HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-02-14PLANNING BOARD MEETING ' February 14, 1966 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in its office, Town Office Building, on Monday. February 14, 1966. Chairman Campbell called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with members Bryson, Greeley and Riffin, and Planning Director Zaleski present. Mr. Joseph Busa met with the Board to ask consider- ation of provision for second access to his land off Lincoln St. either via Barrymeade Dr. extension or in some other manner, as otherwise the length and shape of his land makes it practically impossible to divide it without an excessively long dead end street. A discussion fol- lowed, Mr. Bryson suggesting that Mr. Buss. may be able to acquire access from Barrymeade Dr. by dedicating a part of his land as a neighborhood play area. Mrs. Stephen Ella met with the Board next to enlist the Board's support for A feasibility study of the use of the Old Reservoir at Marrett Rd. for swimming. Mr. Jason Cortell, acquatic biologist, attended the meeting and re- called that he viewed Old Reservoir with the sanitarian ' from the State Dept. of Public Health and with members of Conservation and Recreation Committees. Mr. Cortell stated that his preliminary findings indicate that a further study of the Reservoir would be appropriate and that with mechanical re -circulation of water the possi- bility of a small swimming facility in this area appears likely. Mr. Cortell further said that Mr. Snow's in- vestigation of 1956 may no longer be valid due to exten- sions of sewer systems, drainage, etc. Mr. Cortell de- scribed the action of an aqualator (circulator). The Old Reservoir does not appear to dry out despite a very low rainfall and drying out of streams in the last two or three years. Mrs. Ells stated that an article for a study had been submitted in the fall of 1964 and again in 1965, but not accepted by the Selectmen, and that the 1966 Annual Town Meeting will be asked to approve the study. The Board took the matter under advisement. Mr. Danielson, Mr. Elliot, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Leatherbee met with the Board to discuss Dr. Short's plans for the development -of C 4 area on Waltham St. Amended plans were presented to the Board showing utilities and structural details questioned by the Board during a pre- vious review. Mr. Danielson indicated that the basement will be more than 60% below mean grade, that there will be no attic, only an air-conditioning condenser and showed plans for the proposed drainage and a letter from Supt. of Public Works in Waltham permitting the extension of sani- JOSEPH BUSA BARRYMEADE DR. OLD RESERVOIR MRS. ELLS DR. LEONARD SHORT C 4 BUILDING 2-14-66 -2- tary sewer from Waltham to serve this building. Mr. Greeley objected to the use of the basement for separate office , rental. Mr. Leatherbee and his associates were agreeable to an arrangement by which no office space requiring visits by customers would be permitted in the basement, solely storage and services for the building and its occupants. Atty. Stevens and Mr. Grindle presented to the Board ROWLAND AVE. a revised plan of extension of Rowland Ave. to provide access to the rear of Grindle and Tower properties, so Mr. GRINDLE Grindle could establish a new lot fronting onto Rowland Ave. extension. The plane were reviewed by the Board and it was ruled that the extension should be laid out as a street all the way to the end of A.T. & T. property and approved as a subdivision, but that the construction may not be required for the whole length. Mr. Robert Whitman and the Board discussed the pro - PLANNING posed contract for planning assistance by.the Mass. Dept. of ASSISTANCE Commerce and Development using 2/3 federal funds. Upon a motion duly made and seconded,.the Board MASS. DEPT. OF COM. & DEVEL. VOTED: to authorize the chairman to execute the contract with the Massachusetts Dept. of Commeerce and Devel- opment for planning assistance as voted under Art. 70 of the 1965 Annual Town Meeting. ' The question of extent of Planning Board's clerical assistance to citizens' study committees was discussed. Mr. Leslie York met with the Board relative to the ROBERTS & ROBERTS request by Roberts & Roberts for Board of Appeals Finding and Determination for a multiple occupancy building on FORBES RD. Forbes Rd. Mr. York presented architects floor plans in addition to site and street plans previously transmitted by the Board of Appeals. Plans were reviewed by the Board. Mr. York next spoke of using 26 acres of the P.otbes Rd. C 3 land for luxury type apartments in the $300 range since the land is wet and ledgy and not well suited for industrial buildings. The proposal was discussed by the Board. The Board voted to pay for postcards to Town Meet- ing members to notify them of the February 28, 1966 public hearing. MINUTES Minutes of Planning Board meeting of January 31 were read and approved as amended. VOTE The Board voted to release all lots in HadleyRd. HADLEY RD. (Estabrook Gardens) subdivision and accepted the suety for the construction of Hadley Rd. 2=14-66 -3- Letter from the Board of Selectmen relative to the acceptance of streets was read and it was decided to STREET ' recommend the acceptance of streets as proposed by the ACCEPTANCE Selectmen subject to the conditions stated in the Plan- ning Board's letter relative to Laconia St. and reiter- ating the Board's wish for an exchange of land at Middleby Rd. with Frissore. The question of presentation of CM 1, Board of Appeals and Cluster Zoning articles was taken up next. TOWN MEETING The news release on Cluster Zoning was amended and approved. ARTICLES Report drafts will be prepared by persons who presented the articles in the Town Meeting.' The Board adjourned for a brief period for a dis- cussion with the Selectmen of the future use of the Public PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. Works land at Bedford St. The Board then resumed the meet- PROPERTY - ing and discussed briefly a letter advising the Selectmen BEDFORD ST. of the Board's position on the P.W.D. property, namely, rezone to CS; if rezoning fails, rezone to R l in the future, but oppose strongly the sale of this land for C 1 uses. Letters from Stevens family and Mintz, Levin & Cohn relative to proposed CS and CN rezoning were read. It was CN AND CS decided to reply to Mr. Sukeforth advising him that his ZONING objections and questions will be made a part of record and were discussed. Mr. Greeley agreed to present CN and Mr. Campbell CS rezoning at the public hearing. The following notices of Board of Appeals hearings were read and noted: BD. OF APPEALS HEARINGS Dr. Leonard Short Ellwood Barrett Hazel Woodberry William Hardy Wilson Farm, Inc. Lloyd Miller Robert Tillinghast Lexington Motor Inn. It was decided to advise the Board of Appeals that the Planning Board will recommend the approval of the C 4 Dr. Short building petitioned for by Dr. Leonard Short subject to' the following conditions: 1. Verify permission to connect to Waltham sewer. 2. Drainage to be approved by the Town Engineer. 3. No offices or customer services in the basement. The EDA bill for $2,626.00 was approved. BILL Letter from the Board of Appeals relative to the rezoning of 2 -family house on Wilson land to R 2 was Bd, of Appeals read and the matter taken under advisement. Mr. Zaleski Wilson Land will so advise Mr. Nickerson. 2-14-66 -4- Letter from the Selectmen relative to the dates for the adjournment of the Town Meeting if necessary, was read and noted. , Letter from the Selectmen relative to the proposed BD. OF SELECTMEN filling of Itek parking lot was read and discussed. It was decided to advise the Selectmen that in the opinion of ITEK the Board the Town by its zoning action and location of the sanitary landfill area has committed itself to increasing run-off to Shawsheen River. The Board would be in favor of supporting a large scale drainage study, if undertaken by Bedford so as to include the several adjoining towns. Letter from Conservation Commission relative to the purchase of West farm land was read and discussed. D.P.W. notice of easement taking off Concord Ave. was read and placed on file. Boprd of Appeals decisions on the following peti BD. OF APPEALS tions were noted: DECISIONS Mystic Valley Mental Health Assn. Wilson Farm Kennecott Copper Corp Muriel York Lexington Motor Inn. Muffin House Irene Buono Lexington Housing Auth. Mrs. Ells' request for the Board's support of a OLD RESERVOIR study of the Old Reservoir was discussed next and the Board decided to record itself in favor of the study. The application for Finding and Determination for the ROBERTS & proposed building on Forbes Rd. (Roberts & Roberts) was ROBERTS considered next and the Planning Director was authorized to convey to the Board of Appeals the recommendation for a favorable Finding and Determination. Mr. Greeley reported on the meeting of the Great GREAT MEADOWS Meadows Committee which he attended. The present proposals are for a golf course and for a nature study area. Mrs. Riffin reported on her meeting with Laconia St. residents and on her being subpoened as a witness in the Curtin -Tidewater court action. The meeting adjourned at 11:35 p.m. Natalie H. Riffin Clerk 77 L