HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-09-11PLANNING BOARD MEETING ' September 11, 1967 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held on Monday, September 11, 1967 in its office, Town Office Building. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Greeley at 7:30 p.m, with members Fowle, Lund, Riffin and Worrell and Planning Director Zaleski present. The Board voted to release Lot 6 in the Brigham Rd. BRIGHAM RD. (Hancock Estates) and executed the release. The Board voted to reduce the penal sum of the surety for the construction of Circle Rd. (Green Valley Sec. VII) GREEN VALLEY from $3,000 to $1,000, the required work having been partially SEC. VII but not fully performed to the satisfaction of the Town Engi- BUSA neer and the Planning Board. Upon a motion duly made and seconded the Board unani- mously voted to extend the time for action on the definitive subdivision plan of Conestoga Rd. (Woodside Acres) to October 3, 1967, inclusive, as requested by the developer. Upon a motion duly made and seconded the Board voted ' to extend the time for its action on the definitive subdi- vision plan of Carnegie P1. (Ingleside) to October 3, 1967 inclusive as requested by the developer. Mr. O'Brien and architect James Sullivan met with the Board regarding the proposed Instrumentation Laboratory plant off Hartwell Ave. near Wood St. The question of parking lot grades was discussed at some length and it was decided to re- quire the detailed design to be approved by the Town Engineer, provided the overall grade of the parking area would not exceed the maximum feasible, the driveway grade would not exceed 122 and grass slopes 2:1 ratio. The draft of the Board's letter to the Board of Appeals was modified to include the above recommendations. Mr. Wiederhold, Dr. Barrett and Mr. VanBuren of Sun Valley met with the Board to discuss the meaning of the pro- vision permitting the parking of one commercial vehicle next to a house with a specific reference to truck parking at 4 Wheeler Rd. The Board decided to take the matter of possible amendment to limit the size of such commercial vehicle under advisement. The draft of the zoning questionnaire replies for the Legislative Research Bureau was reviewed by the Board and approved with some modifications. ' Next considered was the draft of letter to the Board of Appeals relative to a Finding and Determination that a CONESTOGA RD. (WOODSIDE ACRES) CARNEGIE PL. (INGLESIDE) INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY, INC. COMMERCIAL PARKING - 4 WHEELER RD. LEGISLATIVE QUESTIONNAIRE 9-11-67 -2- BOARD OF APPEALS proposed Coca-Cola plant at Hartwell Ave. would constitute a suitable development. Several amendments were decided Coca-Cola upon and incorporated in the letter as regards the size and screening of the truck parking area. Honeywell Corp. A letter recommending the granting of front yard variance to the Honeywell Corp. at Forbes Rd. was approved. A petition for a variance to permit a swimming pool 7 Cummings Ave, at 7 Cummings Ave. to extend from 4 ft. back of the house to within 10 ft. of the rear property line was reviewed next. By a majority vote the Board decided to oppose the variance because of likely detrimental effect on the neigh- borhood of the proposed excessive lot coverage by structures. The Board next voted to oppose the granting of a Simonds & variance to permit the erection of a house at the corner of Dexter Rds. Simonds and Dexter Rds. and within 17 feet of the latter. The Board was of the opinion that a different shape and location of the proposed house would obviate the need for a variance. 5 Bryant Rd. A petition for Board of Appeals variance for 5 Bryant Rd. was considered and the Board decided to make no recom- mendations. DENVER ST. Two letters from Atty. Blair Perry relative to the PERRY status of Denver St. were noted and placed on file. ' It was agreed to submit to the Selectmen the draft of C 2 DISTRICTS a letter to property owners in C 2 districts and to ask that the letter be signed by the chairmen of the Board,of Select- men and the Capital Expenditures Committee as well as by the Chairman of the Planning Board (see addendum). Permit to fill portions of Belmont Country Club in BELMONT COUNTRY Lexington under the provisions of the Hatch Act was noted CLUB - HATCH ACT and placed on file. It was decided to request advance notification of future hearings on inland wetlands fill or excavation. Town engineer's comments on the proposed subdivision C 4 - WORTHEN RD. for offices at Worthen Rd. were reviewed next and the Plan- ning Director was asked to discuss the basis for some of the recommendations with the Town ENgineer. DESIGN ADVISORY Invitation to the Design Advisory Group to meet with GROUP the Board on September 18, 1967 was noted. The Board decided to recommend that State Senator HOUSE BILL 5092 R. Mackenzie and Rep. L. Cole oppose House Bill 5092 as not ' being in the best interests of the town. Copies of plans not requiring approval and endorsed 9-11-67 The meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m. 4 Evert N. Fowle, Clerk ADDENDA To Owners of properties in the C 2 (Central Business) zone, other than in the Clarke-Meriam to Waltham -Edison Way area. Dear Sirs: You will recall that the Town Meeting, on June 12, 1967, declined to enact the amendment to the Town Zoning By -Law which would require owners of property in most parts of the C 2 Dis- trict to provide off-street parking facilities on their lots - an amendment proposed by the Planning Board. The undersigned Town Boards wish to call to your attention that we do not interpret that vote to be, in any sense, an indica- -3- FORMS A BY-LAW AND MAP FORM A First Congre- gational Society MINUTES PLANNING BOARD MEETING POLICY as such by the Planning Director in August were reviewed briefly and placed on file. The Planning Director advised the Board that the Zoning By -Law and Map had to be reprinted. Plan submitted with Form A #67-36, as follows, was reviewed by members of the Board and endorsed as not re- quiring approval under the Subdivision Control Law: #67-B6, submitted Sept. 11, 1967 by Norman T. May; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated August 25, 1967,.Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. The minutes of Planning Board meeting of July 31, 1967 were approved. Following a brief discussion regarding the ways of expediting matters under consideration by the Board and devoting more time to long range planning, the Board decided: a. To limit debate and discussion with persons bring- ing matters before the Board. b. To reserve some meetings exclusively for planning ' discussion. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m. 4 Evert N. Fowle, Clerk ADDENDA To Owners of properties in the C 2 (Central Business) zone, other than in the Clarke-Meriam to Waltham -Edison Way area. Dear Sirs: You will recall that the Town Meeting, on June 12, 1967, declined to enact the amendment to the Town Zoning By -Law which would require owners of property in most parts of the C 2 Dis- trict to provide off-street parking facilities on their lots - an amendment proposed by the Planning Board. The undersigned Town Boards wish to call to your attention that we do not interpret that vote to be, in any sense, an indica- -3- FORMS A BY-LAW AND MAP FORM A First Congre- gational Society MINUTES PLANNING BOARD MEETING POLICY 9-11-67 tion of intention on the part of the Town to provide off-street parking as needed in these districts. The arguments offered at Town Meeting, that prudent property owners would recognize that they must provide parking for their personnel and customers (and thus the amendment was unnecessary) seemed to us to have been per- suasive. The minimum proposed by the Planning Board of the parking area being equal to the built-up area would in most cases fall short of meeting the needs. Parking should be provided at the ration of one parking space for every 100-150 sq.ft. of floor area of a building. We urge you, on your own behalf as well as for the future well-being of the Town, not to develop your property on the assump- tion that the parking capacity needed to serve it will be provided elsewhere. We foresee no likelihood that the Town will undertake to provide off-street parking facilities in your area. -3- If you have questions about the parking situation, and present plans for the future development, the Planning Board would welcome you at one of their meetings in the near future, by appoint- ment. Yours very truly, (To be signed by Chairmen of Planning Board, Board of Selectmen, ' Capital Expenditures Committee and Appropriations Committee.) 1