservation Commission to the next Planning Board meeting since appropriation for the purchase of rear land must be requested by October 14. The Conservation Commission reported on the possibility of acquiring 11.3 acres of so-called Pinard land between the Steeves land to be pur- chased by the town and the Laconia school site. The Planning Board was generally in favor of the acquisition with reservations as regards the pur- pose (whether conservation or general town purposes) and the need of leaving out space for the Emerson Rd. Mrs. Frick told of her negotiations for the purchase of Juniper Hill for conservation. Mrs. Sadler, theowner, has no desire to sell and has not responded to the invitation to meet with the Conservation Commission. Mr. Cowles, who owns the adjacent land on Spring St., is asking $14,000 per acre, which is too much, but would be willing to lower the price if his land across Spring St. is rezoned. The land between Hayes Lane and Vine St., which has a high priority for acquisition will be viewed by members of the Commission and of the Board on October 5, beginning at Vine St., at 2:00 p.m. Mr. Sussman stated that in his opinion another meeting of the Conser- vation Commission and the Planning Board will be needed, suggesting Octo- ber 7, 1968, after the Planning Board has completed its current business, as the time. The Planning Director pointed out that the Conservation Commission has consistently failed to negotiate the acquisition of parcels agreed upon or Executive sessions 4/30/68 -2- planned, attempting instead to negotiate the purchase lands of low priority or not included in the acquisition program at all (such as Cowles' or Drummer Boy). It is therefore impossible to submit a budget for the bonding of $500,000 or $700,000 worth of specific parcels in line with the recommenda- tions of the Capital Expenditures Committee. Mr. Fowle suggested that the list of priority acquisitions agreed upon in the meetings with the Conser- vation Commission on June 10 and July 1 could be used for this purpose, even though only two of the owners concerned had been contacted. The meeting adjourned at 11:15 p.m. 1 r