HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-09-14PLANNING BOARD MEETING ' September 14, 1964 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in its office on Monday, September 14, 1964. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Meyer at 8:00 p.m. with mem- bers Bryson, Campbell, Greeley, and Riffin, and planning direc- tor Zaleski present. Mr. Frederick A. Crafts, Jr., attorney, met with the board and presented a plan entitled "Plan Showing Proposed Lots in Lexington, Mass.", dated July 9, 1964, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s showing a proposed subdivision of land owned by J. Shea; at #517 Massachusetts Avenue. The plan was reviewed by members of the board and a discussion followed. Mr. Crafts wondered how this land could be divided either into 3 lots with less than required frontage on proposed street or into 2 lots with access driveway instead of a street. The minutes of August 24 meeting were approved as read. PROPOSED SUBDIVISION CRAFTS MINUTES Taken under consideration were the following applica- tions for determination of planning board jurisdiction: FORMS A #64-45, submitted August 25, 1964 by Goldie E. Powell and Robert J. Holt by their attorney Harold E. Stevens; Powell -Holt plan entitled "Plan'' -'of Land'in'Lexington, Mass.", scale 1" = 401, dated Aug. 21, 1964, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. #64-46, submitted September 4, 1964 by W. Creighton Gabel and Jane W. Gabel; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Gabel Lexington, Mass.", Bcaler 1"-401, dated Aug.:20 1964, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. #164 -47, -submitted September 9, 1964 by Ernest E. Outhet; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", scale Outhet 1" = 40', dated Sept. 4, 1964, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s &Surveyors. #64-48, submitted August 27, 1964 by Frank M. Hodgdon; plan entitled "A Compiled Plan of Land in Lexington, Hodgdon Mass.", scale: 1" = 40t, dated May 7, 1964,,Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors After reviewing the above plans, upon motions duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that plans accompanying Forms A #64-45, #64-46, and ' #64-47 do not require approval under the subdivision control law and that said plans be so endorsed. 9-14-6, -2- The plan accompanying Form A #64-118 submitted by Frank M. Hodgdon Hodgdon was again reviewed by the board together with corres- pondence pertaining thereto, and upon a motion duly made and I seconded it was unanimously VOTED: that plan accompanying Form A #64-48 requires approval under the subdivision control law. Letter from Winchester Planning Board re: Winchester Dr. lot release was read and noted. Letter from Regillo re; relocation of Laconia St. was read and noted. Mr. Snow's letter to Conservation Commission re: Old Res- ervoir was read and noted. The minutes of meetings of the Selectmen on August 10 and 4, and of the conservation commission on Aug. 15 were read and noted. , Board of Appeals notices of hearings to be held on Sept. 15 Copy of a plan of land at #207 Woburn St. entitled "Sub - PROPOSED SUB- division Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass. (being a subdivision DIVISION of lot shown on Ld. Ct. Plan #113700," Joseph W. Moore, Reg. Land - Surveyor, dated Oct. 17, 1956, submitted by Frances Keefe for T. QUINN Thomas Quinn Co. was reviewed by the board. Since the proposed back lot has only 36.68 ft. on Woburn St., the board felt that a subdivision street should be provided to serve the back lot. Mr. Emilio Spagnuola came in to discuss letter regarding INGLESIDE ST. completion of Ingleside St. (Kingston Homes). He explained that - the first portion released will be completed within four months. SPAGNULOA The bids for printing zoning by-laws were discussed and PRINTING ZON- the planning director was requested to find out the cost of ING BY-LAWS printing so as to start each subsection on a new page and keep- ing the plates for subsequent reprints. Letter from Donald Legro, Esq. re: Carrig case, dated CARRIG Sept. 2, 1964, was read and discussed. Request of Mr. Sullivan ' of Massachusetts D.P.W. to use part of Worthen Rd. outside WORTHEN RD. Carrig subdivision for slope at property of Cunningham eliminat- ing one sidewalk was reported by Mr. Zaleski. The board felt that both sidewalks were needed on Worthen Rd. at Pleasant St. and that the only solution would be to move the entire Worthen Rd. further south to reduce need for slope. Preliminary plan of Jackson Estates off Hancock St. was JACKSON EST. reviewed by the board and it was decided to require 501 wide - street and easement to land of Busa and permit longer than 500 ft. MOORE street. The preliminary plan was approved with the above modi- fications. Letter from Winchester Planning Board re: Winchester Dr. lot release was read and noted. Letter from Regillo re; relocation of Laconia St. was read and noted. Mr. Snow's letter to Conservation Commission re: Old Res- ervoir was read and noted. The minutes of meetings of the Selectmen on August 10 and 4, and of the conservation commission on Aug. 15 were read and noted. , Board of Appeals notices of hearings to be held on Sept. 15 1 1 1 9-14-64 read and noted: William & Iris Howard James P. Wright James Lima, Jr. James E. Farmer Decisions of the Board of Appeals regarding hearings held on September 1, 1964 were read and noted as follows: Nancy Schock - granted Montessori School - granted Richard L. Reeves - granted Mrs.Ralph Sehontag - granted -3- Charles Crothers - granted Peter Ten Eyck - granted Hayden Recreation - granted Charles C Johnson - denied The partial release of covenant for lots 43, 44, and 45 in Pinewood Sec. l subdivision was signed by the board. Sketch of proposed subdivision of land of Thyng at 676 Marrett Rd. was viewed by members of the board and it was decided to advise Mr. Thyng that his plan to be acceptable as preliminary should have a turnaround of 60 ft. radius and topography in a general way and then permission must be ob- tained from State Dept. of Public Works to have a subdivision street enter on a state highway (Rte. 2-A). Draft of letter re: structure of government to Mr. Hagedorn was discussed and approved with changes. The written request of William H. Sullivan to extend the time for planning board action on Juniper Place extension was considered next and upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: to extend to and including September 29, 1964, the time within which the planning board must take action on the definitive subdivision plan entitled "Tilling- hast Estates, Section II," dated May 14, 1964. Mr. Zaleski reported that he attended a meeting of the committee appointed by the selectmen to study the possibility of revitalizing Lexington downtown area with Mr. Philip Herr of Economic Development Associates on September 14 at 2:00 p.m. and that Mr. Herr would like to meet with the planning board on Sept. 21 at 8:30 p.m. The time was acceptable to the board. The meeting adjourned at 11:20 p.m. 0,44-j 46,94 Roland B. Greeley Clerk BOARD OF APPEALS PINEWOOD - SHIRLEY PROPOSED SUB- DIVISION THYNG JUNIPER PLACE SULLIVAN M '1w 0=161a1;T'7