HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-05-111 1 1 PLANNING BOARD MEETING May 11, 1964 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in its office, Town Office Building, on Monday, May 11, 1964. The meeting was called to order at 8;00 p.m. by Chair- man Meyer with members Bryson, Campbell, Greeley and Riffin, and planning director Zaleski,present. Mr. Greeley left the meeting briefly to attend the meeting of the selectmen with the conservation commission re- lating to the soil survey. Mr. Robert Ericson met with the Board relative to the possibility of use of his land on Grandview Ave. He pre- sented a plan of Grandview Ave. and vicinity and explained that the street is not improved and that he is unable to obtain building permits for houses for that reason. Reference was made to letter from Supt. of Public Works to the Planning Board and from the Board to the Tawn Counsel regarding the status of Grandview Ave. Mr. Legro's ruling that it is not a "way" as defined in the subdivision control law was noted. Mr. Ericson was advised that the only way to solve the problem appears to be to petition the selectmen for the acceptance of Grandview Ave. under the betterment act. The planning director will fol- low the matter up with the town counsel and'the town engineer. Messrs. Al Hruby, Arthur Brock and Temple Scanlon of the Lexington Housing Authority met with the Board relative to the use as a site for the housing for the elderly of an 11 -acre parcel to the east of Waltham St. between Vine Brook Rd. and Winthrop Rd. GRANDVIEW AVE. ERICSON LEWGTON HOUSING AUTHORITY Mr. Greeley pointed out that this parcel was acquired by the town as a tax title and was held as a site for an ele- mentary school. He pointed out that the selectmen would not agree to transfer the land in question to the housing authority without consent of the school committee and the Standing School Building Committee, and that if obtained at all, such consent certainly could not be obtained in time to place the article for a rezoning of this land in the warrant for the June 8, 1964 special town meeting. The Board also felt that an attempt to rezone another parcel would greatly jeopardize the proposed re- zoning of land of Seth and Maxner near Shirley St. to A 1 for purchase by the housing authority. Mr. Hruby stated that the 11 -acre site was preferable to the Seth-Maxner back land because of location, greater usable area, and absence of acquisition costs, and that eventually both sites may be needed to satisfy the anticipated need for housing for the elderly people of limited means. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE -11-64 MINUTES The minutes of the Board's meeting of April.27, 1964 were I read and approved as read. The minutes of the meeting of May 4, 1964 were read and approved with one correction, (Mr. Mabee met with the Board on behalf of the Standing School Building Committee, not School Sites Committee). The following bills which had been presented were BILLS approved- Andrew T. Johnson Co., Inc., reproductions -427.20; Minute -man Publications, Inc., advertising --$44.10.. Considered next were the following Form A applications FORMS A which had been presented for determination of Planning Board jurisdiction: #64-27, submitted May 63 1964 by Plough Broadcasting Co., Inc., by its attorneys Nutter, McClennon & Fish; plan en- titled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated June 3, 1964, Scale: 1" = 801, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Sur- veyors. #64-28, submitted May 113 1964 by Frank M. Hodgdon; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" 401, dated May 7, 1964, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Sur- veyors. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board determines that the plan accompanying Form A application #64-27 does not require approval under the subdivision control law, and that said plan be so endorsed. The question whether plan #64-28, showing land of Hodgdon HODGDON at Augustus Rd. showed a subdivision, due to the owner not hav- ing rights in Augustus Rd., was discussed and it was decided to have the planning director request an opinion from the town counsel. Mr. James Farmer's request for the reduction of surety LONGFELLOW EST. for Whittier Rd. in the Longfellow Estates, Sec. Two was dis- SEC. 2 cussed. Mr. Zaleski reported that gravel had been placed in the road as requested by the Board. Upon motion duly made and FARM seconded, it was then unanimously VOTED: that the penal sum of the surety held by the Town of Lexington to secure the construction of ways and the in- stallation of municipal services in that portion of Whittier Rd. adjacent to lots 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, and 14 in the "Longfellow Estates Section Two Lexington, Mass.", I 5-11-64 -3- The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. p.'4 /S. Roland B. Greeley, Clerk 1 subdivision in accordance with the terms and conditions of an Agreement executed by Jams E. Farmer and Phyllis C. Farmer on January 13, 1964 be reduced from twenty- five thousand ($25,000.00) dollars to five thousand ($5,000.00) dollars and that the Town Counsel be author- ized and requested to execute the necessary documents and to take the necessary action to release that portion of the surety in excess of $5,000.00 to James E. and Phyllis C. Farmer. and that this vote shall become effective upon the receipt of a letter from the town engineer certifying that the gravel was applied to within 2" of the Approved profile of Whittier Rd. The Planning Director reported Mr. Legro's request that the Board initiate an article for the June 81 1964 special town ZONING BY-LAWS meeting warrant to include „nursing homes„ in the enumeration of uses allowed in R 1 districts with a special permit from the NURSING HOMES Board of Appeals. The Board voted to hold a public hearing on this amendment of the zoning by-law if the article had been in- serted in the warrant by 14r. Legro. Mr. Legro met briefly with the Board, explained the need for this amendment, stated that the article was included in the warrant and presented a copy for the Board's use in advertising the hearing. Mr. Zaleski reported his intention to employ a graduate ROUYMENT student during the summer months. A discussion followed regarding the preparation of a program for long range planning and the various methods of doing it, using federal funds or locally in cooperation with other committees. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. p.'4 /S. Roland B. Greeley, Clerk 1