HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-06-26PLANNING BOARD MEETING I June 26, 1967 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in its office, Town Office Building, on Monday, June 26, 1967. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Greeley at 7:30 p.m. with members Fowle, Riffin and Worrell, and Planning Director Zaleski present. Minutes of Planning Board meeting of June 19 were approved. Letter from the Board of Appeals relative to Mr. William Schreiber's petition for a frontage variance for the lot at the northerly end of Turning Mill Rd. was read and discussed, and pertinent Planning Board records, including minutes of the Jan. 4, 1960 meeting and a plan endorsed by the Board on January 11, 1960 with copy of a letter frau S. Snow to the Building Inspector examined. It was decided to acquaint Mr. Nickerson with the background of this case and state that the Board has no objection to the granting of the variance provided a condition be imposed and recorded to run with the land and be binding on successors in title to the effect that the approval by the Planning Board of a defini- tive subdivision plan is a condition precedent to subdivid- ing or selling any portion of this land or placing any more buildings thereon. Plan submitted with Form A 967-21 (see minutes of June 19, 1967) entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated June 19, 1967 by Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors was reviewed by members of the Board and Town Counsel's letter of June 26, 1967 relative thereto read. The members of the Board voted unanimously to withhold endorsement of the plan believing it would be more appropriate to obtain a variance by the Board of Appeals for an even regular -shaped division of.lots C and D without lot A. Plan entitled "Land Court Case Plan of Land," dated June 13, 1967 by Joseph W. Moore, Inc. submitted with Form A #67-18 and plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated June 10, 1967 by Joseph W. Moore, Inc. submitted with Form A #67-19 and a letter from the Town Engineer pertaining thereto were reviewed by the Board. The plans were endorsed as not requiring approval under the subdivision control law with the endorsements as follows: on the plan dated June 13, 1967 "Lot 423 does not meet the requirements of the Lexington Zoning By -Law and must be combined with adjacent land to satisfy such requirements," and on the plan dated June 10, 1967, "The endorsement of this plan does not imply that the ownership or the boundaries of the parcel shown are correct.. Records of the Town of Lexington indicate that the south- westerly portion of this parcel may be owned by the Town of Lexington." MINUTES BOARD OF APPEALS PETITION SCHREIBER TURNING MILL RD. FORM A Foley FORM A Moore - Barnes Land 6-26-67 -2- Plan 2- Plan of Fuller Hill C 3 land, entitled "Plan of Land FORM A in Lexington and Waltham, Mass.", dated October 14, 1966 by Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors, submitted with Form A Ginn & Co, application #67-20, and a letter from Mr. Osberg, Treasurer of Ginn and Co., were reviewed by the Board and it was voted to endorse the plan with a notation that the parcel shown does not meet the frontage requirement of the Lexington Zon- ing By -Law. Plan submitted with Form A 467-22, entitled "Plan of FORM A Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated June 20, 1967 by Everett M. Brooks Co., was reviewed by members of the Board and en - Peterson dorsed as not requiring approval under the subdivision control law. Mr. George B. Johnson of Metcalf and Eddy met with METCALF & EDDY the Board to discuss future land use alternatives A, B and C previously distributed to members. Mr. Johnson explained the differences between these proposals to the Board. Fol- lowing a discussion the Board recommended a revision to provide for a maximum open space preservation with a minimum rezoning and a maximum rezoning with only enough open space acquisition to preserve amenities. The meeting adjourned at :50 P.M. Evert N. Fowle, Clerk 1 1