HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-09-19PLANNING BOARD MEETING ' September 19, 1966 The Lexington Planning Board held a regular meeting in its office, Town Office Building, on Monday, September 19, 1966, at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Campbell called the meeting to order, with members Fowle, Greeley, Rif.fin and Worrell, and Planning Director Zaleski present. Members of the Board reviewed the second draft of the policy statement on Emerson Rd. and made several changes. Messrs. EMERSON RD. Lund and Tryon made comments relative to the Board's position on STATEMENT the connection between Mass. Ave, and Rte. 2. Minutes of the meeting of September 12, 1966, were approved. MINUTES Mr. Worrell outlined his proposals for the rezoning of C 2 and C 1 land on Bedford St. to C 1 and C S and CH 1 land near Hart- REZONING PRO - well Ave, at Bedford St. to C 1 and in the rear to CM 1 (see appen- POSALS - dix). Mr. Worrell pointed out that the existing uses and existing WORRELL and likely future traffic problems make the rezoning of C 2 and C 1 land reasonable and that the need for additional C 1 space could be met by rezoning the front land near Hartwell Ave. Mr. Fowle com- mented that houses on Bedford St. now zoned C 1 could be rezoned ' to R 1 but did not support the rezoning of Custance land to C S nor of Ch 1 land to C 1. Mr. Greeley supported Mr. Fowle's comments. Mrs. Riffin was not in favor of rezoning Hartwell Ave. -Bedford St. area to C 1. It was decided to postpone discussion on this matter to 7:45 p.m. October 3, 1966. Mr. Greeley was opposed to separate articles for each individual property. Mr. Sussman met with the Board to reiterate his request for mandatory installation of utility wiring underground. Mr. Fowle UTILITY WIRING reported on the meeting with Boston Edison Co. relative to this problem and stated that he will follow it up w-th great vigor. Plan submitted with Form A 466-38, as follows, was reviewed by the Board and endorsed as not requiring approval. FORM A under the Subdivision Control Law. 466-38, submitted September 19, 1966 by John T. Sullivan; Sullivan plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington -Mass.", Scale: 1" = 40', dated Mar. 22, 1966, John T. Sullivan, Surveyor. The Board, upon a motion duly made and seconded, unani- mously VOTED: The construction of ways and the installation of utilities in the Glen Estates subdivision having been completed to GLEN ESTATES the satisfaction of the Planning Board as regards the work (ROLFE RD.) secured by the Aetna Casualty Company bond 6S63579 in the penal sum of $50,000 (reduced to $2,500 by a vote of the 9-19-66 -2- Lexington Planning Board on May 18, 1966), the Planning Board hereby releases the interest of the Town of Lexington , in said bond. The Town Counsel is authorized to return this bond to the developers, Trustees of the Waymint Realty Trust. Cary Acres, Sec.4 (Phinney Rd.) having been completed to CARY ACRES the satisfactinn of the Town, the Board unanimously SFC.4 - (PHINNEY RD.) VOTED: to release the security and the bond held by the Town as a guarantee for the satisfactory construction and installa- tion of ways and utilities in Cary Acres, Sec. 4 (Phinney Rd.) subdivision, said construction and installation having been completed by the developer, and to authorize and request the Town Counsel, upon the execution by the devel- oper of a grant of easement and utilities in this subdivi- sion, to return said security to the developer, Cary Realty Trust, Joseph P. and Anne Spinelli, Trustees. With the consent of the Board, the Chairman signified on GREEN VALLEY the insurance company form the acceptance of the reduced penal SEC.7 - sum of the bond, for Green Valley, Sec. 7 subdivision (Circle CIRCLE RD.) Rd.) as voted by the Board on August 15, 1966. The Board agreed to schedule a hearing on the Peacock Farm, PEACOCK FARMS Sec.VI (Mason St.) subdivision on October 10, 1966, if requested SEC. VI by Benjamin Franklin Homes, Inc. The purpose of the hearing would ' (MASON ST.) be to consider rescinding the previous vote of the Board on September 6, 1966 approving the subdivision and to consider approving a revised subdivision plan. The question of a revision of the Woodbridge Estates WOODBRIDGE (Nickerson Rd.) due to Mr. Essarian's request for a street con - ESTATES nection to his land. (NICKERSON RD.) The Board was in favor of providing access to the Essarian land in the southwesterly portion of the Outhet subdivision. The Board was also in favor of acquiring the easterly portion of Essarian land by the Town for recreation and conservation. MARRETTWOOD Mr. Donald E. Legro, Town Counsel, met with the Board (ELENA RD.) and presented a release of Covenant for the Elena Rd. (Marrett- wood) subdivision. The release was executed by the Board. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted to go into executive session to discuss matters the premature dis- closure of which would adversely affect the interests of the Town or the reputation of any person. Following a discussion of legal procedural matters relating to the Peacock Farm, Sec. VI subdivision, the Board voted to resume open meeting. The Board next adjourned to attend the meeting of the WORTHEN RD. Selectmen to discuss roads. On a presentation by Selectmen ' Cataldo and after a discussion, the Planning Board unanimously agreed that the Board strongly supports the concept of Worthen Rd, and that if an acceptable connection to Rte. 2 is provided by the Commonwealth, the Planning Board will support the 9-19-66 -3- Selectmen in proposing for approval by the next Town Meet - Ing the completion of Worthen Rd. in its entire length. Mr. Fowle next read to the Selectmen a draft of a policy state- ment on Emerson Rd. The Selectmen requested that the Plan- ning Board refrain from adopting the final form of the statement and publishing it pending the receipt of comments from the Selectmen. The Board agreed to this request. Mr. Adams of the Minute -man reminded the two boards that the report having been read in open meeting, is now public property. The Board next returned to its office and resumed its meeting. Mr. August Schumacher met with the Board to discuss the possibility of laying out a four lot subdivision by ex- tending Amherst Rd. According to Mr. Schumacher, Mass. Ave. near Bonair Ave. is to be discontinued by the National Park Service and the Board questioned whether adequate access would be ensured for the new lots. The Board decided that Mr. Zaleski would inquire into the future plans of the National Park Service and report to the Planning Board on Sept. 26, 1966. EMERSON RD. PROPOSED SUBDIVI- SION - SCHUMACHER The Planning Board voted to approve the preliminary plan of cluster development at Wood St. owned by Mr. Outhet. OFF WOOD ST. - ' (Mr. Gennaro Capaldi and Colonial Acres Trust are to be OUTHET notified of the public hearing on the definitive plan when scheduled.) 1 Correspondence, as listed on the agenda, was read, noted and placed on file. Relative to a letter signed by fifteen residents opposing the development of Woodbridge Estates as being in violation of Hatch Act was read and discussed. It was decided to inform the Town Engineer of the letter with copies to the Selectmen, to Mr. Outhet and to one of the signers of the letter. The Board decided to send the text of the draft of Emerson Rd. statement to Mr. Adams, who had asked for it, with a request not to publish it at this time because of its preliminary nature and because publishing items still under discussion would inhibit free discussion among town boards and harm the town. The meeting adjourned at 11:20 p.m. Natalie H. Riffin, Clerk * * * * * * * * * * WOODBRIDGE ESTATES- OUTHET EMERSON RD. STATEMENT ADDENDA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR BEDFORD STREET C 2 Zone at Worthen Road Easterly side: C 2 to CS Now used by Rowe Chevrolet Lexington Lumber Minute Man Oil Fire Station 3 houses (A & P) Westerly side: C 2 to C 1, except Custance lot C 2 to CS Now two supermarkets and a gas station, with private parking lots, i.e., already C 1 Custance is a CS use C 1 Zone at Larchmont Lane Larchmont Engineering Maney/Stevens L pf C Town Barn 5 houses C 1 Zone at Railroad Track C1toCS C 1 to CS C1toCS C 1 to CS, or R 1 C 1 to CS (CN Zone at Railroad should be zoned to R 1 sometime, but not now) CH 1 Zone between Hartwell Ave. and Rte. 128 Outer end CH 1 to C 1 Inner end Either leave as is, or put back into CM 1 n 1