HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-05-04PLANNING BOARD MEETING May 4, 1964 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in its office, Town Office Building, on Monday, May 4, 1964. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Chair- man Meyer with members Greeley, Bryson, Campbell and Riffin, and planning director Zaleski present. The Board met with for. Frank Capaldi of Colonial Devel- opAent Corp. relative to his request for the reduction of COLONIAL ACRES surety on Colonial Acres subdivision, Sec. IV. This subdivi- SEC. IV sion was under construction since 1959, work has been 80% com- pleted according to the Supt. of Public Works, the remaining COLONIAL DEVEL- items consist of work not performed satisfactorily and are OPMENT CORP. located throughout the subdivision. Mr. Capaldi had earlier requested the reduction of surety to $35,000 from $120,000 and the Board took no action. Mr. Capaldi explained that Colonial Development Corp. is suing the contractor, Rufo Con- struction, to compel them to correct the unsatisfactory work. The case has been postponed and Colonial Development Corp. can- not correct the deficiencies since this would destroy the evidence of existing conditions. Mr. Meyer pointed out that no portion of this subdivision is in a condition to be accepted by the town and recommended that the subdividers correct as many of minor deficiencies as may be necessary to make some of the streets acceptable. The Board decided to take no action at this time. Hr. Ferrari presented to the Board a plan entitled 1tPre-preliminary Subdivision Plan Leonard Rd., Lexington, PROPOSED 114ass. Land of Dunham and Ferrari,?? dated May 1964, by John F. SUBDIVISION PLAN Mahoney and Associates. It was noted that the proposed sub- LEONARD RD. division would create a dead-end street of about 800 ft. - length with a turnaround of only 30 ft. radius; that several FERRARI streets now dead-end against the land to be subdivided and that of the five lots three have less than the required 30,000 sq. ft. area and an average frontage of 111 ft. further reduced on one lot to about 40 ft. by the location of the turnaround. Mr. Farrari stated that the lots with 111 ft. frontage are shown on the assessors' property maps, although he does not know whether they are recorded in the registry of deeds, and that he sees no way to economically develop the land by con- necting Leonard Rd. to one of the adjacent dead-end streets. hr. Ferrari was advised to clarify the status of the non- conforming lots before the Board can make any decision. Mr. Everett J. Farmer, Longfellow Estates developer, LONGFELLO'W EST. next met with the Board and submitted a request for the re- - duction of surety on Whittier Rd. from $25,000 to $5,000. FARMER A letter from the Supt. of Public Works stating that the cost 5-�-64 -2- of construction in this portion of Whittier Rd. is estimated at $5,000. It was the Board's opinion that since Por. Farmer is well within his time limit, the Board would approve the re- duction of surety as requested if Mr. Farmer first would bring this portion of ldhittier Rd. to grade with gravel to make it passable to traffic. Mr. Irving, Mabee of the School Sites Committee met with SCHOOL SITES the Board and asked for the Board's opinion regarding the COMMITTEE location of entrance drives to proposed school and recreation areas from Middleby Rd. and whether an exchange of land was MIDDLEBY ROAD advisable to keep the entrances opposite each other. The pre- liminary landscape architect's plan of the overall development (from Planning Board files) was reviewed. It was the opinion of the Board that the juxtaposition of the drives was of no importance, that the overall layout could be improved, and that the architect for Middleby Rd. school should work with the recreation committee and with the planning director to effect a safe and harmonious geographically integrated layout. A dis- cussion followed regarding the location of the proposed More- land Ave. school and its relation to the new Rte. 2 access roads. A request was received from Mr. Daniel F. Gleason, Jr. GLEASON ROAD Trustee of Gleason Realty Trust, for an extension of time for Planning Board action on the proposed subdivision of land GLEASON REALTY owned by him. After consideration it was unanimously TRUST VOTED: that the time within which the Planning Board must take final action regarding the definitive subdivi- sion plan entitled "Plan of Lots on Gleason Terrace," dated March 5, 1964, be extended to and including May 19, 1964. A request by Westchester Estates, Inc., signed by EXTENSION OF George J. DeVries, President, for an extension to May 19 of SANDERSON RD. the time for Planning Board action on the proposed subdivi- sion known as Sanderson Rd. Extension was considered next, WESTCHESTER and it was unanimously ESTATES VOTED: that the time within which the Planning Board must take final action regarding the definitive subdivi- sion plan entitled "Extension of Sanderson Road Lexington, Mass.", dated January 28, 1961, be ex- tended to and including May 19, 1964. A request from •7r. James Taurasi, Trustee of Pond. COUNTRY CLUB Realty Trust, for an extension of time for Planning Board MANOR, SEC. II action on the Country Club Manor, Section II subdivision, was then considered by the Board, and it was unanimously POND REALTY TR. VOTED: that the time within which the Planning Board must Cl 1 5 -4 -amu -3- take final action regarding the definitive subdivision plan entitled "Country Club Manor Sec. 2 Lexington, Mass.", dated Jan. 4, 1964, be extended to and in- cluding May 19, 1964. The planning director will notify the town clerk of the above three votes and will request the town counsel to prepare the covenants for these subdivisions. The notices of Board of Appeals hearings scheduled for May 19, 1964 were read: BOARD OF APPEALS John Meaney John Devine Charles Drake William Oliver Joseph Hill It was decided to notify the Board of Appeals that the Plan- ning Board is opposed to the variance requested by lt[7. John Devine as being completely contrary to the spirit of the zoning by-law and not the best way of giving relief to the owner of the land involved. The articles for the June 8, 1964 special town meeting were discussed next. A letter from Mr. Legro, town counsel, SPECIAL. TOWN commenting on the drafts of the Planning Board articles, was MEETING read and referred to the planning director for further action. It was decided to hold public hearings as follows: Rezoning of Worthen Rd (Seth-Maxner) land to A 1 - 8:00 p.m. May 27, 1964 Rezoning of Bedford St. (Davenport) land to A 1 - 8:30 p.m. May 27, 1964 20 -ft sideyard requirement in C 2 next to A 1 - 8:00 p.m. May 28, 1964 Rezoning of Larchmont Lane (Moore) land to C 1 - 8:10 p.m. May 28, 1964 Rezoning of Spring St. at Rte 2. and Rte. 128 to C 3 - 8:30 p.m. May 28, 1964 Mr. Alan Wade and Mr. William Whalom attended the meet- ing. Mr. Wade asked whether the Planning Board had any SPRING ST. specific occupants in mind for the Spring St. area, once it is REZONING rezoned. Mr. Meyer stated that the Board did not. Mr. Wade then questioned the advisability of rezoning, since other lands in the town's commercial districts are not being used, nor are the owners anxious to sell, lease or otherwise utilize the land because the assessments are low. Hir. Wade quated Raytheon's assessment of $7,000/acre as opposed to the State payments to 5-4-6h Raytheon for land taken at $15,000/acre and recent sale of land at $19,000/acre. A short discussion followed of this and of the question of traffic to and from Spring St. area. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. G Roland B. Greeley, Clerk [_I 1