HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-01-16PLANNING BOARD MEETING I January 16, 1967 The Lexington Planning Board held a regular meeting in its office, Town Office Building, on Monday, January 16, 1967. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Greeley at 7:30 p.m. with members Campbell, Fowle, Riffin and Worrell, and Planning Director Zaleski present. The minutes of the meeting of January 9, 1967 were MINUTES approved. A letter from the Town Engineer regarding sewer to HERITAGE lots 6 and 7 on Volunteer Way via the Heritage Drive subdi- DRIVE vision was read. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board VOTED: to extend the time for action on the Heritage Drive subdivision to January 24, 1967 inclusive. The Board also voted to authorize the Town Counsel to pre- pare the necessary instruments for the approval of the Heritage Drive subdivision. No sewer easement will be re- quired to serve lots 6 and 7. ' Plan submitted with Form A 1167-1, as follows, was reviewed by the Board and endorsed as not requiring FORM A approval under the Subdivision Control Law: 1167-1, submitted January 12, 1967 by Benjamin Benjamin Franklin Homes, Inc. by H. S. White; plan entitled Franklin "Land Court Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", Homes dated December 29, 1966 by Joseph W. Moore, Inc. The Board unanimously VOTED: to rescind its vote of January 9, 1967 relative to the release of Stoico lots in the Bridle Path sub- division and to release lots 11 and 12 as recommended by the Town Engineer. Notice of Historic Districts Commission hearing on January 19, 1967 re: signs was noted and placed on file. Selectmen's letter of consent to a June 5, 1967 Special Town Meeting was noted. The Board decided to ac- SPECIAL TOWN knowledge the letter and request that the meeting be held MEETING no later than June 5th. News release from the State Division of Planning January 16, 1967 -2- relative to increased 701 FUNDS cipalities seeking 701 requirements of the HUD for muni - planning assistance was read and LAND ACQUI- with the Board of Selectmen, Mr. Albert Gray, executive placed on file. I It was decided to postpone the discussion of of Lloyd land off Cedar and Freemont Sts. and wish to ac= "Housing" and "Cost of Services" reports for one week. tional purposes. Mrs. Riffin pointed out that this could not News release on zoning recodification was approved RECODIFICA- with minor changes. It was decided to hold an information TION meeting at 8:00 p.m. on February 8, 1967. The possibilities of developing Joseph and Rosina BUSA LAND Busa's land between Lincoln St. and Rte. 128 were dis- cussed at some length. The Board was opposed to a street connection to Elena Rd. and recommended that the developer LINCOLN ST. explore the possibilities of complying with the 650 length of the cul-de-sac and reserving some land fora recreation area for sale to the town. A preliminary sketch for a "cluster" subdivision of SCHUMACHER Schumacher land at Amherst St. was reviewed by the Board. LAND It was decided to postpone any recommendation on this sub- division to give the Board members an opportunity to view the land. Mr. Talland's letter of complaint regarding the ' REZONING proposal for the rezoning of Muzzey St. area was referred MUZZEY ST. to the Board by the Selectmen. The letter was discussed briefly and it was decided not to take any action at this time beyond acknowledging the receipt of the letter and transmitting copies of the minutes of the public informa- tion meeting with comments regarding the nature of the meeting. The Board then reviewed the status of plans for re- zoning and parking lots between Waltham St. and Clarke St. southwest of Mass. Ave. In response to the Board's request for a meeting LAND ACQUI- with the Board of Selectmen, Mr. Albert Gray, executive SITION assistant to the Selectmen, came to the office of the Plan- ning Board to discuss land acquisition articles. Mr. Gray stated that the Selectmen are negotiating for the purchase of Lloyd land off Cedar and Freemont Sts. and wish to ac= quire the back land all the way to the golf club for recrea- tional purposes. Mrs. Riffin pointed out that this could not be done using the article submitted by the Planning Board which only provides for the acquisition of a part of this land. The chairman reiterated Planning Board's request for sufficient funds to obtain appraisal and option for Bianchi land off Tufts Rd. The chairman also stated that the Board would like to withdraw the articles for the purchase of , Lidberg and Castoldi lands and support the Selectmen with 1 16-67 -3- the article for the laying out of Emerson Rd.submitted by the Planning Board. On the invitation of the Board of Selectmen the Board adjourned to the office of the Selectmen to discuss the layout of Emerson Rd. over Lidberg land. Mr. Greeley restated Planning Board's preference for a layout of Emer- son Rd. omitting the straight acquisition articles. A discussion followed in which Selectmen Burnell, Cataldo, Sheldon and Mabee expressed themselves as being in support of the layout article and chairman Cole stating that he has difficulties accepting the proposed layout. Returning to its office the Board resumed the meet- ing and the exchange of views on the rezoning and parking areas for the central business district. It was the con- sensus of the Board that the important task is to secure the parking area between Muzzey and Clarke Streets. Mr. Greeley suggested that negotiations should be taken up with the owners of houses facing Muzzey St. suggesting re- zoning to a business district other than C 2 as the second choice. The meeting adjourned at 110:50 p.m. ' Evert N. Fowle Clerk EMERSON RD. CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT