HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-01-111 1 PLANNING BOARD MEETING January 11, 1965 The Lexington Planning Board held a regular meeting in its office, Town Office Building, on Monday, January 11, 1965. The meeting was called to order by Chariman Bryson at 7:30 p.m. with members Greeley and Riffin, and Planning Director Zaleski present. The Board held a joint meeting with the Capital Expen- ditures Committee to discuss the program for a long range financial study including the selection of a planning consult- ant and the manner of compensation, such as maximum upset and per diem, a set amount payable by Town, or the use of Federal 701 grant. It was decided to continue the discussion at 8:45 after the meeting with Thomas Associates. Mr. Leslie York next met with the Board and asked the Board's opinion regarding the possibility of Weyerhauser lum- ber (plywood) warehouse in Hinchey Rd. area in CM 1 district. Mr. Bryson pointed out that the proposal involved outdoor storage, wood (3rd class) construction, storage sheds, no fire- walls within building, and that both Mr. Nickerson and Mr. Legro question the basis for a variance for all of the above. Mr. Greeley stressed the desire for CM 1 activities being in- door and also suggested that should screened -off or similar storage be permitted, it should be considered built-up for the -purposes of area coverage percentage. It appeared that the Board was primarily opposed to outdoor storage and that other variations were mostly related to building construction and of less importance to the Board. PLANNING CON- SULTANTS - CAPITAL EXPEND- ITURES COMMITTEE WAREHOUSE - CM 1 Mr. York next displayed the architect's drawings of the PUBLIC FACILITIES proposed Public Facilities Building in Lexington Center which BUILDING were viewed by the Board and discussed briefly. Mr. Eric Kula, Mr. Stanton T. Hamlet, Mrs. Jacqueline Davison next met with the Board to discuss the development of WOODHAVEN the Woodhaven (Spring St. Valleyfield St. area). Mr. Kula sug- gested that the development of land next to Hayden Ave. may be worthwhile considering in lieu of proposals increasing the traffic on Spring St. Mrs. Davison pointed out that this area has no open Tawn recreational area provided in the vicin- ity. Mr. Kula also said that development or rezoning along Hayden Ave. Waltham St. would fit better the traffic pattern in this area. No specific proposals were made but it was sug- gested that over-all development of the area should be planned bearing in mind the needs of Woodhaven residents. Mr. Harold E. Stevens, Mr. Grady, and three associates (Messrs. Wallace and Mr. Tyler, Atty.) met with the Board and 1-11-65 -2- Mr. Stevens outlined a proposed amendment to rezone to A 1 ' 10.1 acres owned now by Hinds Realty Trust, while preserving REZONING PRO- natural assets of the area and providing recreational facilities POSAL TO A 1 similar to those done by the applicants in Norwood. Movies were shown in color on a sound projector of Windsor Gardens, HINDS-STEVENS built and operated by General Investment and Development Company in Norwood. Mr. M. Wallace spoke then, stating that the apartments would preserve and enhance the natural beauty of the area and comply with Lexington's regulations. Mr. Wallace suggested that the number of apartments would be less than the 480 maximum possible under zoning regulations. Mr. G. Thomas of Thomas Associates next met with the PUNNING CON- Board and the Capital Expenditures Committee to discuss long SULTANTS - range financial study. Mr. Boughton explained the general CAPITAL EXPEND- purposes of the study and some of its aims. Mr. Thomas then ITURES COMMITTEE described the qualifications of Thomas Associates and the ser- - THOMAS ASSOC. vices available to them on the fields of architecture, legal, financial and others. Various aspects and pros and cons of various methods of doing the study were discussed. Mr. Thomas estimated that the study would take about one year's time and that using 701 funds would cost about 10,E more than Town -paid studies, the cost range being $9,000- $12,000. Thomas Associates recommend a soil survey as one of the sources of the study. Hanover, Will.amstown, Stow, Bur- lington Vt., Rowley are some of the towns where Thomas Asso- ciates have worked. Paxton was done on per diem basis and they are working on a planning service basis for Shrewsbury. The Capital Expenditures Committee and the Planning Board then discussed what course the town should take regard- ing the financial study. Members of the Capital Expenditures Committee were in favor of maximum work by town groups. It was decided to discuss the matter further with Metcalf and Eddy in an informal manner and to see if they would assist in preparing an outline for the study and to discuss in more detail the financial arrangements. On invitation of Mr. Albert Gray, Mr. Greeley went to SPRING ST. the Selectmen to inform them about the Board's position on REZONING Spring St. rezoning, the position being that the Board would not sponsor any rezoning articles at this time. MINUTE MAN HGLDS The plans of the Minute Man Highlands subdivision were endorsed by members of the Board. Mr. Jules Sussman then discussed with the Board the CONSERVATION C@4- Conservation Commission's proposal to acquire all of Cataldo MISSION - land known as Swenson's Farm, which would form a part of a SWENSON FARM horseshoe -shaped green belt extending from Hobbs Brook Basin ' southeasterly and easterly. 1-L-65 -3- The Board voted to approve, and then signed, the Annual ANNUAL REPORT Report for 1964. Mr. Sussman made several suggestions to reduce con- struction and municipal services' costs. He then outlined his NATURAL RESOURCE ideas for a steering committee for a natural resource inven- INVENTORY tory proposed by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service. The minutes of Planning Board meeting of January 4, MINUTES 1965 were approved. The draft of letter from Planning Board to Selectmen describing the articles the Board wished to have inserted ANNUAL TOWN in the warrant for the 1965 Annual Town Meeting was read and MEETING ARTICLES discussed next. It was decided to advise the Selectmen that an article providing for fourth floor will be submitted later if desired by the Selectmen since it was only requested by Mr. Cataldo January 11th. Mr. Zaleski is to advise the Selectmen that since the applicants (Kenny and Roberts) with- drew the proposal and intend to present it later, the Board feels that they shouldn't take initiative in the matter of rezoning Fuller Hill at this time. The articles for the warrant for the Annual Town Meet- ing were discussed and the drafts of articles listed in the letter to the Selectmen approved, subject to future modifica- tion and to approval by the Town Counsel. The Board then voted unanimously to authorize Mr. Alexander V. Zaleski to endorse and sign plans and other in- AUTHORIZATION OF struments to certify action taken relative to such plans and PLANNING DIRECTOR instruments by the Lexington Planning Board in accordance with the provisions of the Subdivision Control Law, General Laws, Chapter 41, Sections -I; to 81GG inclusive. The Board then discussed the draft of Subdivision SUBDIVISICN Regulations and authorized the Planning Director to put it REGULATIONS in the final form and schedule a public hearing. Letter from Carl Blake, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the T.M.M.K. relative to the early submission of committee reports and recommendations as a condition of articles being acted upon by the Town Meeting was read and noted. Letter from Allan Green, Town By -Law Committee, rela- tive to abandoned cars was read and placed on file. Memos from the Division of Planning, Dept. of Com- merce, relative to proposed legislation and to the studies of water resources were read and placed on file. Minutes of Selectmen's meeting of December 28, 1961 were placed on file. 1-11-65 The following notices of Board of Appeals decisions BOARD OF were noted and placed on file: APPEALS Robert Strong - granted Walnut Farm (building) - granted Walnut Farm (sign) - granted Muriel York - granted Donald Benedict - granted James Catalano - granted Myron Graffam - denied Alessandro Morelli - denied Mrs. Paul Yphantis - granted The request of Mr. Daniel F. Gleason for the release MOHAWK DRIVE of lots in Mohawk Drive subdivision was discussed and it was agreed to accept the Maryland Casualty Co. surety bond in GLEASON the penal sum of $2,500 and to release all lots in this sub- division upon the preparation of all necessary documents by the Town Counsel, Mr. Zaleski to advise Town Counsel Conservation Commission letter on a possible pur- SWENSON FARM chase of the Swenson Farm land owned now by Mr. Cataldo was read and noted. Request from the Town Engineer relative to the status INGLESIDE RD. of the Ingleside Rd. subdivision was read, no action was taken at this time. Letter from Mrs. Helen Kain offering her services for planning work was read and referred to the planning director. The plan of the next stage of Emerson Gardens apart - EMERSON ment development was presented by Mr. Zaleski for review by GARDENS members of the Board. It was noted that a variance from the APARTMENTS Board of Appeals would be needed to locate buildings 30 and 35 ft. from Emerson Rd. in line with existing buildings, the revised zoning requirements being 40 ft. -4- Mr. Ralph Hall, Trustee, met with the Board to dis- "THE ORCHARD" cuss the status of the Orchard subdivision (extension of Bloomfield St.) Mr. Hall has obtained several signatures HALL on a petition for acceptance of Bloomfield St. between High- land Ave. and his subdivision and has amended his plans to pro- vide for sewer and drain easement over the land of Grant to the accepted portion of Sherburne Rd. The Board has tentatively agreed to approve the subdivision on Jan. 18 if there are no legal or other objections to this. Mr. Zaleski will inform the Town Counsel and request the preparation of necessary instruments. The meeting adjourned at 11:45 P.M. Natalie H. Riffin, Clerk �l 1