HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-02-08PLANNING BOARD MEETING ' February 8, 1965 The Lexington Planning Board held a regular meeting in its office, Town Office Building, on Monday, February 8, 1965• The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bryson at 7:40 p.m. with members Campbell, Greeley, Meyer, and Riffin, and Planning Director Zaleski present. It was voted to rescina the approval of subdivision plan entitled "Minute Man High Lands Section Four" as follows: VOTED: that the approval by the Planning Board of the defini- tive subdivision plan entitled " inute Man High Lands Section Four Lexington, Mass.", consisting of 13 sheets by Albert A. Miller and Wilbur C. Nylander, Civil Engi- neers and Surveyors, dated Feb. 27, 1963, revised May 143 1963, and approved by the Planning Board after a public hearing on May 27m 1963, be and hereby is re- scinded. Emerson Gardens Realty Corp. request for finding and de- termination and the plans accompanying it were reviewed by mem- bers embers of the Board and it was decided to recommend that either the sum of units approved at any time should conform to zoning requirements for that part of the subdivision or else the en- tire layout should be revised and all portions should conform to the approved overall layout. The Board has no objections of 30 and 35 foot setback, provided the next section has a setback of 40 ft. or more. (See addenda.) Mrs. Battin then explained to the Board that her memo on nursing homes was not meant as a finished document but rather as an exploratory preliminary draft. Mr. Kneeland, Atty. for the Newton Cooperative Bank, and Mrs. Mary Guarino, owner of land at #271 Lincoln St. (Carriage House) next met with the Board. Mr. Bryson explained the present status of the proposal. Mr. Kneeland then spoke on economic considerations for Mrs. Guarino and the Newton Coopera- tive Bank, the mortgagee holding at present a mortgage of $24,000. originally computed at $2.00 per square foot. The re- zoning would mean a severe financial hardship since Mrs. Guarino has several prospects for commercial use of this land, such as medical building or office of Registry of Motor Vehicles, and expects one of such commercial uses to materialize within 9 months. If rezoned this land would be worth $8,000 to $9,000• MINUTE MAN HIGH LANDS SEC. 4 GIRRAC, REALTY EMERSON GARDENS REALTY CORP REZONING PROPOSAL CARRIAGE HOUSE Emerson Realty Corp. request for $2,257.70 reimburse- EMERSON GARDENS ment for the construction of Emerson Rd. from Maple St. to REALTY CORP - Station 5+70 southeasterly was reviewed by the Board and it EMERSON RU. was voted to recommend to the Selectmen that Emerson Realty Corp. be reimbursed by the amount requested. (See addenda.) 2-8-65 -2- Mr. Ralph Hall, trustee of the S & A Realty Trust, t "THE ORCHARD" with the Board regarding the extension of time for Planning Board , action on "The Orchard" (Bloomfield St. Extension) subdivi- HALL sion. The question of whether Bloomfield St. northeast of the subdivision provides adequate access was discussed, the Board maintaining the need for a majority petition for the acceptance of Bloomfield St. outside the subdivision as a public way. Mr. Hall then requested an extension of time to April 6, 1965, with the understanding that the Planning Board would act on this subdivision sooner if possible. At 8:30 p.m. the Board met with Messrs. Woglom and CAP. EXPENDI- Brinkers of Metcalf & Eddy and with members of the Capital TORE COb1MITTEE Expenditures Committee. New outline proposal was distributed - METCALF & and explained by Mr. Woglom. A question period followed. The EDDY advantages of the use of 701 funds versus'the Town bearing the entire cost and participating to a greater extent were discussed. Following the discussion the Planning Board and the Capital Expenditures Committee met in executive session to decide on various alternatives. It was voted to recommend the use of 701 funds and to utilize the services of Metcalf & Eddy as planning consultants in substantial accord with their Pro- posal #2 at $36,000. The Board then resumed the open meeting and advised Messrs. Woglom and Brinkers of the decision. The Capital Expenditures Committee and Messrs. Woglom and Brinkers retired at 11:00 p.m. The Board next discussed the proposal to permit apart - APARTMENTS IN ments in C 1 districts and decided on the following wording: C 2 DISTRICTS C. In C 2 districts 2., 3., 4., and 7. as described in the Subsection (d) of the Section G of this By -Law, apartments having each independent cooking facilities and not more than 500 square feet floor area, on either the second or third or both floors of build- ings of first class construction designed and used for stores, offices and other permitted commercial uses on the first floor. At least one readily access- ible off-street parking space not less than 200 sq. ft. in area and 10 feet in width shall be provided for each two apartments on the same lot with the apartments. It was decided to hold the public hearing on this article on March 4, 1965 at 8:00 p.m. The Planning Director related to the Board that the lands BARRYMEA.D DRIVE of Busa, Oliveira and Thyng between Lincoln St. and Rte. 128 could be subdivided so as to eliminate long dead-end streets and avoid street connection to heavily -travelled Marrett Rd. if the town were to ta$e for street purposes a small triangle of land at the end of Barrymeade Dr. at Busa land. Mr. Zaleski ex- plained that the triangle has little value in itself and is used by its owners to prevent an extension of Barrymeade llrive. The Town Engineer is in favor of the taking and the Selectmen will :.; be asked to recommend it. The Board expressed itself in favor ' of the taking of the triangle for street purposes. Th a meeting adjourned at 11:10 p.m. �G4 O C//, Natalie H. Ri.ffin Clerk ADDENDA Board of Appeals Town Office Building Lexington, Mass. Re: Emerson Gardens -3- February 9, 1965 Gentlemen: The proposed changes of apartment development layout entitled "Emerson Gardens" were reviewed by the Planning Board in accord- ance with the provisions of Section 5 (g) of the zoning by-law. It is the opinion of the Planning Board that the petitioner is in fact asking for a variance to permit more apartment buildings and more apartments on a given area of land than permitted by the Zoning By-law and that no hardship exists to justify such variance. The developer must either conform to the zoning density or area requirements as they apply to each section of the development or submit for your approval a revs edayout of the entire development and conform in all sections to such layout. Such revised overall. la out could provide for greater density in some sections a d density in others, as long as the overall density met the zoning requirements. The Planning Board has no objection to the proposed relocation of roadways, buildings, and parking, provided the overall area avail- able for landscaping and parking is not reduced thereby. The Planning Boara has no objection to the variance to permit 30 and 35 feet front yard in section two provided this is a transition and the required front yard will be maintained in the next section. Very truly yours, LEXINGTON PLANNING BQARD /s/ Alexander V. Zaleski Planning Director February B, 1965 Board of Selectmen Town Office Building Lexington, Mass. Re: Emerson Gardens, Emerson Rd. Reimbursement Gentlemen: The section of Emerson Road in the Emerson Gardens subdivision between Maple St. and Station 5+70 southeasterly has been constructed and the municipal services therein installed by the developer, Emerson Gardens Realty Corporation, in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Board and the specifications of the Public Works Department for a street 70 feet wide. The actual cost of this construction and installation ex- ceeds by two thousand two hundred and fifty-seven dollars and seventy cents ($2,257.70) the cost of the construction of a street and the in- stallation of municipal services needed to serve the subdivision alone. The above difference in the cost.of construction and installation has been verified and approved by the Town Engineer and Superintendent of Public Works of the Town of Lexington. The Planning Board recommends that the developer, Emerson Gardens Realty Corporation, be reimbursed the amount of difference or the extra cost of $2,257.70, as provided for in General Laws, Chapter 570, Acts of 1962. A copy of the request for reimbursement, including a breakdown of con- struction costs by the Emerson Gardens Realty Corporation, is attached. Very truly yours, LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD /a/ Arthur E. Bryson, Jr. Chairman. Enc. 1