HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-10-31PLANNING BOARD MEETING IOctober 31, 1966 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in its office, Town Office Building, on Monday, October 31, 1966. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Campbell at 7:30 p.m. with members Fowle, Greeley, Riffin and Worrell, and Planning Director Zaleski present. Minutes of the meeting of Octiber 24 were read and. approved. The question of meeting on recreation with T.M.M.A, on December 14 was brought up and it was decided to postpone it because of proximity to the December 7 T.M.M.A. meeting. Planning Board policy statement on Emerson Rd., as revised by the addition of a preface describing the devel- opment of the concept, was read, discussed and several changes made. The Board voted to adopt the statement upon a motion duly made and seconded, with Messrs. Fowle, Greeley, Riffin and Worrell voting in favor and Mr. Campbell voting in opposition. Mr. Kobrick and Mr. White of Benjamin Franklin ' Homes, Inc. met with the Board to state that they had achieved a satisfactory settlement of the litigation rela- tive to Mason St. (Peacock Farms, Sec. VI) subdivision and requested that the Board rescind the approval of the July 7, 1966, subdivision plan and approve the definitive plan revised Sept. 22, 1966. Mr. Legro, Town Counsel, attended this part of the meeting and participated in the discussion which followed. Upon a motion duly made and seconded the Board voted to go into executive session to discuss matters the premature disclosure of which would adversely affect the financial interest of the town. Following a discussion with the Town Counsel relative to the litigation in the matter of the Peacock Farm Section VI subdivision, the Board voted to resume the open meeting. Upon a motion duly made and seconded the Board unan- imously VOTED: to rescind the approval of September 6, 1966 of the definitive subdivision plan of Peacock Farm, Sec- tion VI, dated July 7, 1966. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board unanimously ' VOTED: to approve subject to the terms and conditions enumerated below the definitive subdivision plan of Peacock Farms, Section VI, dated July 7, 1966, re - MINUTES EMERSON RD. PEACOCK FARMS, SEC. VI 10-31-66 -2- vised September 22, 1966 by Boston Survey Consultants subject to the following conditions and terms: ' 1. The developer, Benjamin Franklin Homes, Inc., shall guarantee the construction of ways and the installation of municipal services to serve all lots within the subdivi- sion by a covenant or a bond, as provided for in General Laws, Chapter 41, Section 81-U, before the plan is en- dorsed by the Planning Board. The above shall include the construction of all roads and utilities, as shown on the definitive plan, in accordance with the "Rules Governing the Subdivision of Land in Lexington, Mass.", and in a manner satisfactory to the Lexington Planning Board, in- cluding the grant of easements and utilities, as shown on the subdivision plan. 2. No building or structure shall be erected on lots 69 and 70 without a specific permit from the Lexington Plan- ning Board and the Lexington Board of Health. 3. Upon the provision of an additional street access to this subdivision, the turnaround may be constructed in Mason Street, as shown on the plan, and that portion of Mason St. between the turnaround and Pleasant St. may be discontinued, provided it has not in the interim become a public way. , 4. If electric and telephone wiring in White Pine Lane cannot be installed underground, the street shall be revised to 50 ft. width of right-of-way in accordance with plans to be prepared by the developer and submitted for approval by the Planning Board. The Board next met with Chairman Jules Sussman of CONSERVATION the Conservation Commission to discuss capital budget for COMMISSION land acquisition. Conservation fund to include $5,000 for appraisals and emergency acquisitions. Letter of con- sent authorizing the acquisition of West Farm has been re- ceived. Option on Rosetti land was extended from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, the Town Counsel was authorized to proceed with acqusition on Sept. 19. Letter of consent on Hathaway Rd. is expected momentarily. Redcoat La. land should be purchased shortly, while the Pihl (Hathaway Rd.) land will have to be appraised. No new developments on land at Mass. Ave. and Worthen Rd,., no public information available on Hamilton land on Whipple Hill. A gift of land has been offered to the Conservation Commission, the Select- men voted to accept the gift and referred it to the Town Counsel for action. Trinity Covenant Church land purchase approved by State, letter of consent received from the federal authorities. The Board then voted to go into , executive session to discuss matters affecting the finan- cial interests of the Town. Following a discussion of 10-31-66 -3- proposed land acquisitions for conservation the Board voted to resume open meeting. The Board then considered the capital budget proposals for the years 1967-1971. After a discus- CAPITAL sion, the Board decided to recommend to the Capital BUDGET Expenditures Committee the following amounts in $ thousands subject to a further review and revision: 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 Conservation Land* 650 650 100 100 50 Recreation Land** 55 60 56 47 37 Center beautification 120 120 - - - Worthen Rd. 10 10 10 10 10 Emerson Rd. 10 10 10 10 10 * Conservation acquisition to be dependent on federal and state reimbursement of purchases of two years before. 75% to be short term bonds payable upon reimbursement. ** Expected to qualify for 50% federal aid Mr. Campbell was recorded as opposed to the above budget proposal, ' It was decided not to release Planning Board state- ments on beautification and on recreational design committee BEAUTIFICATION for two weeks on request of the Selectmen. The draft of the Annual Report was discussed and ANNUAL REPORT approved. Mrs. Riffin brought up the question of the direction the 701 study was taking, away from the original concept of 701 PROGRAM a long range financial study. It was decided that Mrs. Riffin and Messrs. Campbell, Boughton, Whitman would meet with Mr. Woglom to stress the importance of adhering to the original request of the town. Letter from Mass. Dept. of Commerce in reply to Plan- ning Board letter to Mass. Federation of Planning Boards on amendment of Section 81 X, Chapter 41 G.L. was read and placed on file. Selectmen's minutes of Oct. 17, 1966 were read and placed on file. Letter from the Building Inspector relative to the ' status of Stratham Rd. near Worthen Rd, was read and dis- cussed. The subdivision plan of Phinney Rd. (Cary Acres) was 1J-31-66 -4- PHINNEY RD. re -endorsed to indicate that the previous approval was not ' CARY ACRES rescinded or amended. The meeting adjourned at 11:35 p.m. Natalie H. Riffin Clerk u 1