HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-07-24PLANNING BOARD MEETING
' July 24, 1967
A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held
on Monday, July 24, 1967 in its office, Town Office Building. The
meeting was called to order by Chairman Greeley at 7:30 p.m. with
members Fowle, Lund, Riffin and Worrell, and Planning Director
Zaleski present.
Minutes of the meeting of July 10, 1967 were approved.
Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board unanimously
VOTED: 1. To extend the time within which the Board must act on the
definitive subdivision plan of Bushnell Rd., entitled
"Loring Hill Estates, Section V" to August 29, 1967, as
requested by the applicant, William Sullivan.
2. To authorize its Planning Director, Alexander V. Zaleski,
to authorize the preparation of a Covenant and other instru-
ments for the approval of the Bushnell Rd. subdivision and
to notify the Town Clerk and others of the approval of the
subdivision upon the satisfactory completion by the appli-
cant of all Planning Board's requirements.
Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board unanimously
VOTED: 1. To extend the time within which the Board must act on the
definitive subdivision plan of Carnegie Place, entitled
"Ingleside" to August 29, 1967, as requested by the appli-
cant, Emilio Spagnuola.
2. To authorize its Planning Director, Alexander V. Zaleski,
to authorize the preparation of a Covenant and other instru-
ments for the approval of the Carnegie Place subdivision and
to notify the Town Clerk and others of the approval of the
subdivision upon the satisfactory completion by the applicant
of all Planning Board's requirements.
Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board unanimously
VOTED: 1. To extend the time within which the Board must act on the
definitive subdivision plan of Conestoga Rd., entitled "Wood- CONESTOGA RD.
side Acres" to August 29, 1967, as requested by the appli- WOODSIDE ACRES
cant, Ernest E. Outhet.
2. To authorize its Planning Director, Alexander V. Zaleski
to authorize the preparation of a Covenant and other instru-
ments for the approval of the Conestoga Rd. subdivision and
to notify the Town Clerk and others of the approval of the
subdivision upon the satisfactory completion by the appli-
cant of all Planning Board's requirements.
' The Board then met with Mr. Chester Lidberg relative to
plan submitted with Form A #67-30, dntitled "Subdivision Plan of
Land, Lexington, Mass.", dated July 19, 1967 by Henry F. Bryant
& Son, Inc. The Board pointed out that the plan as submitted
FORM A did not qualify for endorsement since one of the two lots had '
LIDBERG only about 71 feet frontage on Emerson Rd. and suggested alter-
nate methods for the subdivision of Mr. Lidberg's land. There-
upon Mr. Lidberg withdrew the plan and agreed to study other
ways of subdividing.
Upon a motion duly made and seconded the Board
VOTED: to authorize and request the Town Counsel to prepare the
BRIGHAM RD. necessary instrument for the release of Lot #6 Brigham
Rd. in the Hancock Estates subdivision.
Messrs. MacAuliffe and Hutcheson of Cabot, Cabot and
C. C. & F. Forbes met with the Board and submitted Form A #67-31 for the
FORM A endorsement of plan entitled "A Subdivision of Land Court Case
No.15874 Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated June 26, 1967, Miller
& Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. The plan was reviewed and en-
dorsed by members of the Board.
Mr. Otis Brown and Attorney F. Conroy met with the
C 4 - OFF Board and presented preliminary subdivision plans for the land
WORTHEN RD. off Worthen Rd. recently rezoned to C 4. The plans were de-
scribed by Mr. Brown and discussed briefly by the Board.
Mr. A. Busa and Attorney H. Stevens met with the Board
LAND OFF relative to the tentative subdivision plans for land off East
EAST ST. St. Mr. Lund left the meeting at this time to attend a hear- ,
BUSA ing in the Selectmen's office re: the deposit of fill in the
Lincoln St. playfield area.
Several alternate layouts for the subdivision were dis-
DESIGN AD- cussed. After Mr. Busa and Mr. Stevens withdrew, Mr. Fowle
VISORY recommended that the services of the Design Advisory Group be
GROUP enlisted in the design of this and other potential subdivi-
sions, such as the Drummer Boy land.
Mr. Lund returned from the meeting with the Selectmen
LINCOLN ST. and reported that the Selectmen decided to go ahead with
FILL placing of fill over the objections of some residents. The
School Committee, the Recreation Committee and Mr. Lund for the
Planning Board supported the Selectmen.
Plans submitted with Forms A, as listed below, were re-
viewed by members of the Board and upon a motion duly made and
FORMS A seconded it was unanimously voted that approval under the Sub-
division Control Law is not required for these plans, which
were then endorsed by members of the Board.
#67-27, submitted July 19, 1967 by Harmon White for
B.Franklin Benjamin Franklin Homes; entitled "Plan of Pipeline
Homes Easement owned by Humble Oil & Refining Co.," dated
June 5, 1967, revised 7.7.67, Gale Engr. Co., Inc. '
9667-28, submitted July 20, 1967 by Ernest E. Outhet,
' entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated Outhet
June 8, 1967, by Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors.
#67-29, submitted July 20, 1967 by Ernest E. Outhet:
entitled "Plan Showing Sewer Easement in Land owned by Outhet
Boston Edison Co. in Lexington, Mass.", dated July 17,
1967, by Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors.
The Board voted to re -endorse the plan 9667-12 submitted
May 12, 1967 by Dorothy J. Pihl entitled "A Compiled Plan of Pihl Land
Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated May 10, 1967, by Miller &
Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors, which was endorsed by the Board
on May 29, 1967 and amended thereafter.
The definitive subdivision plans of Birch Hill Estates BIRCH HILL EST.
were endorsed by the Board.
In reply to Town Engineer's request for a list of prop-
erties to be acquired by the Town in 1968 it was decided.to LAND FOR
include the Augusta land, land at Lawn Ave. and several par- ACQUISITION
cels in the C.B.D. with the understanding that additional
parcels will be added later.
The Board then adjourned for a meeting with the Board
of Selectmen in executive session to discuss matters the pre- EXECUTIVE
mature disclosure of which could adversely affect financial SESSION
interests of the town. Following a discussion of parking
areas in C 2 districts the Planning Board resumed its meeting
in its office.
Notices of Board of Appeals hearings to be held on
July 25, 1967 were read and noted, as follows:
Anthony R. Cataldo Perry A. Miles
Carl & Leota Janke Wm. F. Schreiber
It was decided to request that Anthony R. Cataldo be re-
stricted to operations commonly considered appropriate.
Revised preliminary sketch of Center Estates off Bed-
ford St. submitted by Mark Moore was considered by the Board
and it was the consensus that the preliminary sketch can
serve as a basis for the final plan.
The Planning Director was asked to distribute copies
of E. Kula's letter relative to the purchase of open space
south of Woodhaven to the members of the Board. (See
' The Planning Director reported that the classifica-
tion by the Board of the southwesterly one-half of Denver St. DENVER ST.
is not an acceptable street was questioned by a builder be-
cause sewer had been installed in portions of it. Since
this part of Denver St. is not improved for vehicular and
pedestrian travel and has no water service pipes, the Board
TAX TITLE decided to abide by its original classification. ,
The letters prepared by the Planning Director comment-
ing on requests to the Selectmen for the sale of town -owned
land to Elks (off Concord Ave.), Neal (Spencer St.) and
Chisholm (Wood St.) were approved, as was a letter to the Town
Counsel relative to the proposed recodification of the Zoning
By -Law.
Letter to the Selectmen relative to the study of Great
GREAT MEADOWS Meadows was approved by the Board and signed by the Chairman.
(See addendum.)
INGLESIDE The Board executed the release of Lot #31 in the Ingle-
side subdivision prepared by the Town Counsel.
It was decided in conjunction with filling and grading
LINCOLN ST, the Lincoln St, playfield area (Center Playground) to urge
PLAYGROUND the adoption of an overall plan for recreational facilities,
parking and driveways in the area to ensure efficient and con-
venient development. (See addendum.)
The meeting adjourned at 11:40 p.m.
vert N. Fowl , Clerk
Planning Board
Town of Lexington
Lexington, Mass.
July 14, 1967
On several occasions during the past few years, residents of the
Woodhaven area have appealed to the Planning Board and to the Conservation
Commission for help in preserving the residential characteristics of the
south west part of Lexington. Specifically, we have asked for the assistance
of the Planning Board in opposing the rezoning of various parcels of land from
R 1, and we have asked the Conservation Commission to consider the purchase of
conservation land in this part of town.
Each succeeding town meeting has shown that the pressures for rezoning
of land in this area continue unabated. Continued construction on existing
C 3 land in this area, the change in appearance of the area associated with
the widening of Route 2, and the Planning Board -supported rezoning of the
back side of Fuller's Hill, have increased the arguments of those who desire
to see further industrialization in this part of town. Unless action is taken
' soon, these pressures plus the normal inflationary trends in land values will
permanently ensure that none of this land will be available to the town for
conservation purposes.
We feel that the key parcel of land at this time is the Hinds' property,
and we are requesting your assistance and that of the Conservation Commission
in acquiring it or a major portion of it for conservation purposes. This is a
parcel of land of 40 to 45 acres, running from Hayden Avenue to the backside of
lots on Woodcliffe Road in Woodhaven, and bordered in the west by the Burroughs
and Kennecott developments, and on the east by land of Del Guardio and some
tax title land on Valleyfield Street. This is the land which was the proposed
site of the Hawthorne garden apartment development of the General Investment
and Development Co.
Since there is no town owned recreation or conservation land in this part
of Lexington, this parcel has served the residents of Woodhaven for many years
as a substitute. It is a heavily wooded area, hilly in one corner and swampy
in another, and is bisected by Old Shade Street and the trunk sewer. It is
used by the children as a play area, and by adults who desire to walk in the
woods where they can see wild flowers, birds and small animals. With suitable
snow conditions, we have used it for cross country skiing, and others have ice
skated in a swampy portion of the land. If acquired, we would suggest that it
remain in its present condition, rather than be developed as a formal recreation
area. Its value is enhanced by the fact that it is adjacent to the Kennecott
R 1 buffer strip, the spacious garden -type land of Kennecott, and the town
' owned tax title lots on Valleyfield Street, which may eventually be developed
as a playground. Thus it fits in with the Conservation Commission's concept
of a greenbelt through Lexington.
Since the time the Conservation Commission was formed, we have made
requests thap this land be purchased. In December 1965 we arranged a
meeting with the owner, Mr. Hinds, and the Commission. Although Mr. Hinds
indicated a willingness to sell all or a portion of this land, nothing came
of this meeting or a subsequent contact with the Conservation Commission,
presumably because of their activities in other parts of town.
Time is running short, and we request your assistance and that of the
Conservation Commission in acquiring this land now. Could we arrange a
meeting with you soon to discuss this matter?
Sincerely yours,
/s/ Eric B. Kula
66 Spring St.
/s/ Jacqueline B. Davison
86 Spring St.
7-%5-67 -6-
July 25, 1967
Board of Selectmen
Town Office Building. ■
Lexington, Mass.
Re: Great Meadows
A study of the future development potential of the Great Meadows and of the
surrounding vacant lands is certainly an important and necessary component
of town -wide planning studies and as such very much a concern of the Plan-
ning Board. It appears to the Board that a somewhat different approach to
the study recommended by the joint committee would not only simplify the
matter and eliminate the need for State intervestion, but would also define
more correctly the geographical and the functional parameters of the study.
We believe that such study should not and indeed cannot be limited to the
Great Meadows alone and that it should encompass the entire watershed of
the Mill Brook, the Munroe Brook and the Arlington Reservoir. We also be-
lieve that the study should not be limited to "hydrology," but should in-
clude soils, topography, natural resources and land utilization. Such study
could be defined as "a study of physical character, drainage, natural re-
sources and development potential of the area tributary to Munroe Brook,
Mill Brook and Arlington Reservoir, bounded by Woburn St., Mass. Ave., Arl-
ington town line and Lowell St."
A study of this nature would certainly be the very kind that planning
Boards are supposed to undertake under the enabling legislation, so that no
special legislation would be necessary. For your information we quote some
of the pertinent provisions of General By -Laws, Chapter 41 on municipal ,
Section 81-C. The planning board "shall from time to time make careful
studies and when necessary prepare plans of the resources,
possibilities and needs of the city or town ."
Section 81-D. A planning board "shall make a master or study plan of such
city or town or such part or parts thereof as said board may
deem advisable."
Section 81-B. (para.2) "Planning boards . their officers and agents
may . . . enter upon any lands and there make examinations
and surveys."
Section 81-I. Gives authority for special studies on matters referred to a
planning board by town meeting.
The recent study of the central business district provides an example of
this type of study of a portion of town. As was the case with the down-
town merchants, a separate contract would be necessary between the Town of
Arlington and the consultant for additional investigation of the land owned
by the Town of Arlington (Lexington contract would cover this land in a
lesser detail). There is no reason why the same consultant could not carry
out the two studies simultaneously and make the results of both studies avail-
able to both towns. The Selectmen or a consultant selected by them could
act as Planning Board's agents for this study.
The Planning Board would like to discuss the matter of Great Meadows study
with your Board and with other parties concerned in the near future, presum-
ably in September. yours very truly,
/s/ Roland B. Greeley, Chairman
i -b7 -7-
' July 26, 1967
Board of Selectmen
Town Office Building
Lexington, Mass.
Re: Lincoln St. Playfield
It is our understanding that it is intended to locate certain facilities
for outdoor sports in the Lincoln St. playfield area as soon as possible
upon the completion of filling and grading the area. We hope that any
playing fields so constructed will be located in accordance with an overall
plan for the development and use of the entire Lincoln St. playfield area.
If such plan has not been prepared and adopted, the Planning Board urges
that this be done before any activity is located there. This will ensure
efficient, safe and convenient use of the Lincoln St. area and prevent
improper location of activities with respect to each other, parking areas,
access points, walks, lighting, etc. Once constructed, playing fields and
accessory structures are unlikely to be moved due to expenses and work in-
volved, even though it may be found that their location is wrong in the
light of subsequent developments.
The Planning Board is ready to give its full cooperation and assistance in
the preparation of such overall plan, either based on the plan prepared in
1960 by the then Planning Director, or as a completely fresh start.
Yours very truly,
cc: School Committee
Recreation Committee
Alexander V. Zaleski
Planning Director