HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-02-231 C. PLANNING BOARD MEETING February 23,1965 The Lexington Planning Board held a regular meeting in its office, Town Office Building, on Tuesday, February 23 1965. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bryson at 8:00 p.m. with Members Campbell, Greeley and Meyer, and Plan- ning Director Zaleski present. The plan of the proposed Oak Park Lane subdivision was reviewed by members of the Board. It was noted that the en- tire property is not shown on the plan and it was decided to request the owners to show the brook and the property lines. If these additions are made in time, the public hearing will be held on April 5, 1965. Plans submitted with Forms A as listed below were re- viewed by members of the Board and upon motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously VOTED: that the following plans do not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law: Form A Plan entitled Dated By #65-5 Plan of Land in Sept. 2, 1961 Miller & Nylander Lexington, Mass. #65-6 Plan of Land in Jan. 25, 1965 Miller & Nylander Lexington, Mass. #65-7 Plan of Land in Feb. 19, 1965 Miller & Nylander Lexington, Mass. #65-8 Plan of Land in Feb. 17, 1965 Miller & Nylander Lexington, Mass. Mrs. Arnold S. Relman met with the Board and presented composite maps on which the Land Use Committee of the L.W.V. colored to show residential, non-residential, and vacant lots and the tabulation of existing and possible land uses. The Board expressed its thanks to Mrs. Relman for the important contribution to the cause of long range planning in Lexington. The method of publicizing the maps was discussed next. It was decided to enclose the information release by Mrs. Relman with a covering letter by the Planning Board to all Town Meeting Members. OAS PARK LANE BUSA LAND USE MAPS L.W.V. The Statement of Conditions of Estabrook Gardens appoval ESTABROOK prepared by the Town Counsel for recording was signed. GARDENS The Board of Appeals decision on petitions of the fol- lowing applicants were noted: 2-23-65 -2- BOARD OF APPEALS Wagon Wheel Nursery, granted J. Belotti, granted Decisions ' Barbara Miller, granted for ten children Emerson Gardens, granted Konrad Bloch, granted Notices of Board of Appeais Bearings for Feb. 23, 1965 were read and noted: Hearings Joseph Augustine Athens Realty Trust Dr. William Graham MINUTES The minutes of the Planning Board of February 1 and 8 1965, were approved. Letter from Board of Appeals regarding the need for a VINE BROOK APTS new Finding and Determination for Vine Brook apartments if - one building is changed. It was decided to advise the Board BOARD OF APPEALS of Appeals that in the opinion of the Planning Board a substi- tution of buildings would require a Board of Appeals hearing. The minutes of Selectmen's meetings on January 4 and February 1 were noted and placed on file. Mr. Bryson reported on the meeting which he and Messrs. CENTRAL BUSINkSS Greeley and Zaleski had with Mr. Kolovson and Mr. Peter Stern DISTRICT on Sunday, Feb. 21, 1965 relative to the Central Business Dis- trict Study. A brief discussion of several aspects of the study ' and of the widening of Massachusetts Ave. followed. Article 58 for the rezoning of C 1 land at the northeast - ARTICLES FOR erly corner of Lowell St. and Woburn St. to R 1 was discussed TOWN WARRANT next. (Greeley, Campbell and Meyer.) The Board voted to recom- mend the adoption of the article. The Planning Director is to Art -58 -Laconia St. prepare a draft of the report on this article. Article 57 for the rezoning of School St. -Lincoln St. Art -57 -Carriage corner was discussed next and the draft of the Planning Direc- House tor's report approved with modifications. Article 56 for the rezoning of the land on Pleasant St. Art. 56-1775 House south of Rte. 2 (1775 House) was discussed next and several suggestions made regarding the draft prepared by the Planning Director. Letter from Mrs. Marcia Chipman relative to purchase by RECREATIONAL the Town of land on Lowell St. (Whipple Hill) was read. The PROPOSAL - Planning Director outlined the area involved on the map and ex- WHIPPLE HILI, plained that since the acquisition was for conservation purposes, he had referred the matter to Mr. Sussman. A letter from the Selectmen relative to use of Fuller Hill KENNEDY MEM.LIB. for Kennedy Memorial Library was read next. The Board voted 3:1 I in favor of the proposal 1 1 1 2-23-65 -3- Letter from J. Lambie, T.M.M.A. Land Use Committee, GREAT MEADOWS relative to the use of Great Meadows for conservation was read next and referred to the Planning Director. Memo from J. Lambie relative to school costs was dis- tributed to members. Letter from the Registrar of Deeds relative to record- ing the names of owners of subdivisions modified or disapproved VOTES was read and noted. The notice of ASPO convention in Toronto on April 25-28 ASPO , 1965 was noted. Mr. Zaleski advised the Board of his inten- CONVENTION tion to attend the convention. The chairman signed authorization of Mr. Zaleski to attend the convention on the chairman's behalf, thus entitling him to lower registration fee for PAS subscription. Letter fron E. A. Giroux objecting to the 500 sq. ft. size of proposed apartments in C 2 district was read. Attorney APARTMENTS Conroy attended the meeting and voiced the objection to any maximum size for apartments in C 2. A discussion followed re- garding the desirable apartment sizes. A letter from E. Conrad Levy regarding the proposed Sub- SUBDIVISION division Regulations was read and referred to the planning REGUL&TICNS director for reply. A letter from William Page regarding the use of Swen- son's Farm, so-called, by Scouts was read next and the pro- posed acquisition of 76 acres of land at Allen St. for conser- vation purposes discussed. Mr. Zaleski pointed out that land for Worthen Rd. must be reserved and not purchased for conser- vation with Federal funds. The Board voted 3:1 in favor of exempting building lots along existing streets from the acqui- sition by Town. A notice regarding a meeting called by the Mass. Federa- tion of Planning Boards in Weston was read. A letter from T.M.M.A. executive board regarding reports of advisory committees prior to town meetings was distributed to members of the Board. A circular from Boston Edison Co. was placed on file. Planning director's letter to Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors, regarding the use of more detailed plan titles to avoid mix-ups was read and approved. A notice of a meeting on water pollution sponsored by the Norfolk Co. Extension Service on March 4 was read and placed on file. SWWSON' S FARM 2-23-65 -4- Notice of zoning hearings by Winchester Planning Board was received next. The Board decided to check with the town counsel whether the simplified less technical description of proposed zoning changes, as used in Winchester notices, could be used by the Lexington Planning Board. Mr. Zaleski reported on his meeting with J. Woglom of Metcalf and Eddy and Aegis Harrington of the State Division of Planning in the oxfice of the latter, to discuss the scope of the proposed federally supported planning study. Mr. Harrington was invited by the planning director to attend the Board's meet- ing on March 8, 1965 at 8:00 p.m. to asnwer questions regarding the required and optional items in the study, the degree of Town participation, application and approval procedures, and other questions the Board may have. It was decided to invite the Cap- ital Expenditures Committee and the Selectmen to attend the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. Arthur E. Bryson, Jr. Chairman