HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-11-15PLANNING BOARD MEETING November 15, 1965 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in its office on Monday, November 15, 1965. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bryson at 8:00 p.m. with Members Greeley, Riffin, and Planning Director Zaleski present. The minutes of Planning Board meeting of Novem- MINUTES ber 8, 1965 were approved. The Board reviewed plans submitted with applica- tion•Forms A #65-52 and #65-53, as follows: FORMS A #65-52, submitted November 12, 1965 by Frank E. Hodgdon; plan entitled "A Compiled Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated May 7, 1965, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. #65-53, submitted Nov. 12, 1965 by Charles H. Cole 2nd; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexin g - ton, Mass.", dated Oct. 18, 1965, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that plans accompanying Form A applications #65-52 and 465-53 do not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law. Planning Director reported that Mr. Robert W. Miley of 435 Lincoln St. wished to rezone his land to REZONING PROPOSAL the new Service and Trade district. Mr. Zaleski sug- gested to Mr. Miley that such rezoning would probably not MILEY be sponsored by the Planning Board and outlined the pro- cedure for citizens' rezoning petitions. Draft of letter to the Selectmen relative to the Chapter 220, Acts of 1965, (Hatch -Wetlands Bill) and its WETLANDS implementation was read, approved, and signed by the Chairman. Drafts of five of the Planning Board 1966 zoning articles were distributed by Mr. Zaleski. Mr. Bryson left the meeting at 8:00 p.m. to attend a meeting of the C.B.D. Study Steering Committee and the CAPITAL EX - remainder of the Board met with the Capital Expenditures PENDITURES Committee to discuss Planning Board's recommendations for COMMITTEE 5 years capital expenditures. A discussion followed re- garding the justification of various Planning Board recom- mendations. 11-15-65 -2- Mr. Bryson returned at 9:00 p.m. and resumed the Chair. Mrs. Riffin reported briefly on the recommendations CLUSTER of the Cluster Zoning sub -committee. The sub -committee, ZONING after a study of cluster zoning operation in several other communities, decided to recommend the adoption of cluster zoning by the 1966 town meeting for areas of 10 acres or more in the 30,000 sq.ft. residential districts. TOWN MEETING Letter from the Selectmen notifying the Board that ARTICLES the deadline for 1966 Annual Town Meeting Articles was January 10, 1965, was read and noted. The Board decided to present the following Articles for the 1966 Annual town meeting. CM 1 zoning restrictions Service and trade districts Neighborhood business zoning Cluster zoning Consolidation of small lots Nurseries Frontage definition It was decided to ask the owners of the land needed for the Muzzey-Clarke parking lot to a meeting on November 29, 1965. ASST.BLDG. It was decided to recommend to the Selectmen the em - INSPECTOR ployment of an assistant building inspector to help the en- forcement of zoning, sign and similar regulations. Letter from the Board of Appeals relative to the NURSERIES proposed zoning article on nurseries was read. It was de- cided to modify the proposed wording in accordance with Mr. Nickerson's recommendations. The replies of potential users to the TMMA Land Use TMMA LAND USE Committee questionnaire on service and trade districts were QUESTIONNAIRE referred to the Planning Director for the preparation of a summary which would be distributed to all members of the Board. A letter from the Mass. Dept. of Public Works rela- DRIVEWAYS tive to driveways opening onto State highways was read and it was decided to mail copies of the letter to the building inspector and the town engineer. Mr. Eric Kula reported to the Board that he dis- CONSERVATION cussed with Mr. Hines, the owner of the land at Hayden Ave. - next to Kennecott Copper, the question of giving some land HAYDEN AVENUE to the Town for conservation and that the owner would be willing to give up 8-10 acres in the back, if his front land is rezoned to C 3. A discussion followed. It was decided to have Mr. Kula come back after the full Board had a chance to discuss the proposal. 11-15-65 -3- Notices of Board of Appeals hearings on the peti- tions of the following applicants were read and discussed BOARD OF briefly: APPEALS HEARINGS William & Iris Howard Mr.William H.Sullivan William Setterlund Donna Realty Trust Pine Crest Realty Trust Homeland Realty Dominic Falcone A notice of a hearing before the Historic District Commission on the building to be erected on the site of HISTORIC the Hunt Bldg. was read and discussed. It was decided to SITES - alert the advisory committee on the revitalization of the HUNT BLDG. downtown to this hearing and Mrs. Riffin volunteered to do so. The meeting adjourned at 10:50 p.m. Natalie H. Riffin Clerk f] 1