HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-01-031 1 1966 January 3. 1966 throueh Anril 1. 19E Joseph A. Campbell, Evert N. Fowle Roland B. Greeley, Vice Arthur E. Bryson, Jr. (Mrs.) Natalie H. Riffin, C h Joseph A. Campbell, Chai Evert N. Fowle Roland B. Greeley, Vice (Mrs.) Natalie H. Riffin, C Francis T. Worrell Louise M. Macomber, Secretary PLANNING BOARD MEETING January 3, 1966 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in its office, Town Office Building, on Monday, January 3, 1966. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Bryson with members Campbell, Fowle, Greeley, Riffin, and Planning Director Zaleski present. Mr. Bryson resigned as chairman of the Board and upon ELECTION OF a motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously OFFICERS VOTED: to elect Joseph A. Campbell chairman and Roland B. Greeley vice-chairman. The minutes of Planning Board meeting of December 27, MINUTES 1965, were approved. It was decided to ask Mrs. Macomber to attend the meeting on January 10, 1966 for last minute changes in Town Meeting articles. Mr. Zaleski reported on his negotiations with Messrs. Kobrick and H. White relative to their lot at the north- westerly corner of Lowell and Woburn Sts. Messrs. Kobrick and White agreed to accept the zoning restrictions for CN districts as an additional condition in an agreement for relocation of Laconia St. through the exercise of eminent domain by the town with the owners idemnifying the town for any damages. A discussion followed. Notices of Historic District Commission hearings on January 5, 1966 were read and noted. Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Selectmen on December 13, 1965 were noted. LEXLAND CONSTRUCTION CO. LACONIA ST. H.D.C. HEARINGS At 8:00 p.m. a duly advertised public hearing was held on the petition of Thyng and Oliveira for the approval HEARING of a definitive plan of Marrettwood subdivision (Elena Rd.) - Five persons attended the hearing. The Board questioned MARRETTWOOD the sight distance from Elena Rd. entrance and the traffic - hazards attendant to the high-speed traffic on Marrett Rd. THYNG-OLIVEIRA crossing Rte. 128 and going by the Elena Rd. entrance. Mr. Bryson stated that in his opinion the vote of the town meeting on June 7, 1965 under Article 14 of theiarrant against a con- nection through Barrymeade Dr., contributed to the creation of a very dangerous situation. Mr. Joseph Busa was present at the hearing and stated that his land to the southwest of the proposed subdivision could not be reasonably developed without a connection to Elena Rd. or to Barrymeade Dr. The hearing was declared closed at 8:35 p.m. The Board discussed the traffic safety aspect of the proposed subdivision. Mr. 1-3-66 -2- Fowle moved to put an article for Barrymeade Dr. connection ' in the warrant for the 1966 town meeting. The motion was not seconded and the Board decided to study the matter for two weeks. The Board resumed its discussion of Laconia St. and it LEXLAND was decided to recommend that Laconia St. be relocated to open CONSTRUCTION onto Lowell St. subject to the Lexland Realty indemnifying the CO. - town for any damages, agreeing to accept CN restrictions, and LACONIA ST. cooperating with the town as regards placement of curb cuts to minimize traffic hazards. Reviewed by the Board was the following Form A appli- FORM A cation: #66-1, submitted Dec. 30, 1965 by Ernest E. Outhet; Outhet plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", scale: 1" = 20', dated Dec. 23, 1965, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. The plan was endorsed as not requiring approval under the Subdivision Control Law. A letter to Mr. Bryson inviting him to attend a meet - GREAT ing of the Arlington -Lexington Great Meadows Committee on MEADOWS COM. Feb. 11, 1966 at 8:30 p.m. was read. Mr. Greeley agreed to attend the meeting in lieu of Mr. Bryson. ' Attorney Harold Stevens and Mr. Coleman, a real es - REZONING tate broker, met with the Board to discuss a rezoning of PROPOSAL Williams land now in C 4 district on Waltham St. at Waltham C4 to Cl city line. Mr. Stevens stated that Williams land did not - have enough area to meet C 4 requirements and that Mr. WILLIAMS Williams did not receive the notice of rezoning to C 4 in 1963. Mrs. Riffin stated that she discussed the rezoning proposal with Mr. Williams. Mr. Williams owns 40,000 sq.ft. of which 10,000 sq.ft. are in Waltham. Mr. Stevens requested the rezoning of Williams land to C 1, to be used for a rest- aurant or more specifically a steak house. A general dis- cussion followed. The Board, except for Mr. Bryson, was not in favor of sponsoring a zoning amendment and Mrs. Riffin suggested that relief could be obtained through the Board of Appeals variance. Mr. Coleman stated that a variance would not be acceptable from the financing viewpoint. Messrs. Donald Moore, of Niles Co.; Jarvis Farley, REZONING President of Mass. Indemnity and Insurance Co.; Bill Billings, PROPOSAL Vice President of Mass. Indemnity; Robert Jones of Niles Co.; Stan Billings, Mass. Indemnity and Insurance Co.; Atty. R1 to C 3 Stevens; and Atty. Richards met with the Board. Mr. Moore out- GREENE lined the request for the rezoning of Greene property at Spring PROPERTY St. to C 3 for the home office of the Mass. Indemnity and In- ' demnity and Insurance Company. A 40,000 sq.ft. ground coverage 2 -floor building is proposed on 8.1 acres now owned by Greene, 1-3-66 -3- including a parcel acquired from the State. Beckwith was considered as the architect. Mr. Richards spoke for Lexington Investment Trust and Itek regarding the development of Cerel-Roberts or Lexington Investment Trust land stating that they were seeking rezoning also and would be glad to cooperate with the developers of the adjacent land. Mr. Richards stated that his clients expected to initiate a petition for the rezoning. Mrs. Riffin left the meeting to represent the Board before the Selectmen re: Laconia St. The Board reviewed the rezoning proposals and the majority was in favor of joint re- zoning of Roberts and Greene properties with a loop road from the 70 ft. right-of-way at Waltham line to the back of Greene property, but without an entrance to commercial land over the Greene lot. It was the opinion of the Board that Greene land rezoning would have to, be worded so that its dele- tion from the total zoning article would be possible. Mr. Richards stated that his rezoning proposal would extend only to within 50 ft. of the property line. LEX. INVESTMENT TRUST CEREL-ROBERTS SELECTMEN REZONING PROPOSALS The Board next voted to go into executive session to discuss matters the premature disclosure of which may ad- EXECUTIVE versely affect the financial interests of the town or the SESSION reputation of any person. Following the discussion of Laconia - St, lot the Board resumed the open meeting. The Board voted unanimously to agree to have the fol- lowing articles in the 1966 town meeting warrant in the order ARTICLES FOR listed: WARRANT a. Acquisition of the Lexland lot - Selectmen's' article b. Rezoning to C N - Planning Board article c. Relocation of Laconia St. to enter from Lowell St. - Selectmen's article The draft of the annual report was approved. It ANNUAL REPORT was agreed to release the report to the press. Mr. Bryson proposed an article for the beautifica- BEAUTIFICATION tion of Massachusetts/which was approved in principle and ACT referred to the planning director for putting into final form. The question of requirement for underground wiring in subdivisions was discussed briefly. It was decided to UNDERGROUND notify Mr. Sussman that the Board will study his recommenda- WIRING tions as soon as the work load permits. ' Mrs. Riffin offered a revised article on nurseries which would permit nurseries in R 1 districts subject to NURSERIES Board of Appeals permit and subsequent purchase and garden centers in.0 1 or C S districts, including the sale of cut 1-3-66 -4- flowers and power tools. After discussion the Board de- cided not to propose an amendment of existing zoning as ' regards nurseries at the 1966 annual town meeting. Letters from Mr. Motto -Christensen on buffer re- quirements in CS districts and from the Town Engineer regarding street acceptance were referred to the Planning Director for reply. A meeting on January 17, 1966 with the Citizens Steering Committee and the Capital Expenditures Committee was acceptable to the Board. It was suggested that the Planning Board office would not be big enough for this and that a different location should be selected. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m. G Natalie H. Riffin Clerk 1 L