HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-03-01PLANNING BOARD MEETING March 1, 1965 The Lexington Planning Board held a regular meeting in its office, Town Office Building, on Monday, March 1, 1965, with Chairman Bryson, members Campbell, Greeley, Meyer and Riffin, and Planning Director Zaleski present. At 7:30 P.M. the Planning Board met with the Selectmen and the Historic Districts and Historic Districts Study Com- HISTORIC DISTRICTS mittees in the Selectmen's office. Mr. Jaquith explained the COMMISSION background of historic districts and of the Historic Districts Study Committee, and the reasons for the proposal to extend historic districts. After a brief discussion the Board re- turned to its office. At 8:05 p.m. the duly advertised public hearing was held on the proposed subdivision of ladd owned by Ernest C. PINE KNOLL and Sarah A. Outhet, shown on the definitive subdivision plan SEC. 1 entitled "Pine Knoll Section One Lexington, Mass.", dated Oct. - 23, 1963, by Miller & Nylander. Planning Board Chairman Arthur OUTHET E. Bryson, Members Campbell, Greeley, Rif£in and Meyer, appli- cant Outhet add eight other persons were present. Mr. Outhet explained the layout and a brief discussion ensued regarding the grading adjacent to the Greene lot. Mr. Rowe spoke in ' favor of the subdivision. Mr. Campbell asked about the possi- bility of rounding rhe corners at the Greene lot. Mrs. Greene stated that the pavement could be rounded without a change of the right of way, but if necessary she would be willing to discuss a corner rounding. The public hearing was declared closed at 8:30 p.m. At 8:33 a group of residents met with the Board to pro- SUBDIVISION test the use of names of Worthen Rd. and Emerson Rd. in the REGULATIONS Subdivision Regulations. Mr. John Harvell presented a peti- tion signed by 77 residents in support of their contention. The Chairman then read a letter from Mr. Homer Hagedorn. The Board agreed to delete the names from the Subdivision Regula- tions. Mr. Greeley moved to delete specific reference to Worthen Rd. and Emerson Rd. in the Subdivision Regulations and by a unanimous vote the Board adopted the motion. The Subdivision Regulations were then discussed and the wording of Section 7.2 amended. Upon a motion by Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Meyer, it was unanimously VOTED: to adopt the amended "Rules and Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land in Lexington, Mass." in lieu of the original text of said "Rules and Regulations" as adopted by the Planning Board on February 23, 1964. Hayden Ave. land rezoning to apartments was discussed HAYDEN AVE. next. It was decided to oppose the rezoning for the reason APARTMENTS 3-1-65 -2- that the addition of so many apartments would detrimentally affect the charzcter of the town. The Board does not believe , that these apartments would be a significant source of revenue: to the town or would fill a need which exists in the town at this time. Until the impact of the use of land already zoned for apartments can be evaluated or until long range studies indicate a need for major rezoning, the Board is opposed to the rezoning of this scope contrary to the recommendations of the "Phase One Summary Report." ARTICLES FOR The reports on Articles 56, 57, 58, 59, and 60 were WARRANT reviewed and approved with corrections. (See addenda.) Planning Board "Highlights" prepared by the Planning Director, were read and approved with changes. Letter from the Selectmen relative to the widening of Mass. Ave. was read and referred to the Planning Director. MINUTES Minutes of the meeting of February 23, 1965 were approved. Memo from George Kolovson relative to the widening of Mass. Ave. and the study of the Central Business District was discussed next. Feting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. j: /�i .SCC ��� �. i/ lCL✓�..1//L Natalie H. Riffin, Clerk ADDENDA PLANNING BOARD REPORT ON PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF PARAGRAPH 16, SECTION 4 (c) OF THE LEXINGTON ZONING 91 -LAW Article 56 of the Warrant for the 1965 Annual Town Meeting is a proposal to amend the Zoning By -Law by the deletion of paragraph 16 of Section 4 (c) which would have the effect of rezoning from C 1 (local business) to R 1 (one family residence) district an area of land at Pleasant St. south of Rte. 2. A public hearing, duly advertised, was held on this proposed amendment on February 10,1965 at 8:50 p.m. in Estabrook Hall, Cary Memorial Building. This proposal relates to a small area of land, 150 by 200 feet, on which the 1775 House restaurant is located and which constitutes less than 20% of the entire parcel owned by the 1775 House, Inc. ' The remaining 80% or 2.461 acres are situated in R 1 district. The area in R I district was substantially larger and was reduced by 3-1-65 -3- about 1.3 acres by State takings for the widening of Rte. 2, in- cluding the taking of a large part of the parking lot which is located in R 1 district. Of probably even greater impact on the use of this land is the fact that there will be no direct access from Rte. 2 and that the access from Pleasant St. will be limited to a specific location. The small area of land was zoned C 1 in 1935 on a petition of the then owner. It is the opinion of the Planning Board that due to its location, State takings and access limitations this area is not suitable for local business uses and that such uses are apt to generate more intensive traffic leading to congestion and traffic hazards on Pleasant St. at the entrance to this area and the Rte. 2 off -ramp opposite. We believe that the use of the 1775 House as a restaurant can be continued as non -conforming despite the rezoning. It is the opinion of the Planning Board that the entire large parcel of land can best be utilized for one of the uses permitted in R 1 district. For the reasons outlined above, the Planning Board unanimously recom- mends the adoption of the amendment to the Zoning By -Law contained in the Article 56 of the Warrant for the 1965 Annual Town Meeting. Arthur E. Bryson, Jr., Chairman Joseph A. Campbell ' Roland B. Greeley Robert E. Meyer March 1, 1965 Natalie H. Riffin PLANNING BOARD REPORT ON PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF PARAGRAPH 12 SECTION 4 (c) OF THE LEXINGTON ZONING BY-LAW Article 57 of the Warrant for the 1965 Annual Town Meeting, if adopted, would have the effect of changing the zoning of two lots at the junction of School St. and Lincoln St. from C 1 (local business) to R 1 Gone family residence) district by striking out paragraph 12 of Section 4 (c) of the Zoning By -Law describing the C 1 district. A duly advertised public hearing was held on this proposal on February 105 1965 at 8;20 p.m. in Estabrook Hall, Cary Memorial Building. The land in question consists of two lots, one of which is occupied by the Fudge & Son Funeral Home, a use allowed in C 1 district subject to a special permit from the Board of Appeals, while the other lot is vacant. This lot was the site of the "Carriage House" restaurant which burned down in 1962. These two lots are bounded on the north, north- east, and east by residences and on the west and south by public ways. This intersection, known as the "Five Forks," carries heavy traffic ' and is crossed by numerous school children. However, the traffic is well channelized in this part of the complex intersection, and the com- plications for both vehicles and pedestrians could be kept at a minimum by appropriate control of curb -cuts in the properties directly at issue. 3-1-65 -4- A rezoning of the area would make the Fudge Funeral Home non -conform- ' ing. The Planning Board also takes cognizance of the fact that the other lot is vacant only due to a fire. In view of the above factors the Planning Board by a unanimous vote recommends against the adoption of Article 57. Arthur E. Bryson, Jr., Chairman Joseph A. Campbell Roland B. Greeley Robert E. Meyer Natalie H. Riff in March 1, 1965 PLANNING BOARD REPORT ON THE PROPOSAL TO AMEND PARAGRAPH 22, SECTION 4 (c) OF THE LEXINGTON ZONING BY-LAW Article 58 of the Warrant for the 1965 Annual Town Meeting contains the proposal to amend paragraph 22 of the Section 4 (c) of the Zoning By - Law. The effect of the amendment, if adopted, would be to change the zoning of an area of land at the northwesterly corner of Lowell and Woburn Streets from C 1 (local business) to R 1 (one family residence). A duly advertised public hearing on this amendment was held on February 10, 1965 at 8:00 p.m. in Estabrook Hall, Cary Memorial Building. The area to which the proposed amendment relates consists of two parcels of land, 14,815 and 10,413 sq.ft., separated by the 40 ft. right-of-way of Laconia St. in which a town water main is located. On the west and the north sides this C 1 district is bounded by residences and on the south and the east sides by public streets. This intersection carries heavy vehicular and pedestrian traffic, including numerous school children. The land proposed for rezoning was zoned C 1 in 1924 and has remained vacant ever since, more than 40 years. In the opinion of the Planning Board a business use of this land would fill no town -wide or neighbor- hood need. On the other hand, additional business traffic generated by such use and entering the heavily travelled intersection would contri- bute to congestion and constitute a definite traffic hazard. Since residences have been erected on the lots adjacent to this area in recent years, there is reason to believe that it can be utilized for uses per- mitted in R 1 districts. The Planning Board cannot accept the arguments that the proposed re- zoning would be unreasonable, not in keeping with the character of the adjacent properties, or a violation of the constitutional rights of the owners, since the land is not bounded by business, but solely by residential lots, and since the land itself is not now, nor has it ever been ,`_t d for..htt Z g ' purpbsos� Many i 0� � o 'the -Tows-i-tc beea rezoned �n the, gas row . , e , -sem , •o them.located at intersections and greatly resembling the present situa- tion. 3-1-65 -5- The Planning Board believes that the rezoning of this land by the Town Meeting would constitute a reasonable exercise of its zoning power and would be in keeping with the aims of zoning, namely to promote the safety and convenience of the inhabitants, to lessen congestion in the streets, to conserve the value of land and build- ings (the value of surrounding properties may be adversely affected by any further concentration of business and traffic in this area) and to preserve and increase the amenities of the town. The Planning Board therefore unanimously recommends the adoption of the amendment to the Zoning By -Law contained in Article 58. Arthur E. Bryson, Jr., Chairman Joseph A. Campbell Roland B. Greeley Robert E. Meyer Natalie H. Riff in March 11 1965 REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD ON THE PROPOSAL TO AMEND SECTION 1 OF THE ZONING BY-LAW Article 59 of the Warrant for the 1965 Annual Town Meeting is a pro- posal to amend Section 1 of the Lexington Zoning By -Law defining the ' purposes of the By -Law and the Zoning Map. A duly advertised public hearing was held on this proposed amendment on February 15, 1965 at 7:30 p.m. in Estabrook Hall, Cary Memorial Building. This amendment clarifies the authority, scope, and purposes of the Zoning By -Law by making specific reference to the Zoning Enabling Act, General Laws Chapter 40A which was enacted in 1954, replacing Sec- tions 25 to 30B inclusive of Chapter 40 of the General Laws to which our Zoning By -Law now refers. This amendment would further clarify the responsibility of the Planning Board to prepare and amend the Zoning Map to conform to the amendments of the Zoning By -Law and would eliminate the reference to the Zoning Map prepared in 1950 by William M. Burns, the then Town Engineer, which map can no longer be used due to numerous changes and revisions since 1950. The proposed amendment would clarify and up -date the Zoning By -Law without making any substantive change, and the Planning Board unani- mously recommends the adoption of Article 59. Arthur E. Bryson, Jr., Chairman Joseph A. Campbell Roland B. Greeley ' Robert E. Meyer Natalie H. Riffin March 1, 1965 3-1-65 10 PLANNING BOARD REPORT ON THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF SECTION 19 OF I THE ZONING BY-LAW Article 60 of the Warrant for the 1965 Annual Town Meeting contains a proposed amendment of Section 19 of the Lexington Zoning By -Law. A duly advertised public hearing on this amendment was held on Feb- ruary 15, 1965 at 7:45 p.m. in Estabrook Hall, Cary Memorial Building. This amendment clarifies the language relative to the procedure to be followed in amending the Zoning Map. It further provides for periodic revisions of the Zoning Map by addition, relocation or deletion of geographical features, such as streets, which make the map more up-to-date and easier to read and understand, but do not in any way affect or change the location and boundaries of zoning districts, as voted by the Town Meeting. This amendment clarifies the current procedure on Zoning Map amend- ments. By a unanimous vote the Planning Board recommends the adoption of this amendment, as described in Article 60. Arthur R. Bryson, Jr., Chairman Joseph A. Campbell Roland B. Greeley Robert E. Dyer Natalie H. Riffin March 1, 1965 Fj