HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-06-15PLANNING BOARD MEETING June 15, 1964 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in its office, Town Office Building, on Monday, June 15, 1964. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Chair- man Meyer with members Bryson, Campbell and Riffin, planning director Zaleski and planning intern Labovitz present. The Board met with Messrs. Mahoney, Ferrari, Shea and Dunham relative to the proposed subdivision of Shea -Dunham- SHEA-DUNBAM- Ferrari lands on Leonard St. extension. Mr. Meyer pointed out FERRARI PRO - that the layout as originally submitted showed three lots with POSED SUBDI- less than the required area and frontage and that there was no VISION evidence of these lots having been legally laid out in accord- ance with the then zoning requirements, therefore the Planning Board could not accept a subdivision plan showing such lots. It was suggested that the plan could show one large lot in- stead and a division of it into two or three lots could later be attempted via the Board of Appeals. Mr. Camarano and attorney Norman T. Richards, acting town counsel, met with the Board and Mr. Richards advised the CARRIAGE GROVE Board that he was holding an acceptable amendment to the ESTATES ' original bond on Carriage Grove Estates subdivision and that the release of lots 10, 11, 19, 20, and 21, as requested by CAMARANO Mr. Camarano, was in order. Thereupon on a motion by Mr. Campbell it was unanimously VOTED: to release lots 10, 11, 19, 20, and 21, shown on the subdivision plan entitled "Carriage Grove Es- tates Lexington, Mass.", dated April 15,1961, re- vised October 16, 1961, Joseph W. Moore, Inc., Registered Land Surveyor, recorded in the Middlesex South Registry of Deeds Book 10096, Page 160 as plan 1124 of 1962, from the restrictions relative to building and sale contained in the Covenant dated July 25,1962 and recorded in said Deeds Book 10096, Page 157. Mr. Camarano wanted to have Parcel A included in the release, but was advised that it did not meet zoning requirements and that a plan showing Parcel A combined with lot 21 would be necessary. It was further voted to accept the amendment to the Aetna Casualty Co. surety bond 6S66500 extending its cov- erage to all lots in the Carriage Grove Estates subdivision. Mr. William F. Schreiber of 18 Turning Mill Rd. and Mr. Baer, his attorney, met with the Board to discuss Mr. TURNING MILL RU. Schreiber's plan to build on lot at the end of Turning Mill - Rd. layout, designated lot 12 on page 89 of Assessor's atlas. SCHREIBER Lot 12 does not now have the required frontage and any future extension of Turning Mill Rd. would have to be located across 6-15-64 -2- lot 12. Mr. Schreiber was advised that the Planning Board ' had no plans for an extension of Turning Mill Rd. to Grove St., and that Mr. Schreiber could either subdivide lot 12 for approval by the Planning Board as a subdivision or else ask Board of Appeals' variance to permit the use of lot 12 de- spite insufficient frontage. POND REALTY The plans of Country Club Manor Section II subdivi- TRUST. sion were then signed by members of the Board. Acting Town Counsel N. T. Richards advised the Board GLEN ESTATES that the release of lot 3 Rolfe Rd., Glen Estates subdivision owned by Waymint Realty Trust could be effected upon the WAYMINT REALTY acceptance by the Planning Board of the second amendment to TRUST the reduced surety bond extending its coverage to that por- tion of Rolfe Rd., adjacent to lot 3. Members present then unanimously VOTED: to authorize the Town Counsel to prepare a Partial Release from Covenant for lot 3 Rolfe Rd., to be executed upon the acceptance of the amendment to the bond. Mr. J. Heighton of 9 Tucker Ave. met with the Board. HEIGHT - Mr. Heighton wishes to erect an antenna for citizens' band RADIO TOWER radio, attached to a telephone pole and is unable to obtain a suitable location. He was advised to contact private owners of suitable properties on Fuller's Hill or Whipple Hill. Mr. William H. Sullivan then presented a definitive TILLINGHAST subdivision plan of Tillinghast Estates Section 2 showing ESTATES an extension of Juniper Place. It was noted that the sub- division involved the lands of several owners who had not SULLIVAN signed the application. Mr. Sullivan thereupon withdrew his application, check and designer's certificate to ob- tain the signatures or grants of rights from other owners involved. The following bills which had been presented were BILLS approved: Peter C. Labovitz, professional services June 8 through June 12, 1964--$101.50, car allowance, 124 mi. @ 4 , 9.92, 1 pkg. 3x5 cards, 25f--$111.67; Louise M. Macomber, secretarial services June 1 meeting, June 22 hearings -- $18.00; Andrew T. Johnson Co., prints --$11.25; Matthew Bender & Co., book --$12.50; Sanborn Map Co., Inc., correc- tions on Lexington map --$63.23; Panama -Beaver, typewriter ribbons --$10.55; Charles Bruning Co., drafting supplies -- $14.65. Reviewed next by members of the Board was the follow- ing Form A application which had been submitted for determi- nation of Planning Board jurisdiction: 1 1 6-15-64 #64-32, submitted June 12, 1964 by A. Porter, Raymond J. Garcia Agent; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lex- ington,, Mass., owned by: Porter," dated June 6, 1964, Joseph W. Moore, Inc., Reg. Land Surveyor. It was noted that lots shown on the plan did not all show the area and frontage needed to meet Lexington's zoning require- ments and it was unanimously VOTED: that the plan accompanying Form A #64-32 as drawn, re- quires approval under the subdivision control law. -3- FORM A PORTER Memo from Mr. Zaleski relative to the development of Center Playground and Middleby Road school were placed on file MEMO after a brief discussion. Notices of Historic Districts Commission hearings to be held on June 11 were read. Notices of Board of Appeals hearings scheduled for June 23 were read as follows: Arthur Osborn John Hibbard Fred Parker Ruth Ready Malcolm Gavin John Burgess Charles Crothers John Dyer Notices of decisions of hearings held on June 2: H.D.C. BOARD OF APPEALS HEARINGS AND DECISIONS Anthony Travers - granted J. Webster - granted Viola Norlin - granted Thomas Napoli - granted John Dyer - postponed The Planning Director exhibited a town map showing the status or condition of every Way in Lexington prepared by Mr. STREETS Labovitz. Discussion followed regarding methods of elimi- nating paper streets and private ways not open to public. The Chairman distributed a draft of the Subdivision Rules and Regulations prepared by Mr. Zaleski. It was de- RULES AND cided to discuss the Regulations and Mr. Zaleski's review REGULATIONS of the proposed C-15, C-2.5 zoning provisions at the June 29, 1964 meeting. Since Messrs. Meyer, Campbell and Bryson will be out POSTPONED of town on June 22, no Planning Board meeting will be held MEETING on that date. Zoning requirements for nursing homes were discussed next in the light of their referral for Planning Board study NURSING HOMES by June 8, 1964 special town meeting. 6-15-64 -4- A letter from Mr. Frank Hodgdon of 70 Reed St., dated June 3, 1964, was read next. Mr. Hodgdon claims to own a part of Augustus Rd. and states that for this reason the Board must sign a plan of a division of his land previously rejexted by the Board on May 11, 1964• Since the town counsel and Mr. Hodgdon's engineer, Mr. Nylander, both disagree with Mr. Hodgdon's contention and since he did not produce any new evidence, nor resubmit the plan for endorsement, no action was taken by the Board. fhe meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. VaAJ /�. Roland B. Greeley, Clerk LJ n