HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-07-15PLANNING BOARD MEETING I July 15, 1968 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order by the Chairman, Mrs. Riffin, at 7:30 p.m. In the Planning Board office with members Worrell, Lund, Clarke, Fowle, Planning Director Zaleski and Planning In- tern Fouratt present. At 7:40 the Board adjourned to the office of the Select- GUY POLES AT men to attend a public hearing for the installation of three SPRING ST. guy poles in Spring St. The Planning Board was recorded in opposition to the additional utility poles and in favor of underground wiring installation. Resuming the meeting in its office, the Planning Board CABOT, CABOT 6 met with the Town Engineer to discuss the proposed filling FORBES LAND of Cabot, Cabot and Forbes land requiring approval under the Hatch Act. A plan dated 5/6/68 showing the proposed fill was exhibited by Mr. McSweeney and viewed and dis- cussed by members of the Board. The Board voted 4 to 1 in favor of the proposed fill, Mr. Worrell voting in oppo- sition. ' The Estabrook Rd. -Nickerson Rd. pedestrian easement was ESTABROOK RD. - discussed next. It was agreed to request the paving of the NICKERSON RD. - easement and to leave the details of fencing, etc. to an PEDESTRIAN EASE. agreement with the owner and the town engineer.` The minutes of the Planning Board meeting of July 1, MINUTES 1968 were approved as amended. The authorization for Mrs. Riffin and Mr. Fowle to cer- CERTIFICATION tify payrolls was voted and executed by the Board. Such certification was requested by the Comptroller in accordance with the General Laws. The draft of the letter to the Board of Appeals relative GINN b CO. to the Ginn and Co. building proposed off Spring St. was re- viewed next and it was agreed to amplify the safety problems presented by the 24 ft, wide access road and strongly recom- mend substantial compliance with the comparable subdivision street requirement for a double-barrel access road with two 22' wide pavements. The letter was then approved with some addi- tional minor amendments. The letter to Mr. Legro requesting a review of the re- ZONING BY-LAW tintly adoptbd Zoning By -Law was discussed and approved with amendments. ' The draft of a statement for the Commission for Suburban SUBURBAN RESP. Responsibility was discussed next. Mrs. Riffin will use it as a basis for a presentation. 7-15-68 -2- The Planning Director's memo relative to lot 112 Summit LOT 112 SUMMIT Rd. owned by Mr. Kyprianos was taken up next. After some RD. discussion it was agreed to recommend that Mr. Kyprianos go through the regular subdivision procedure. The question of second access to Hayward Ave. was dis- HAYWARD AVE. cussed next and it was decided to oppose the abandonment of the Mass. Ave. accesses until alternate accesses are provided. The revised preliminary sketch of Oak Park II subdivision OAK PARK II dated July 1968 was reviewed next and after some discussion it was agreed to encourage the developer to proceed with the sub- division according to the sketch and with consideration given to revisions recommended by the Planning Director. Mr. Fowle voted in opposition. A letter from Mr. Bellizia regarding the purchase from MEAGHERVILLE the Town of a portion of the Meagherville land was read next, LAND noted and placed on file. It was agreed to acknowledge the receipt of the letter. A letter from the Town Engineer relative to the cross- CARMEL CIRCLE section of Carmel Cir. was discussed next and the proposed ' reply by the Planning Director was approved. A letter from the Planning Director to the Town Engineer COUNTRY CLUB relative to the completion of Country Club Manor subdivision MANOR was noted and placed on file. The Board next discussed the schedule of meetings for the FUTURE MEET. next several weeks and it was agreed to adhere to the schedule decided upon previously. The Board then adjourned to a meeting with the Selectmen NICKERSON RD. to discuss the Nickerson Rd. easement and the filling of EASEMENT Forbes Rd. area by Cabot, Cabot and Forbes. Following a dis- cussion of these matters the Planning Board resumed its meet- ing in its office. Notices of Board of Appeals decisions relative to the BOARD OF APPEALS following petitions were noted and placed on file: Rycroft - Adler - Honeywell - Kennecott Copper - Andonian - Sullivan - Cunningham Hardware Notices of hearings by the Board of Appeals as petitioned for by the following persons or organizations were noted and placed on file after a brief discussion of the proposed re- placement of the Rowe Chevrolet salesroom by a Gulf Service Station. 7-15-68 Schontag - Marashio - Catldo - WCOP - Johnson - Ginn & Co. The meeting adjourned at 10:35 p.m. 1 -3- Francis T. Worrell Clerk