HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-04-27PLANNING BOARD MEETING ' April 27, 1964 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in its office, Town Office Building, on Monday, April 27, 1964. Present were chairman Beyer, members Bryson, Campbell, Greeley and Riffin, planning director Zaleski, and the secre- tary, Mrs. Macomber. At 8:00 p.m. a public hearing was called to order by the chairman on the petition of Pond Realty Trust for approval of a subdivision plan entitled f'Country Club Manor Section Two Lexington, Mass.",j dated Jan. 4, 1964. Mr. James Taurasi, representing Pond Realty Trust, and seven interested citizens were present. Mr. Taurasi explained that the plan had been taken up with Mr. Carroll, Town Engineer, and all his recommendations would be followed. Neighbors were particularly concerned with the drainage problem, there being a brook and high water table involved so that part of the land was wet much of the time. Mr. Taurasi stated that the brook was going to be piped into a culvert underground up as far as the pond and the land would then be filled and finished into lots. Mr. Taurasi was asked whether he would use a bond or covenent and replied he would use a covenant whereby no lot could be built upon until the street was found acceptable by the Town Engineer. When asked if Vaille Ave. might be extended beyond the present turnaround at some time in the future Mr. Taurasi replied that this could not be done because of existing buildings. A letter was read from Mr. John Bellizia, manager of Pine Meadows Country Club, an abuttor, objecting because he felt the development would cause water to run off onto his land and cause a serious drainage problem. A letter was also read from Town Engineer Carroll setting forth certain acceptances and recommendations. The hearing was declared closed at 8:25 p.m. The Chairman announced that the Conservation Commission had an appointment at 9:00 p.m. with the Selectgen to discuss its proposed program and wished to know if the Planning Board desired to support it. After some discussion it was decided that this would be useful to the town and to the Planning Board, and upon motion by I1r. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Bryson, it was unanimously VOTED: to strongly support the conservation commission proposal that the town contract with the U.S. Soil Conservation Service to prepare a soil inventory and analysis for the town. POND REALTY TR. COUNTRY CLUB VINOR, SEC. 2 CONSERVATION COMMISSION 4-27-64 -2- lir. Bryson briefly left the meeting to communicate this de- cisionI to the Conservation Coimission. At 9:45 the Board inet with 11,1r. and Mrs. Reuben Seth, Mrs. BILL Also approved was a bill from B. L. Makepeace, Inc., drafting supplies --$22.47 FOR14S A The following Form A applications for determination of Planning Board jurisdiction were taken under consideration: #64-22, previously listed #64-24, submitted April 23, 1964 by Amer. Tel. & Tel. Co., by Roy L. Hill, Rt. of Way Supervisor; plan en- titled "Station Area 14221 American Telephone & Tele- graph Co. Station: Littleton L -4E Location: Lexington (Middlesex Co.) Mass.", scale: 1" = 40', dated Jan. 1964, Charles A. Perkins Co., Engineers & Surveyors, Clinton. Plan No. S-1524. #64-25, submitted April 27, 1964 by Warren & Astrid Haussler; plan entitled "plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale:l?' = 401, dated April 24, 1964, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. #64-26, submitted April 27, 1964 by Cyril R. Pratt; plan entitled "Plan of Land Lexington, Mass.'?, scale: 30 ft. to an inch, dated February 7, 1964, Joseph Selwyn, C.E. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously , James Maxner, Mr. Charles Cole, II, and Mr. Temple Scanlon of REZONING the Housing Authority relative to the proposed rezoning of the PROPOSAL Seth-Maxner land on Worthen Road to A 1. Mr. Cole stated that - the petitioners would prefer to include the entire parcel (front SETH-MAXNER and back land) in one article for rezoning rather than have separate articles for the land they propose to develop and for the land to be conveyed to the housing authority. The Plan- ning Board was agreeable to this method of approach and it was decided that 14r. Russian will submit the text of the revised zoning article to the Planning Board before May 4, 1964 so as to enable the Board to schedule a public hearing sufficiently in advance to the town ineetinz. DAVENPORT A citizens' petition for the rezoning of Davenport land REZONING southerly of Bedford Street near Hartwell Ave. was accepted, a public hearing to be scheduled. IUNUTES The Board approved the minutes of its meetings of its meetings of April 6 and 22, 1964, as amended. BILL Also approved was a bill from B. L. Makepeace, Inc., drafting supplies --$22.47 FOR14S A The following Form A applications for determination of Planning Board jurisdiction were taken under consideration: #64-22, previously listed #64-24, submitted April 23, 1964 by Amer. Tel. & Tel. Co., by Roy L. Hill, Rt. of Way Supervisor; plan en- titled "Station Area 14221 American Telephone & Tele- graph Co. Station: Littleton L -4E Location: Lexington (Middlesex Co.) Mass.", scale: 1" = 40', dated Jan. 1964, Charles A. Perkins Co., Engineers & Surveyors, Clinton. Plan No. S-1524. #64-25, submitted April 27, 1964 by Warren & Astrid Haussler; plan entitled "plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale:l?' = 401, dated April 24, 1964, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. #64-26, submitted April 27, 1964 by Cyril R. Pratt; plan entitled "Plan of Land Lexington, Mass.'?, scale: 30 ft. to an inch, dated February 7, 1964, Joseph Selwyn, C.E. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously , 1 1 1 4-27-64 -3- VOTED; that the plans accompanying Form A applications #64-22, #64-24, #64-25 and #64-26 do not require approval under I the subdivision control law and that said plans be so endorsed. The request of Colonial Development Corporation for re- duction of their surety bond on Colonial Acres, Sec. 4 from COLONIAL $120,000 to $35,000 was considered next. In view of the letter DEVELOPMENT from Supt. of Public Works Carroll regarding the request for a CORP. reduction, it was decided not to take any action. Mr. Zaleski will advise Colonial Development Corp. of this action. A letter from the Selectmen regarding the appointment of Mr. Albert Gray, Jr. as their liaison in the matters of indus- trial development was noted and placed on file. The rezoning of Spring St. area was discussed and the boundaries of the area to be rezoned were determined to be as SPRING ST. shoran on the map presented by the Planning Director. The ac- ACQUISITION quisition of the reoaaining Baldwin land was also discussed, and it was decided to offer the assessed value of the land as a purchase price ($310 per acre or about $17,000 for 21 acres). Regarding the land owned by Russian, May, Irwin et ux, it was felt at this time the Planning Board shall not actively seek acquisition of this land but that the owners shall be given an opportunity to sell all or a portion of their land, provided the price is acceptable to the Planning Board, since this land was included in the proposed acquisition in 1963. The Planning Director was requested to communicate with Mr. Elbaum, attorney for Mrs. Baldwin, Mr. Russian, the selectmen, town counsel, and I1r. Al Gray, informing them of the Planning Board's decision and asking for their comments where required. The meeting adjourned at 10,45 P.M. Roland B. Greeley, Clerk