HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-03-24PLANNING BOARD MEETING March 24, 1964 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in its office, Tent Office Building, on Tuesday, March 24, 1964 at 8:00 p.m. Present were Chairman Meyer, members Bryson, Greeley, and Riffin, and Planning Director Zaleski. Mr. Harold C. Wilson and Mr. Wilbur C. Nylarder, C.E., met with the board and presented a preliminary sketch of a subdivision PROPOSED of land located northerly from Eldred St. -Justin St. intersection. SUBDIVISION The sketch was reviewed by the members of the board and it was - their consensus that the proposed way northwesterly from Eldred St. ELDBED ST. should be laid out not with a view towards an ultimate extension - to Bedford St. near Hartwell Ave., but rather generally parallel to WILSCN Justin Street. Mr. Wilson agreed to have his plans modified as recommended by the Planning Board for a possible future extension towards Rangsway or Marvin Street. The problem of using Justin St. remains to be solved as Mr. Wilson only owns the fee to the middle of it. The Planning Board was advised by Mr. Zaleski that appli- catica form C. check, and designer's certificate had been sub- COUNTRY CLUB mitted for Country Club Manor, Sec. 2 subdivision. It was unani- MANOR-SEC.II mously voted to schedule a public hearing on April 27, 1964s and - ' to advertise the hearing as required by law. POND REALTY TR. The Planning Board approved the payment of bills as fol- lows: Minute -man Publications, advertising --$192.57; Louise M. BILLS Macomber, secretarial service March 9 and 16, 1964--$18.00; Ken - Kaye Co., drafting supplies -45.55; Charles Bruning Co., draft- ing supplies --$6.50. Letter from Mr. Donald Legro enclosing bill from Henry Hardy, Esq. of $180.00 for legal services was discussed and it was decided to have the secretary prepare a voucher for the pay- ment of the above amount. It was further agreed that Mr. Greeley would prepare a letter to the Selectmen with copies to Mr. Legro and the Appropriations Committee regarding the fact that $1,000. for the legal work for the Planning Board is included in the $10,000. appropriated for the Town Counsel, and that legal ex- penses of the Planning Board should come out of that appropriation. The minutes of the Planning Board meeting of March 9, 1964 were read and approved as corrected. Taken under consideration were the following Form A appli- cations for determination of Planning Board jurisdiction: #64-15, submitted March 11, 1964 by Robert V. Ericson; plan entitled "A Subdivision of Land Court Case No.6962 Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" m 401, dated March 33 1964, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. MINUTES ,Jy CORRESPONDENCE 4-24-64 -2- #64-16, submitted March 23, 1964 by Robert H. Dunning; ' plan entitled „Plan of Land Lexington, Masa."; Scale: 20 ft. to 1 inch. Mar. 14, 1964, Robert H. Dunning, Surv., Arlington #64-17, submitted March 23, 1964 by Trustees of Spring Street Trust and Raytheon Company; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 401, dated March 19, 1964, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. After due consideration, upon motions duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board determines that the plans accompanying Form A applications #64-15, #64-16, and #64-17 do not require approval under the subdivision control law and that said plans be so endorsed. The following letters were read and their contents noted: a. From Board of Selectmen, dated March 10, 1964, advising that Mr. Lincoln Cole had been re-elected Chairman of the Board of Selectmen for 1964. b. From Board of Selectmen outlining procedure for reporting I accidents. c. From Board of Appeals dated March 12, 1964, with copies of notices of Board of Appeals hearings scheduled for March 31, 1964, as follows: Malcolm Gavin, Albert Saganich, Elizabeth Bogohosian, Francis Hansen, A & D Realty Trust, Brenda Szabo, John & Rosina Buse, Country -wide Offices, copies of which are on file. d. Notices of Board of Appeals decisions of March 10, 1964 were read and placed on file, as follows: Albert Pratley, Leonard Friedman,M.D., Amer. Tel. & Tel. Co., Joseph Belotti. A letter from the Board of Selectmen, dated January 3, TAX TITLE LOTS 1964, relative to the proposed sale of tax title lots 49, part of 51 and part of 52 on Bruce Road and Hillside Avenue and lot 79 on Valleyfield Street was read by the chairman and discussed. Mr. Zaleski was requested to check whether the proposed sales would conflict with long-range plans for the area. A copy of letter from the American Telephone & Telegraph BOARD OF APPEALS Company to the Board of Appeals, dated March 13, 1964, and peti- tioning for a reconsideration of refusal to grant a variance and AMER. TEL. & a special permit for a telephone repeater station on Rowland Ave. TEL. CO. was read. A discussion followed and it was the unanimous opinion ' of the Board that the granting of this variance and special permit would not be detrimental to the neighborhood provided no 4-24-64 -3- other buildings were allowed on the lot and the grounds were suitably landscaped and maintained. It was decided to advise the Board of Appeals of the above. Mr. Zaleski displayed a copy of the relocation of Route 2 (Layout 5393) borrowed by him from the Town Clerk. It was de- ROUTE 2 cided to request,the Town Engineer to prepare a reduced and simpli- fied drawing of the layout indicating the extent of relocation or takings. g discussion on various aspects -of long-range planning witt► particular emphasis on the layout of Worthen Road and Emerson Road extensions followed. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Roland B. Greeley, Clerk 1 1