HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-08-15PLANNING BOARD MEETING August 15, 1966 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in the Board's Office, Town Office Building, on Monday, August 15, 1966. Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Campbell with members Greeley, Riffin, Worrell; Planning Director Zaleski, and Asst. Town Engineer Higgins present. Mr. Higgins discussed the problems connected with the Peacock Farm, Sec. VI subdivision (Mason St. Extension) in- cluding the connection to Pleasant St. which has a somewhat limited sight distance and the possibility of substituting a turnaround for the connection, the piping of the brook recom- mended by the Town Engineer and the width of "B" Street being 40 ft. and not 50 ft. as requested by the Town Engineer. At 8:00 p.m. the Board adjourned to Estabrook Hall for the advertised public hearing on Peacock Farm, Sec. VI subdivision. The hearing was attended by 13 persons. Mr. James Storer of 69 Pleasant St. asked why Emerson Rd. was not shown on the subdivision and objected to this as being contrary to the accepted town plans. Chairman Campbell and members Riffin and Greeley replied that the concept of Emerson Rd. underwent several changes and that the Board was not in favor of a 70 ft. way crossing the residential sub- division in this location, and that an improvement of the existing Pleasant and Watertown Sts. appeared more desirable. A new Master Plan for the Town is being prepared, but in the meantime the Board has to act on this subdivision within 60 days of submission. Mr. W. Pierce asked about the future disposition of Parcel A and the conservation easement. Mr. White explained that Parcel A would be conveyed to the town for conservation and the easement would first be open to residents of Peacock Farm and later to all residents when West Farm is acquired by the town. PEACOCK FARM SEC. VI (MASON ST. EXT.) HEARING PEACOCK FARM The desirability of 70 ft. layout from Wilson Farm to Mason St. was brought up again by Mr. Arthur Brock. The hearing was declared closed at 8:45 p.m. Mr. Alfred Busa, and Mr. White, prospective purchaser of lot 9 Circle Rd., met with the Board to discuss the release GREEN VALLEY ' of lot 9 Circle Rd. in Green Valley, Sec. 7 subdivision from SEC. 7 - the condition of approval requiring a temporary turnaround. CIRCLE RD. An instrument was executed by the Board certifying that lot 9 is not subject to the above restrictions. 8-15-66 -2- Plans submitted with the following Form A appli- FORMS A cations were reviewed by members of the Board and endorsed as not requiring approval under the Subdivision Control Law: #66-32, submitted Aug. 5, 1966 by John Castoldi; plan Castoldi entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated July 29, 1966, by Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Survey- ors. 1466-33, submitted August 9, 1966 by Louis Ciampa; Ciampa plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated July 14, 1966, by Miller &Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. #66-34, submitted August 9, 1966 by Antonio DiLuna; DiLuna plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated July 29, 1966, by Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. #66-35, submitted August 15, 1966 by George F. Smith; Smith, Geo. F. plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated Aug. 13, 1966, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. 466-36, submitted August 15, 1966 by Earl. A. Erick - Erickson son, Chairman; plan entitled "Plan of Lots in Lex- ington," dated August 13, 1966, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. Plan submitted with Form A #66-35 by George F. Smith was endorsed subject to the condition that a note be placed thereon by the Surveyor certifying that the remaining land of Smith satisfies the frontage and area requirements of the Lexington Zoning By -Law. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was unani- ESTABROOK GARDENS mously HADLEY ROAD VOTED: all construction of ways and installation of WILSON municipal services in the Hadley Rd. (Estabrook Gardens) subdivision having been completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement dated January 28, 1966 to the satisfac- tion of the Planning Board, the Planning Board hereby releases the interest of the Town of Lexington in the bond dated January 28, 1966, secured by the deposit with the Town Treasurer of the sum of $5,561.44 in the form of Savings Bank Book No.300025 in the Arlington Five Cents Savings Bank. The Board suggested that the meeting with the T.M.M.A. Structure of Government Committee be moved to 1 1 1 d-15-66 September 19, 1966, at which time the Board could reserve ' sufficient time after 9:00 p.m. for a discussion. A preliminary subdivision plan of land off Wood St. south of Bates Road, dated July 14, 1966 submitted by Ernest E. Outhet and showing 13 lots and a 7 -acre open area was reviewed by members of the Board. The plan was acceptable to the Board but it was decided to await com- ments by the Town Engineer and by Board of Health before approving the plan. A preliminary subdivision plan dated May 31, 1966 and showing Heritage St. off Volunteer Way, submitted by Guyton Nicolai, was reviewed by members of the Board. The Board noted that the plan did not meet the require- ments for preliminary plans specified in the Rules and Regulations of the Lexington Planning Board. It was de- cided to take no action pending the receipt of reports from the Town Engineer and the Board of Health. The Board agreed to schedule a discussion of the proposed procedural rules for one of its meetings in the near future. -1)- A discussion of the possible development of Seth- Maxner land for apartments, commercial and/or municipal uses ended in the agreement to study the matter further. The possibility of using an alternate site for the Douglass Funeral 14 ome and the extent of the Board's responsibility for finding sites for business desiring to relocate in Lexington were also discussed. Mr. Zaleski reported that the key administrative employees of the town felt that the salaries of their positions did not provide an adequate differential and that in the private sector of economy department heads were paid much more compared to the average clerical worker or technician. Mr. Zaleski recommended that the higher salaries of planning directors in other municipal- ities and the importance of policy and law -formulating, public relations and long range planning functions be brought to the attention of the Selectmen's salary study committee to ensure that the planning directors relative position in town administration be maintained. The Chair- man agreed to do so. Letters from the Town Engineer relative to the status of Colonial Acres and Vine Brook Meadows subdivi- sions were read and noted. Notices of Historic Districts Commission hearings were noted and placed on file. Mr. Greeley agreed to discuss with the Chairman PRELIMINARY PLAN OUTHET PRELIMINARY PLAN HERITAGE ROAD NICOLAI SETH-MAXNER LAND SALARIES COLONIAL ACRES VINE BROOK MEADOWS 8-15-66 -4- of the Board of Appeals his letter on earth removal within a tract of land (see minutes of July 11 and 25, 1966). ' Copy of a letter from the Building Inspector to the City of Cambridge relative to earth removal in the Hobbs Brook Basin area was read and placed on file after a brief discus- sion. Board of Appeals decisions of August 2, 1966 were noted and placed on file. The meeting adjourned at 11:15 p.m. Natalie H. Riffin Clerk 1