HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-03-06PLANNING BOARD MEETING I March 6, 1967 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held on Monday, March 6, 1967 in its office, Town Office Building. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Greeley at 7:30 p.m. with members Campbell, Fowls, Riffin and Worrell, and Planning Director Zaleski present. Minutes of the meeting of February 27, 1967, were MINUTES approved. A letter from Mr. Sasaki was read and noted and the Planning Board recorded its gratitude to Mr. Sasaki for SASAKI his offer of assistance and decided to write to Mr. Sasaki thanking him and to ask for his comments on the Schumacher subdivision. Request of Emerson Gardens Corp. for reimbursement for extra work in excess of the work required for the sub- EMERSON GARDENS division was discussed and it was voted to recommend to the BILL Selectmen the payment of $9,686.30 to Emerson Gardens Corp. as requested by the developers and recommended by the Town Engineer. Planning Director's recommendations relative to Cen- tral Business District and the possibility of permitting apartments there were discussed. Plan submitted with Form A application X67-6, as follows, was reviewed by members of the Board and endorsed FORM A as not requiring approval under the Subdivision Control Law: Mr. Allen Dickerman met briefly with the Board and ACQUISITION OF submitted a petition in support of the acquisition of Lloyd LLOYD PROPERTY - property off Freemont St. signed by 78 residents. Reports of the Planning Board on warrant articles were signed. Mr. Worrell recommended a revision in the ARTICLES FOR wording of the Emerson Rd. article which was discussed at WARRANT some length. It was decided to include Mr. Worrell's ' ideas in the oral presentation. At 8:00p.m. the duly advertised public hearing on the proposed rezoning of T 1 district to R 1 and striking REZONING - all reference to T 1 districts throughout the By -Law was T 1 DISTRICT declared open by the Chairman. No one spoke in favor nor in opposition. A letter from the Town Counsel was read. Mr. Zaleski reported that Mr. Fred Childs and his attorney, Mr. Grant, met with the Planning Director and expressed no objection to the rezoning. The hearing was declared closed at 8:10 P.M. Request of Emerson Gardens Corp. for reimbursement for extra work in excess of the work required for the sub- EMERSON GARDENS division was discussed and it was voted to recommend to the BILL Selectmen the payment of $9,686.30 to Emerson Gardens Corp. as requested by the developers and recommended by the Town Engineer. Planning Director's recommendations relative to Cen- tral Business District and the possibility of permitting apartments there were discussed. Plan submitted with Form A application X67-6, as follows, was reviewed by members of the Board and endorsed FORM A as not requiring approval under the Subdivision Control Law: 3-6-67 -2- #67-6, submitted March 3, 1967 by Benjamin Franklin B. Franklin Homes, Inc., by H.S.B.White; plan entitled "Subdivi- ' Homes sion of Land in Lexington, Mass. Peacock Farms, Sec.VI," dated March 3, 1967, Boston Survey Consult- ants, Boston, Mass. The Board next met with the Lexington Conservation CONSERVATION Commission to discuss land acquisition articles. Upon a ARTICLES motion duly made and seconded it was voted to go into executive session to discuss matters affecting financial in- terests of the town. Following a discussion of a possible land acquisition near Utica St. the Board voted to resume open meeting. Articles for the Town Meeting were then reviewed as follows: TOWN MEETING ARTICLES 1. Hamilton land, Whipple Hill, Art.78. Appropria- Art. 78 - tion Committee will support sufficient appropriation for Whipple Hill eminent domain taking. Planning Board in favor. (30-32 acres) 2. Kingston Homes (Spagnuola), Longfellow Rd. exten- Art. ;SO sion near Willard Woods, Art. 80, 6-1/2 acres. Planning Longfellow Rd. Board favors acquisition at reasonable price. Conservation Commission expressed its gratitude for Planning Board cooper- ation and staff support (maps). ' Art. 81 3. R. Chandler, Grove St., Art. 81, 7-1/2 to 8 acres. Grove St. Conservation Commission has option to purchase for $13,000. Appropriations Committee opposed. Reason for acquisition - low swampland. Planning Board in favor. 4. Conservation Commission wants a conservation fund Art. 77 of $5,000-$10,000 to pay for appraisals (each parcel needs Conservation two at $300-$500 if purchase cost over $5,000 and reimburse - Fund ment sought), for occasional purchases of small parcels of land to round out or connect large holdings, unforeseen ex- penses. Art. 4 5. Under Art. 4 the Conservation Commission would like Typing $1,00041,250 for typing, etc. 6. Art. 32 not inserted by Conservation Commission, Art. 32 the purpose is to compensate for the non -conservation share of costs of appraisals, options, etc. where not all land to be bought will be used for conservation. Next Messrs. 0. Brown, Douglass, DeFlice and Atty. F. SETH-MAXNER Conroy met with the Board to talk about the possible rezon- WORTHEN RD. ing and development of some 10.6 acres of land owned by Seth ' and Maxner at Worthen Rd. An option for sale has been given by the owner. A plan of a possible development for C 4 (office) uses was submitted by Mr. Brown. The Board tools the matter under advisement. 3-6-f 7 -3- The Planning Board next met with the Appropriations Committee to discuss appropriations for 1967. Staff APPROPRIATIONS salaries, Emerson Rd., layout at Adams St., Worthen Rd. COMMITTEE study and town wide beautification program were reviewed. Selectmen's minutes of Feb. 20, 1967 were noted. Notice of Historic Districts Commission hearing on March 8 CORRESPONDENCE was noted. The Board also read and placed on file a letter from Mr. Bianchi thanking the Board for its handling of the proposed Tufts Rd. land acquisition. Letter from the Town Engineer relative to street connection at Bedford St. -Hart- well Ave. junction was noted. Copies of letters sent out by the Planning Director during the preceding week were noted as follows: 1. To Bianchi and Lange notifying of intent to post- pone Tufts Rd. land acquisition article. 2. To Town Engineer requesting estimate of construc- tion costs of Hayward Ave. which may be borne by the National Historic Park. 3. To Board of Appeals with a conditional approval of the Lexington Housing Authority plans for the entire Housing for the Elderly project. Rep. L. P. Cole, Jr., Chairman of the Board of Select- men, met briefly with the Board to discuss negotiations for EMERSON RD. the portion of Lidberg land at Adams St. needed for Emerson Rd. It was decided to have the Planning Director negotiate with Mr. Lidberg. The meeting adjourned at 10:55 p.m. 114-1,1- Evertrt N. Fowle Clerk 1