HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-11-06PLANNING BOARD MEETING ' November 6, 1967 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in its office, Town Office Building, on Monday, November 6, 1967. The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Riffin, vice chairman, at 7:30 p.m. with members Fowls, Lund and Worrell, and Planning Director Zaleski present. Minutes of Planning Board meeting of October 30, 1967 MINUTES were approved. Mr. Robert Bond, chairman of Recreation Committee, met with the Board to discuss the possibility of using the big pond RECREATION COM. among old gravel pits at North St. for swimming. The Board - suggested that further study may be needed to determine the NORTH ST. pros and cons of filling the little,pond with salt water type of fill and developing the area for swimming. The Board also stressed the need to speed the construction of the swimming pool in the center playground. The Board agreed to help expe- dite this, if possible. Draft of letter to the Selectmen relative to the em- ployment of a negotiator was distributed to Board members. ' Plan submitted with Form A #67-46, as follows, was re- viewed by members and it was noted that the lots substantially FORMS A agree with lots recorded in 1941. The Board voted to endorse the plan as not requiring approval under the Subdivision Control Law. #67-46, submitted by Robert H. Dunning, Oct.31, 1967; Dunning plan entitled "Plan of Land, Lexington, Mass..", dated Oct. 21, 1967, by Robert H. Dunning, Surveyor. Plan submitted with Form A #67-47, as follows, was re- viewed by members of the Board. It was noted that lot 15B does not have the frontage required under the zoning by-law. The Board voted that the plan as submitted requires approval under the Subdivision Control Law. #67-47, submitted Oct. 31, 1967 by Kingston Homes, Inc., Kingston Homes plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated 9/14/67 by MacCarthy Engineering. The Board met next with Dr. Verdone. Upon a motion duly made and seconded the Board voted to go into executive VERDONE session to discuss matters the premature disclosure of which may adversely affect the financial interest of the Town. Following a discussion of land acquisition the Board voted to resume open meeting. 11-6-67 -2- CONESTOGA RD. Letter from Town Counsel relative to Conestoga Rd. sub- division, advising against a temporary approval with septic tanks, was read and noted. I It was decided to recommend to the Selectmen that an COPIER electrostatic copier be acquired for use by all departments in Town Office Building. BUDGET Next discussed was the 1968 operating budget. The proposed budget was approved (see addenda). FORD DEALER- The Board next took up the discussion of the proposal SHIP to locate a Ford dealership in CH 1. Various possibilities were considered and it was decided to explore the possibili- ties further. Mr. Robert Whitman, Chairman of the Citizens Planning CITIZENS PLAN- Organization, met with the Board to advise them that on NING ORGANIZA- December 6 the L.W.V. would hold a meeting at which time a TION 45 minute presentation regarding the progress of the 701 Master Plan Study would be made by George Johnson of,M & E, introduced by Mr. V. T. Boughton. Participation by the Planning Board may be desirable. The Board felt that such presentation may be pre- mature in view of the delay in the completion of the study. Mr. Whitman agreed to convey this. Notices of Board of Appeals hearings to be held on , Nov. 21, 1967, as follows, were read: Norbert Todtenkopt Gerald Jones George Sullivan Raymond Bell Pasquale Barbieri Adolph Cuccinello Lexington Trust Co. Dunfey-Lexington Trust It was decided to postpone the review and discussion of these petitions for one week. The Board then met with Mesdames Battin and Relman and Messrs. Bryson and Adams of the Structure of Government Com- mittee for a discussion of their proposals. The meeting adjourned at 11:05 P. vert N. Fowl , Clerk 1 41850. 3,730. 1 1968 BUDGET ESTIMATE - PERSONAL SERVICES Planning Director S26C 12,487 S26D 12964 12,845 Planning Intern S7F 6,339 S15A 6339 29060 17 weeks SH 5410 22 wks SH, 1/2 time Secretary S7F 5,410 S7A 4351 31824 32.2 wks S7A full time incl.2 wks.overlap for familiarization. $18,729 EXPENSES 1967 1968 1650-205 Office supplies 350. 275. 208 Reproduction supplies 170. 200. 210 Books & subscriptions 5b. 150. PAS sub. included 305 Printing & stationery 650. 650. 100, 307 Printing, reports 308 Reproducing-services 250. 100. 310 Postage 20. 25. ' 325 Legal advertising 1,500. 1,000. 335 Car and travel 360. 360. 340 Professional services 500. 500. 385 Tuition 300. - 399 Contractual services 200. 150. 405 Dues & membership 200. 120. PAS sub. excluded 510 Office equipment 300. 300. Filing cabinets, chairs 41850. 3,730. 1