HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-01-04' LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD 1965 January 4, 1965 through April 1, 1965 Arthur E. Bryson, Jr., Chairman Joseph A. Campbell Roland B. Greeley Robert E. Meyer (Mrs.) Natalie H. Riffin, Clerk April 1, 1965 through January 5, 1966 Arthur E. Bryson, Jr., Chairman Joseph A. Campbell, Vice Chairman ' Ebert N. Fowle Roland B. Greeley (Mrs.) Natalie H. Riffin, Clerk 1 PLANNING BOARD MEETING ' January 4, 1965 The Lexington Planning Board held a regular meeting in its office, Town Office Building, on Monday, January 4, 1965. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Meyer at 8:00 p.m. with members Bryson, Campbell, Greeley and Riffin, and Planning Director Zaleski present. Mr. Meyer submitted his resignation as chairman, and upon a motion duly made and seconded the following members were ORGANIZATION unanimously elected to fill the positions on the Board: OF 1965 BOARD Chairman - Arthur E. Bryson, Jr. Vice Chairman - Joseph A. Campbell Clerk - Natalie H. Riffin FULLER HILL LAND - KENNY-ROBERTS PLANNERS METCALF & EDDY Mr. Bryson suggested to reserve second and fourth Mon- days for discussion of planning matters and to delegate as much administrative details as possible to the planning director. Other members concurred. No appointments to be made for the second and fourth Mondays so far as possible. Mr. Charles Kenny of C. W. Whittier Co. and Bernard Roberts met with the Board to discuss the zoning and use of Fuller Hill land at Rte. 111 and the Waltham line. The land consists of 361 acres in back of lots at Spring St. Mr. ' Bryson pointed out that one 70 ft. right -or -way along Waltham line may not be enough and that a second access may be essen- tial. vir. Kenny saia that the 70 ft. strip could accommodate two one-way drives with a divider in the middle. The question of access, legal frontage for more than one lot, use of lana in Waltham for emergency access, etc. were discussed at length. Mr. Roberts outlined the plan to sell to Mr. Kenny's group 50% of -'the lana and divide the remainder into three lots of 5 or more acres each. Messrs. Roberts and Kenny then offered to pro- vide a buffer strip to screen the industrial buildings from the residential area in form of an easement such as a conservation easement. Board members suggested that a tentative layout may be useful as -a basis for discussion. Mr. Roberts said that they would like to place a tentative article in the warrant for the annual town meeting. The Board had no objection to this provided the article could be submitted in time for the January U deadline and a subsequent petition with 100 signa- tures submitted to the Planning Board in time for a public hearing. The Capital Expenditures Committeejoined the meeting at this point. Mr. Woglam and Mr. Brinkers, planners for Metcalf & Eddy, met with -the -Board to discuss long-range financial study. They presented slides relating to the similar studies ' done in Medfield, Mass. and a broad outline of an approach that they consider suitable for Lexington. The pros and cons of FULLER HILL LAND - KENNY-ROBERTS PLANNERS METCALF & EDDY 1-4-65 -2- various organizational approaches and the use of federal funds were discussed in general. No decision was reached and Messrs. Woglam and Brinkers and the Capital Expenditures Committee left. ' Mr. Thomas Grindle next met with the Board and presented MR. GRINDLE a plan of land at the end of Rowland Ave. indicating anew lot - opposite the Amer. Tel. & Tel. Co. established by combining rear BLOOMFIELD ST. portions of lots of Grindle and Tower which face onto Bloomfield St. Mr. Grindle showed a grant of rights from the Telephone Co. for the construction of road and a cul-de-sac on their land. A permanent turning circle would, however, be economically prohib- itive for a single lot. The Board suggested that Mr. Grindle work out a solution with the town engineer and the planning director and that the Board will go along with any reasonable proposal. THYNG LAND Mr. William Sullivan met with the Board and presented a - preliminary plan of a subdivision of land df Thyng, dated Dec. 7, SULLIVAN 1964, by Miller & Nylander. The plan was reviewed by members of the Board and tentatively approved. THE ORCHARD Time for Planning Board action on The Orchard subdivi- sion (Bloomfield St. extension) was extended by vote to Janu- HALL ary 19, 1965, inclusive, as requested in writing by Ralph H. Hall, Trustee. TILLINGHAST Plans of Juniper Place extension (Tillinghast Estates) & JACKSON EST. and Brigham Rd. (Jackson Estates) subdivisions were endorsed ' ENDORSED by the Board, the twenty -day appeal period having expired. Plans submitted with Forms A #65-15 #65-2, and #65-3 FORMS A as described below were reviewed by the Board and endorsed as not requiring approval under the Subdivision Control Law: #65-1, submitted January 4, 1965 by S & A Realty Trust, Ralph H. Hall, Trustee; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 201, dated Dec. 23, 1964, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. #65-2, submitted December 31, 1964 by Town of Lexington, R. L. Higgins, Engr.; plan entitled "Plan of Land Mass. Ave and Meriam St. Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 201, dated Feb. 3, 1964, John J. Carroll, Town Engr. #65-3, submitted January 4, 1965 by Joseph F. Hill, J�., plan entitled "Plan of Land 176 Lowell St. Lexington, Mass.", scale: 1" = 6015 dated Sept. 2u, 1964, Francis H. McCarran Jr., Land Surveyor. All lots on Dewey Rd. (Pinewood Section One) subdivision PINEWOOD SEC. 1 were released from the restrictions of the Covenant and the re- lease instrument signed. This subdivision is now completed. ' The annual report of the Planning Board for 1964 was dis- 1-b-65 -3- tributed to members for review, tobesigned at the next meeting. ANNUAL REPORT The minutes of the Planning Board meeting of December 21, T964 were approved by the.Board. The definitive subdivision plan entitled "Estabrook Gardens Section One Lexington, Mass.", dated Sept. 5, 19613 Miller & Nylander,,C.E.'s & Surveyors, was approved by the Planning Board by a unanimous vote, subject to terms and con- ditions of the Covenant given by Harold C. and Mary C. Wilson, owners and applicants, on December A 1964. The certificate of action was signed by the Board. As requested by A. Morris Kobrick of Mintz, Levin ,and Kohn on behalf of the owners - the Whiter Trust and the Green- er Trust, the Board unanimously VOTED: to reduce the penal sum of the surety bonds furnished to guarantee the construction of ways and utilities in "The Grove" Section One subdivision as follows: MINUTES ESTABROOK GAR- DENS SEC. ONE WILSON THE GROVE SEC. ONE WHITER & GREENER TRUSTS LONGFELLOW EST. FARMER ARTICLES FOR ANNUAL T(JN MEETING 4 MEETING WITH SELECTMEN a. Bond 6865575 Aetna Casualty Co. reduced from $122,000.00 to $7,000.00 b. Bond 6856337 Aetna Casualty Co. reduced from $17,000.00 to $13000.00. ' The town engineer had noted that the work in the portions of the subdivision covered by these bonds was 95% complete. As requested by the owner, Mr. James Farmer, the Board unanimously VOTED: to release from the restrictions of the Covenant all lots in the Longfellow Estates Sec. 2 subdivision. The release instrument was signed by members of the Board. Zoning articles for the 1965 Annual Town Meeting were discussed next and it was decided to insert articles listed a., b., and c., in item ld of the agenda. Item 18 d. is to be changed to rezone to R 1 the entire corner of School St. and Lincoln St. including the funeral home. The Planning Board was then invited to and attended the meeting of the Selectmen to discuss a possible zoning amendment to permit apartments in C 2 districts on either 3rd, or 2nd and 3rd floors. The Selectmen pointed out that unless this was done the widening of Mass. Ave. at Hunt Block and Central Bloch would not be agreed to by the owners, as they felt that it would not be economical to replace these buildings unless apartments were permitted. The Board tenta- ' tively agreed to insert an article on the warrant but not necessarily support it on the Town Meeting floor, since it was MINUTES ESTABROOK GAR- DENS SEC. ONE WILSON THE GROVE SEC. ONE WHITER & GREENER TRUSTS LONGFELLOW EST. FARMER ARTICLES FOR ANNUAL T(JN MEETING 4 MEETING WITH SELECTMEN 1-4-65 -4- against-the policy of the Town and of the Planning Board to permit residences in the central business district. ' The discussion of the remainder of zoning articles -was post- poned until next meeting. THOMAS ACCOCIATES It was decided to invite Thomas Associates to meet with the Board on -January 11, 1965 to discuss the long-range financial study. The Board decided to begin meetings at 7:30 p.m. and to MEETINGS adjourn by 10:00 or 10:30 p.m. if -at all possible. The meeting adjourned at 12:05 a.m. Natalie H. Riffin Clerk