HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-11-27PLANNING BOARD MEETING ' November 27,1967 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in its office, Town Office Building, on Monday, November 277 1967. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mrs. Riffin, acting chairman, with members Fowle and Worrell; and Planning Director Zaleski present. Minutes of Planning Board meeting of November 20, 1967 MINUTES were approved. Mr. Standish of Liberty Mutual Insurance Co. met with the Board to explain their plans for the former C. J. Maney LIBERTY MUTUAL (and later Stevens) parcel of land at Bedford St. It is INSURANCE CO. proposed to build a 2 story 80' x 100' office building (13,200 sq.ft, office space, 8,000 sq.ft. per floor, 1,000 sq.ft, base- ment) for the Liberty Mutual use, capable of accommodating 70 employees with parking spaces provided for about 100 cars, although the initial employee occupancy will be about 35. Liberty Mutual would like to acquire adjacent K of C land for protection. If K of C land is bought, Liberty Mutual would straighten out the boundary and later possibly sell the sur- plus land for a compatible land use. ' The Recreation Committee (Messrs. Bond, Hayes, Hanson, Sparrow and Recreation Director Bertini) met with the RECREATION COMM. Board for a discussion of proposed recreation developments. Land acquisition proposed is limited to an extension of Har- rington Playground. A number of improvements to existing town - owned areas are also proposed. Mr. Bond informed the Board that M. Cortell's estimate for the filter system and bath- houses at Old Reservoir is $12,860. The Committee is not sure that this amount is adequate and considers a swimming pool for Harrington Playground as having a higher priority. The question of fill for North St. pond was discussed next and it was the consensus that neither the Recreation Committee nor the Planning Board are authorities on the physical and chemical properties of the fill material and should limit its recommenda- tions to desirability of building up a recreation area with good fill.. Mr. Lund joined the meeting at 8:50 p.m. Mr. Tillinghast presented a plan for the remodeling of the old house at 465 Massachusetts Ave. into a two-family TILLINGHAST dwelling with additional four families accommodated in the re- 465 MASS. AVE. modeled barn and one more family in the small house. The historic appearance of the buildings would be preserved in re- modeling or rebuilding. The Board took the matter under advise- ment. It was decided to ask the Recreation Committee whether 11-27-67 -2- tax title lots 52, 53 Valleyfield St. can be developed as a neighborhood playground. Mr. Lund reported on his conversation with Mr. Harold Stevens relative to the rezoning of Bedford St. land to CS for a Ford dealership and the possibility of locating a hotel next to the CS area. t Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board unani- mously VOTED: to extend to December 19, 1967 inclusive the time CAROL LANE within which action must be taken on the definitive CENTRE EST. subdivision plan of Carol La. (Centre Estates), dated August 28, 1967, as was requested by the developer, Todd Realty, Inc. The Board next adjourned to the Selectmen's office for MEETING WITH a joint meeting. Mrs. Riffin asked abouts.the future of SELECTMEN Lincoln St. area. Mr. Cataldo replied that there are numerous problems, the first need is money for design, ultimate cost may be $500-600,000 including the solution of drainage and gas problems. Water mains, l ft. of gravel and 6-8" of top- soil will be needed. Mr. Cole promised to furnish copies of the Cortell report on Old Reservoir to the Planning Board. Mr. Cole also advised the Board that the meeting with Mr. Mooney of Air Port Authority had been indefinitely postponed because there are no plans for Bedford Airport as yet. , The Board of Selectmen then voted to discuss in executive session with the Planning Board and the Recreation Committee matters the premature disclosure of which would ad- versely affect the financial interests of the Town. Follow- ing a discussion of lands slated for acquisition by the Town, the executive session was dissolved and the Planning Board resumed open meeting in its office. It was decided to schedule a meeting with G.B.Macomber Co. relative to Spring St. rezoning on December 4th. The meeting adjourned11:05 p.m. ?t ver`�F le Clerk t