HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-10-02PLANNING BOARD MEETING ' October 2, 1967 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in its office, Town Office Building, on Monday, October 2, 1967. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Greeley at 7:30 p.m. with members Fowle, Riffin and Worrell, and Planning Director Zaleski present. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board VOTED: to release all security held by the Town to ensure the CARRIAGE DR. completion of all work in the Carriage Drive subdivi- RELEASE sion, all required construction work having been com- pleted to the satisfaction of the Planning Board and the Town Engineer. The Board voted to extend to October 17, 1967 inclu- sive the time within which it must act on the definitive plan CONESTOGA RD. of Conestoga Rd. (Woodside Acres) subdivision, as requested by the developer. The Board voted to extend to October 17, 1967, inclu- sive the time within which the Board must take action on the CARNEGIE PL. definitive subdivision plan of Carnegie P1. (Ingleside) sub- division, as requested by the developer. A letter from Paul W. Nelson relative to Drummer Boy land subdivision was discussed at some length. The majority DRUMMER BOY of the Board was in favor of a connection between Bedford St. LAND at Hartwell Ave. and Grove St., provided such connection has - a couple of turns to discourage speeding. Mr. Worrell ex- NELSON pressed serious reservations about any connection. The Board also agreed that the use of a connection to Bedford St. would only be permitted if the intersection were designed to accommo- date such additional traffic to State standards. The Board decided to inquire of the State Dept. of Public Works re- garding their recommendations for the Bedford St. intersection and to consider in the meantime a limited number of turning movements at this point (right turns only). Streets in the subdivision should have 50 ft. rights-of-way. It was also decided to keep the Design Advisory Group informed of the Board's decisions. The establishment of a neighborhood shopping area as indicated was favored by the Board. The Board also agreed to seek a reduction of the total number of lots to exclude land not suitable for development (under power lines, in swamp, etc.) ' The revised draft of "Planning Board Highlights" was "HIGHLIGHTS" read and discussed Next. It was approved with minor modi- fications. 10-2-67 -2- CAPITAL EXPEND- Mr. Chapin cam a in and invited the Board to a joint ITURES COMM. meeting to discuss Planning Board's program of capital ex- penditures. It was decided to meet at 8:30 p.m. on Oct. 23rd. Letter from several residents of Wheeler Rd. relative WHEELER RD. to zoning control of commercial vehicles in R 1 districts ZONING PROPOSALS and to the enforcement of zoning by-laws was read next. It was decided to study the proposals and to refer copies to the Selectmen, the Town Counsel and the Building Inspector for comments. Notices of Mass. Federation of Planning Boards' meeting on October 28 and of a testimonial dinner for L. Smith on October 17 were read and placed on file. The Board decided to advise Mr. Irwin that the Board SMALL BLDGS. has no objection to his proposal to exempt certain small buildings from permit requirements. It was decided to invite Mr. L. Stevens to disclose his BEDFORD ST. prospects for Bedford St. (Maney) land or else the Board would have to prepare articles for a town meeting. The discussion of the "Interim Conservation Plan" was postponed for one week. It was agreed to invite Mr. Legro to a next meeting to discuss the presentation of zoning changes and of the codified by-law in next year's town meetings. Mr. Zaleski offered to distribute to Board members tentative schedule of land acquisition projects for the next few years. Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Board on Septem- MINUTES ber 25, 1967 were approved. The meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. Evert N. Fowle, Clerk 1 1 1