HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-06-17PLANNING BOARD MEETING I June 17, 1968 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in its office, Town Office Building, on Monday, June 17, 1968. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Mrs. Riffin, at 7:30 p.m, with members Worrell, Clarke, Fowle, Lund, Planning Director Zaleski and Planning Intern Fouratt present. The minutes of the meeting of June 10, 1968, were ap- proved. Upon a motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously voted to reduce the penal sum of the following surety bonds for the construction of ways and utilities in the Minute Man Highlands Section IV subdivision and the obligations of the developer thereunder, the required work having been partially, but not fully completed to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer: Bond No. S576708 from $7,500 to $1,500 Bond No. S611138 from $6,000 to $2,000 MINUTES MINUTE MAN HIGHLANDS SECTION IV Messrs. Nelson and J. Moore met with the Board to dis- DRUMMER BOY cuss a revised layout of a subidivison of the Drummer Boy Land, ' consisting of a portion laid out as a conventional layout and the remainder as a planned unit development. The plans were reviewed by members of the Board and various aspects of the pro- posed layout discussed. The chairman reported on the proposed formation of a com- DISADVANTAGED mittee by the Selectmen to seek solutions to the problems of MINORITY GROUPS the core city and of the disadvantaged minority groups. Mr. Worrell volunteered to serve on such committee. It was agreed that Mr. Worrell would be designated as the Board's representa- tive and Mrs. Riffin as alternate. A plan submitted by Mr. & Mrs. John Sellars, with Form A application #68-17, showing land at 430 Concord Ave. was re- viewed by members of the Board and upon a motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously voted that approval under the sub- division control law is not required of the plan entitled "Com- piled Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.," dated June 11, 1968, by Miller & Nylander. The plan was so endorsed by members of the Board. A letter from the Town Engineer relative to the Oak Park Section II subdivision was read and discussed. At 8:30 p.m. Mr. Temple Scanlon, chairman of the Lexing- ton Housing Authority, met with the Board to explore the feasibility of low income housing in Lexington. It was the position of Mr. Scadlon that the Housing Authority can not FORM A #68-17 APPLICATION OAK PARK SEC.II HOUSING AUTH. 6-17-68 -2- initiate any projects other than the Housing for the Elderly until it is instructed to do so by the Town Meeting after an appropriate study of the needs. Mr. Scanlon was also of the opinion that the Lexington Housing Authority is there to serve the Town of Lexington. It was pointed out that the townwide Selectmen's Committee on Urban Responsibility may be the proper vehicle to coordinate efforts to relieve some of the housing and other problems of the core city. After a general dis- cussion Mr. Scanlon withdrew. A letter recommending favorable consideration by the Board of Appeals of the proposed Kennecott Copper addition was reviewed and approved with a modification. Board of Appeals notices as follows were read and discussed: Rycroft Adler Kennecott Copper Honeywell Andonian Sullivan Cunningham Hardware It was decided that so far as possible the Planning Director should investigate the background of Board of Appeals petitions The minutes of Selectmen's meeting of June 10, 1968 were noted and placed on file. A notice of Governor's Conference on June 27 and 28 was read and it was agreed that the Planning Director should at- tend, if practicable. The Town Engineer's comments on the proposed Liberty Mutual Building on Bedford St. were read and noted. The Board then resumed its discussion of the Oak Park II subdivision plan. It was decided to check with members of the Design Advisory Group regarding some of the prob- lems caused by the de*iations of the proposed layout from the Subdivision Regulations. The letter to Mr. Jaquith in reply to his comments on the new Zoning By -Law was reviewed and approved with modi- fications. ' The land of Napoli at Marrett Rd. and Middle St. was considered next and the possibility of acquiring the wet area near Marrett Rd, containing about 4 acres was discussed. It was decided to advise the Conservation Commission of the possibility. KENNECOTT COPPER CORP. B/A APPEALS SELECTMEN"S MINUTES GOVERNOR'S CONFERENCE LIBERTY MUTUAL BUILDING OAK PARK II JAQUITH NAPOLI F r 1 6-17-68 -3- A letter from Mr. Essarian requesting certain modi- ESSARIAN - ficiations of his preliminary subdivision plan of Woodbridge WOODBRIDGE EST.II Estates II was discussed and upon a motion duly made and seconded it was VOTED: 1. To Waive the requirement for sidewalk in this subdivision; 2. To permit a 24 ft. wide pavement with 1 ft. bituminous berms; 3. To permit a 40 ft. outside radius of the turning circle; 4. To name the proposed street Carmel Circle The question of the pedestrian easement between Nicker- PEDESTRIAN §dh Rd. and Estabrook Rd. was discussed next and it was EASEMENT decided to request the Selectmen to provide for the in- stallation at town expense of a 5 ft. wide bituminous walk with fences 2 ft. away from each edge of the walk. Reds could be planted by Town, if requested by the residents, who would maintain them. The proposed work-study program employing 5 students WORK STUDY this summer for traffic studies, students to be paid by the PROGRAM concerned departments of the town the non-federal share of their compensation, including $250 by the Planning Board, was discussed and approved. A summary of replies to the Division of Planning QUESTIONNAIRE questionnaire on planning and zoning legislation was noted and it was decided to distribute copies to Board members. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m. Francis T. Worrell Clerk