HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-05-031 1 1 PLANNING BOARD MEETING May 3, 1965 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held on Monday, May 3, 1965 in its office, Town Office Build- ing. Meeting called to order by Chairman Bryson at 7:30 p.m. with Members Campbell, Fowle, Greeley and Rif£in, and Planning Director Zaleski present. Minutes of meeting of April 26, 1965 were approved. The name "Evergreen Lane" was approved as the proposed new name of Franklin Ave. and the date of the public hearing on the name change set for May 24th. The Board next considered the requested release of building restrictions on Lot 39 Grapevine Ave. and decided to recommend to the Selectmen against the release of the deed re- striction. Public hearing on Green Valley, Sec. 7 was set for May 243 1965. Public information meeting on Emerson Rd. was scheduled for 8:00 p.m. May 20, 1965. Meeting with Capital Expenditures Committee and others on the long range financial study was scheduled for 7:30 May 19, 1965. u HEARING -FRANKLIN AV. GRAPEVINE AVE. EMERSON RD. LONG RANGE STUDY Mr. Gray informed the Board that the Selectmen voted not to include in the warrant for the June 7, 1965 town meet- LIDBERG-CASTOLDI ing the articles on the acquisition of Lidberg land and the exchange of Castoldi land. The Board adjourned to meet with the Selectmen to protest this action. Copies of draft of letter to the League of Women Voters CLUSTER ZONING requesting their assistance in the cluster zoning study were distributed to members by Mr. Fowle. The Board then resumed the meeting and met with Messrs Prelack, Sateriale and Zygarmy relative to the Oak Park sub- division. The Board suggested that the proposed Vine Brook easement be granted so as to provide for public access to Vine Brook. A discussion followed. The developers agreed to grant an easement which would include public access and the Planning Board agreed that no purpose would be served by the developers granting the town the fee in parcel "Y". The developers then requested extension of time for action on this subdivision to May 18, 1965, inclusive, and withdrew the plans for the agreed modifications. The Planning Board then voted to extend the time for action on this subdivision to May 18, 1965 inclusive. OAK PARK CIRCLE 5-3-65 -2- The Board then discussed the problems of Emerson Rd. EMERSON RD. It was decided to postpone the public information meeting on , Emerson Rd. until fall of 1965, in view of the refusal of the Selectmen to insert the article on Lidberg land in the June 7 town meeting warrant. Members of the Board expressed their opinions regarding the various aspects of Emerson Rd. width. The Board next reviewed plans submitted with Form A FORMS A applications as follows: #65-19, submitted April 29, 1965 by Holiday Homes (Roberts); plan entitled "Plan of Land Lexington, Mass. (Showing Revision of Lots 48 & 49) Owned by Holiday Homes Inc.", dated March 18, 1965, Veo & Wheeler, Hudson, Mass. #65-20, submitted April 30, 1965 by Lasslo and Eleanore Szabo; plan entitled "Sub -division of Land in Lexington - Mass.", dated Feb. 1965, Jos. J. Sullivan, Surv. #65-21, submitted April 30, 1965 by Lasslo and Eleanore Szabo; plan entitled "Sub -division of Land in Lexington - Mass.", dated Feb. 1965, Jos. J. Sullivan, Surv. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted that approval under the Subdivision Control Law is not required and the plans were so endorsed. ' A letter, dated April 27, 1965, from Todd Realty, Inc. JACKSON EST. stating that the construction of streets and the installation of TODD REALTY municipal services in the Jackson Estates Section One subdivi- sion had been 50% completed and requesting the reduction of surety, was considered next. A letter, dated May 3, 1965, was received from the Town Engineer verifying that the above work was 50% completed to his satisfaction. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was then unanimously VOTED: to reduce from $38,000. to $19,000. the amount of surety held by the Town of Lexington to ensure the performance of the terms of the bond given by Todd Realty, Inc. on December 11, 1964, and of the application signed by said Todd Realty, Inc., dated September 30, 1964, relative to the construction of ways and the installation of munici- pal services in a subdivision of land shown on the plan entitled "Jackson Estates Section One Lexington, Mass.", dated September 21, 1964, and to authorize the Town Counsel to arrange for the return to the applicant of sureties in excess of $18,000. H.D.C. NOTICE A notice of Historic District Commission hearing on the proposed addition to #1822 Mass. Ave. was noted and filed. 5-3-65 ' Notices of Board of Appeals hearings on the appli- cations of the following were noted: William Silvio James Casella Bernard Maloney Lex. Arts & Crafts Society Harold Michelson Stop & Shop Ruth V. Ready It was decided to object to the requested variance for Mrs. Ready on the basis that Jean Rd. is not a constructed street and that no hardship exists. Decisions of the Board of Appeals on the applica- tions of the following petitioners were noted: Temple Emunah - granted C. Cammarata - denied J. Sarnessian - denied Harold Millican - granted Highland Farm (Modoono) - granted for conservatory and to open Sundays; denied awning Public Facilities Committee - granted -3- BOARD OF APPEALS HEARINGS BOARD OF APPEALS DECISIONS Planning Board Highlights were read and approved. The proposal for the C.P.D. study by the Economic Development Associates was discussed next. It was decided C.P.D. STUDY to change the date for the completion of contract to Decem- ECONOMIC DEVEL- ber 31, 1965 and to change the payment schedule to match OPMENT ASSOC. the performance period. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Natalie H. R.iffin Clerk 1