HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-12-12' PLANNING BOARD MEETING December 12, 1966 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held on Monday, December 12, 1966 in its office, Town Office Building. Chairman Campbell called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with members Fowle, Greeley, Riffin and Worrell, and Planning Director Zaleski present. Minutes of the meeting of December 5 were approved. Plan submitted with Form A as follows was reviewed by the Board and endorsed as not requiring approval under the Subdivision Control Law: #66-47, submitted December 12, 1966 by Willard Adams Trust; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lex- ington, Mass.", dated July 18, 1966, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. The Board voted to increase the cost of Zoning By -Laws to $2.00 per copy, including map, to cover the ' increased cost of printing. It was also voted to give out.copies of Summary Report, Phase 1 and EDA Summary Report free of charge as long as supply lasts. Annual report was read and approved with modifi- cations. At 8:00 p.m. Mr. Newhouse and Mr. Ross of Instru- mentation Lab, and Mr. J. Sullivan, Architect, met with the Board to discuss a proposed building on Hartwell Ave, on 20 acres of land near Hanscom Airbase. Mr. Sullivan presented architectural plans and prospective renderings and explained some of the details of the pro- posed layout. Mr. Greeley pointed out that the future buildings as shown on the layout could not be sold on separate lots without the provision of an acceptable street in a location conforming to zoning requirements. The building is designed for some 320 employees maximum occupancy with parking for 80% of this maximum. John J. Carroll, Town Engineer, met with the Board to discuss proposed amendments to the Subdivision Regu- lations, such as double-barrelled dead-end streets, under- ground wiring, center islands in the turn-arounds, etc. Mr. Carroll warned the Board of the increase in costs if ' center strips, etc. are made mandatory. Mr. L. Adler of Minute Man Highlands Association asked whether the Board's recommendation for Worthen Rd. MINUTES FORM A Adams CHARGE FOR ZONING BY-LAWS, ETC. ANNUAL REPORT INSTRUMENTATION LAB SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS 12-12-66 -2- connection to Rte. 2 was based on any specific plan and was WORTHEN RD. told that no layout had been presented to the Board so far but , that the Board's vote was dependent on a connection being satis- factory to the Planning Board. A brief discussion followed. Minutes of Conservatinn Commission meeting on December l CORRESPONDENCE were read in excerpts and placed on file. Minutes of Select- men's meetings on November 21 and 28 were noted and placed on file. Notices of Historic Districts Commission meetings on December 14 were noted and placed on file. TOWN MEETING The submission of articles for the 1967 Annual Town ARTICLES Meeting was discussed. It was decided to meet on Monday, Jan- uary 2 to discuss articles. Plan submitted with Form A as follows, was considered FORM A by the Board and the action postponed to further investigate the conditions: #66-48, submitted December 12, 1966 by Mark Moore, Jr plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", Moore dated Dec. 9, 1966, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Sur- veyors. Drafts of articles for the 1967 Annual Town Meeting TOWN MEETING were reviewed next. It was decided to study Art. 67-A further ARTICLES and to use Article 67-B Alternate in preference to 67-B if the Town Counsel sees no disadvantage to the procedure. Articles 67-C and 67-E will not be submitted at this time. Articles 67-G, 67-D, 67-H and 67-I will be submitted. The work related to the processing of articles includes negotiation for options from Lloyd and Lidberg, the preparation of a beautification program and a review of the articles with the Town Counsel. (See Addendum for list of Articles.) Following a previous field inspection, the Board re - STATUS OF viewed the construction, widths, grades of the following STREETS accesses to houses and lands, and of the utilities now exist- ing in such accesses, and determined that in the opinion of the Board they had the following status within the definition of a "subdivision" in the subdivision control law: Alpine St. - a way from Wood St. to the house near Hayward Ave.; Bacon St. - a way for 100 ft. from Marrett Rd. only; Balfour St. - a way except middle portion 50 ft. long; Bennington St.- a way from Eliot Rd. 300 ft. more or less; Camden St. - a way for 175 ft. more or less from Suther- land St., Clelland Rd. - a way for 50 ft. more or less from Lisbeth St. Denver St. - a way for 180 ft, more or less from Cedar St.; Emerald St. - a way for 230 ft. more or less from Asbury St.; Fairland St. - a way, except portion between houses #8 and #14; ' Garfield St. - a way from Poplar St. to Hickory St.; 12-12-66 -3- Grant Place - not a way, no proper access or layout; Grant St. - not a way north of East St.; Highland Ave. - not a way south of Washington St.; ' Hillside Ave. - a way between Massachusetts Ave. and Bruce Rd. only; Leroy Rd. - not a way between School St. and Elli- son Rd.; May St. - not a way (E.Lexington off Bowker St.) Mellex Rd. - not a way; Morgan Rd. - not a way from Jean Rd. to Woodbridge Estates; Jean Rd. - is a way; Rhodes St. - not a way southeast of Lockwood Rd.; Stratham Rd. - not a way; Woodberry Rd. - not a way; Wood St. - is a way as relocated, including the portion within the Hanscom Field Area. The Town Engineer will be requested to"correct the map prepared for the Planning Board to show the correct status of the above and other streets. The date for a Special Town Meeting to act on zoning changes was discussed next and it was decided to recommend to the Selectmen a Special Town Meeting on May 1, 1966, and to ask by what date would articles have to be in for the May 1 Meeting. Planning Director's memo relative to zoning proposals for the Spring St, area was brought up for discussion. It was the unanimous opinion of the Board that neither a motel district on Greene land, nor Algonquin Gas Co. office and service building on Baldwin land, nor the rezoning of a larger area, simi- lar to 1963 and 1964 proposals, are desirable at this time, at least until the conclusions of the Metcalf & Eddy study are available. The Chairman brought up the question of addi- tional funds which may be needed for the legal adver- tising in connection with the Zoning By -Law codifica- tion. Mr. Zaleski informed the Board that the Struc- ture of Government Committee would appreciate a memo- randum from the Board outlining the Board's considered position on the questions discussed at the December 11 meeting. Mrs. Riffin suggested that the present Stand- ing School Building Committee, which was to be recon- stituted a Town Building Committee, may be given the additional function of playground construction includ- ing the presentation of articles for it. Mr. Zaleski offered to prepare a draft of a memo and distribute it to the members prior to December 19 meeting. SPECIAL TOWN MEETING SPRING ST. REZONING ADDITIONAL FUNDS STRUCTURE OF GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 12-12-66 -4- Mr. Fowle stressed the importance of not for - CENTER getting or unduly postponing action to provide parking PARKING in the Clarke-Muzzey and Muzzey-Waltham Streets areas. It was decided to schedule a thorough discussion on this subject within the next few weeks. The definitive subdivision plan of Woodbridge NICKERSON RD. Estates (Nickerson Rd.) was signed by the Board, the WOODBRIDGE EST. 20 day appeal period having expired. OUTHET The meeting adjourned at midnight. Natalie H. Riff in, Clerk ADDENDUM ARTICLE 67-A To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By -Law by striking out Sections 1 to 20 inclusive thereof, as amended, and substituting therefor the following Sections 10 to 40 inclusive, or act in any other manner in relation thereto: ARTICLE 67-B To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen on behalf of the Town to purchase, take by eminent domain, or otherwise acquire for street, recreation and other public purposes, all or any part of a parcel of land on Adams St. . . . ARTICLE 67-C To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen on behalf of the Town to purchase, take by eminent domain, or otherwise acquire for playground, conservation, recreation and other public purposew a parcel of land con- tain�Ldg 8 acres more or less, located southeasterly off Maple St. . . ARTICLE 67-D To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen on behalf of the Town to purchase or otherwise acquire, for playground, recreation, nature preserva- tion and public travel a parcel of land containing 19,988 sq.ft., more or less., and shown as Lot A on the subdivision plan of Peacock Farms, Sec.2. . . ARTICLE 67-E To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen on behalf of the Town to purchase, take by eminent domain or otherwise acquire for playground, recreation, flood control, brook protection and other public purposes, all or any part of Lot B, located easterly off Bow St. . . . 1 1 12-12-66 -5- ARTICLE 61-G To see if the Town will authorize the Planning Board to obtain appraisals on and options for land or rights therein that the Planning Board desires to recommend to be acquired by the Town as locations for future streets or for playground or recreational or other public purposes . . . ARTICLE.67-H To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen on behalf of the Town to purchase, take by eminent domain or otherwise acquire for playground recreational and other public purposes all or any part of the parcel of land consisting of lots 222 and 223 as shown on the plan of Lexington Farms . . . 1