HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-07-11PLANNING BOARD MEETING July 11, 1966 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held on Monday, July 11, 1966 in the Board's Office, Town Office Building. Chairman Campbell called the meet- ing to order at 7:30 p.m. with members Greeley, Fowle, Riffin, Worrell, and Planning Director Zaleski present. Minutes of the meeting of June 27, 1966, were MINUTES approved. The Board discussed briefly the proposal of Mr. Ela to rezone land at Massachusetts Ave, to an apartment REZONING PROPOSAL district. The Board decided not to encourage Mr. Ela in - pursuing the rezoning, but to keep an open mind should ELA Mr. Ela proceed anyway. The use of the services of Philip Herr Associates for the codification and simplification of the Zoning PROFESSIONAL By -Law, as outlined in Mr. Herr's letter of June 30, 1966, ASSISTANCE - was discussed and, upon a motion duly made and seconded, PHILIP HERR ASSOCS- it was unanimously ' VOTED: To retain Philip Herr Associates subject to the conditions and hourly rates stated in the above letter of June 30, and to other conditions stated in the Planning Board's letter. (See Addenda) The proposed enlargement of Hobbs Brook Basin by the City of Cambridge was discussed next and it was de HOBBS BROOK BASIN cided to follow up to a nsure that the capacity would be consistent with the potential water supply and to recom- mend that any future excavation be such as to preserve the attractive, irregular shore line. Mr. Camarano's request for the reduction of his bond for the Carriage Grove subdivision from $8,000 to CARRIAGE GROVE $1,000 as recommended by the Town Engineer was discussed. - It was noted that this subdivision was supposed to have CAMARANO been completed in 1963 and that extension to June 15, 1966 was granted on Town Engineer's request. The Board decided to inquire of the Town Engineer whether the failure to complete by June 15, 1966 was due to some action by the Town and whether a speedier completion would not be achieved by a refusal to'reduce the bond. The preliminary subdivision plan of the Ingle ' side Rd. (revision) dated May 16, 1966 was approved INGLESIDE RD. subject to the condition that the road connecting Ingle- side Rd. and Maple St. be 50 ft. wide within the sub- SPAGNUOLO division and subject to all restrictions previously im- posed by the Board of Health, 7-11-66 -2- Notices of Board of Appeals hearings on June BD. OF APPEALS 12, 1966, as follows, were noted, and it was decided that Planning Board members available on June 12, 1966 would attend the hearing on Stoico "cluster" development: Mrs.Ralph Schontag Patricia Garrity Notices Caleb Layton Lex. Housing Authority Robert Howard Jr. Louis Stoico Anthony R. Cataldo Board of Appeals decisions as follows were noted and placed on file: Anthony Cataldo Edward F. Cataldo Decisions Hartwell -Lex. Trust Mass. CUNA Assn. Maurice Sussman Morton Madoff Katherine Marotto Thomas Scanlan Robert Tillinghast It was decided to object to the Board of Appeals inter - Gravel removal pretation of the Zoning By -Law provision regarding the removal of gravel, etc. It is the opinion of the Plan- ning Board that the intent of the law is to permit grading necessitated by future construction (whether or not requiring a building permit) but to prohibit removal for storage and eventual disposal, even though the first step may involve removal of soil for storage on the same ' lot. It was unanimously VOTED: to release all securities held by the Town to PINE KNOLL guarantee the construction of street and utilities in Pine Knoll subdivision (Tricorne Rd.), all work OUTHET having been completed to the satisfaction of the Planning Board, and to authorize the Town Counsel, upon the execution by the developer of a grant of utilities and easements, to return said securities to the developers, Outhet Realty Trust. A letter from State D.P.W. dated June 23, 1966, relative to the Rte. 2 -Watertown St. interchange was dis- cussed. Mr. Legro, Town Counsel, presented to the Board GLEN ESTATES a duplicate release of lots 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 21 through 29, inclusive, in the Glen Estates subdivision for WAYMINT REALTY execution, the original release having been lost and not TRUST recorded. The Board executed the release. Mr. Worrell suggested that the Board recommend A & P SUPER- the rezoning of land on Lowell St. at Burlington line for ' MARKET the new location of the A & P Supermarket. It was decided to discuss the matter further and to meet with the repre- 7-11-66 sentative of the A & P at a later date. 'The Board decided to schedule a discussion of street conditions and "paper" streets on July 25 and to continue a visual inspection as soon as possible thereafter. The meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m. Natalie H. Riffin Clerk * * * * * * * * * * * * ADDENDUM Philip B. Herr and Associates 230 Boylston Street Boston, Mass. Dear Mr. Herr: -3- "PAPER" STREETS July 12,1966 At the meeting of the Lexington Planning Board on July 11, 1966, the ' Board voted to use your professional services as a consultant assist- ing the Board and its staff in the work of rearranging, codifying and simplifying as to form the Zoning By -Law of the Town of Lexington. The conditions shall be generally as outlined in your letter of June 31, 1966, and the following: 1. The total amount payable for your services in 1966 shall not exceed $1,000.00 due to budgetary limitations. Your work schedule on this project should therefore be planned with Mr. Zaleski so as to permit our use of your professional services when most useful throughout the remainder of 1966. 2. Since the codified By -Law may be presented for action by the 1967 annual town meeting, the By -Law should be substantially complete and ready for insertion in the warrant by the end of 1966. 3. Mr. Zaleski will acquaint you with long range zoning policy of the Board. No intentional substantive changes shall be intro- duced in this revision, but consideration may be given, subject to availability of funds, to an arrangement of the zoning by- law which would facilitate the future introduction of such changes. As mentioned in your letter, we hope that you'll work closely with ' Mr. Zaleski and that you'll meet with the Planning Board when necessary. Yours very truly, LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD /s/ Joseph A. Campbell, Chairman