HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-03-09PLANNING BOARD MESrING ' March 9, 1964 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in its office, Town Office Building, on Monday, March 9, 1964 at 6:00 p.m. Present were Chairman Meyer, members Bryson, 0ampbell, Greeley and Riffin, Planning Director Zaleski, and the secretary, Mrs. Macomber. chairman Meyer welcomed the newly elected member, Mrs. Riff in. At 8:00 p.m. the Board organized for 1964. Mr. Robert ORGANIZATION OF E. Meyer was elected chairman; Mr. Arthur E. Bryson, Vice BOARD Chairman; and Mr. Roland B. Greeley, Clerk. Mr. Alfred Antonelli then met with the Board and pre- sented a plan oiland on Kendall Road between Grapevine Avenue Mr. Joseph Augustine Jr. met with the Board relative Avenue and Vine Brook Road. In the opinion of the Board this to plan submitted with Form A application #64-9, the endorse- FORM A portion of Kendall Road does not have adequate construction to ment or which had been deferred at the previous meeting due to serve the lots abutting thereon, thus the plan would not a building on the abutting Dattoli property being only 0.19 qualify for endorsement of not requiring approval under the feet from the boundary of Mr. Augustine's land on Rawson Avenue. subdivision control law. Mr. Antonelli was advised that the Mr. Augustine explained that he acquired the land from the Town owner could either submit the necessary additional data for the of Lexington and had no control over the adjacent properties. consideration of the plan as a subdivision,in which case the After discussion the Board voted unanimously that the plan accompanying Form A application #64-9, entitled "Plan of Land owner would have to obtain the right to construct Kendall Road in Lexington, Mass.", dated Feb. 7, 1964, does not require from whoever owns the fee in the street and then construct the approval under the subdivision control law and that said plan street to Town specifications, or else petition the Town for be so endorsed. Mr. Alfred Antonelli then met with the Board and pre- sented a plan oiland on Kendall Road between Grapevine Avenue KENi)ALL ROAD Avenue and Vine Brook Road. In the opinion of the Board this - portion of Kendall Road does not have adequate construction to ANTONELLI serve the lots abutting thereon, thus the plan would not qualify for endorsement of not requiring approval under the subdivision control law. Mr. Antonelli was advised that the owner could either submit the necessary additional data for the consideration of the plan as a subdivision,in which case the owner would have to obtain the right to construct Kendall Road from whoever owns the fee in the street and then construct the street to Town specifications, or else petition the Town for the acceptance of this portion of Kendall Road as a public way to be constructed by the Town and"betterments assessed on all owners of properties fronting on the portion so accepted. At this time Mr. Taurasi met with the Board and pre- sented a definitive subdivision plan of Country Club Manor; COUNTRY CLUB Section II, including portions of Vaille Avenue, Augustus MANOR, SEC. 2 Road, and Hickory Road. The plans were reviewed by the mem- bers of the Board and Mr. Taurasi was requested to submit POND REALTY TRUST application Form C and designer's certificate, whereupon the plans will be accepted and the date for a public hearing set. Plans were retained by the Board. 3-9-64 -2- #64-12, submitted March 6, 1964 by W. L. Crooks Jr., Atty. for Boston & Maine Railroad; plan entitled "Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 401, dated March 3, 1964, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. #64-13, submitted March 6, 1964 by Robert E. Byrne by Uharles E. Orcutt Jr., Atty.; Plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 401, dated March 3, 1964, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. #64-14, submitted March 6, 1964 by Macland, Inc. by its attorney Joseph R. Consli; plan entitled: "Plan .of Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 30', dated Jan. 4, 1964, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. Upon motions duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board determines that the plans accompanying Form A applications #64-13 and #64-14 do not require approval under the subdivision control law and that said plans be so endorsed. With reference to Form A #64-12, it was noted that the same plan had been submitted to the Board previously and rejected and that the parcel of land shown on the plan does not meet street frontage requirements of the zoning by-law. Therefore it was unanimously VOTEL: that the Lexington Planning Board determines that the plan accompany Form A application #64-12 does require approval under the subdivision control law. Discussion was held on the proposal for acceptance of streets as set forth in an article for the 1964 Annual Town Meeting. It was unanimously Next Mr. Albert Gray, Executive Secretary to the Board ' of Selectmen, conveyed to the Planning Board the invitation of the Selectmen for a joint meeting later in the evening. Mr. John J. Sullivan presented definitive subdivision GLEA80N TERRACE plan of land tentatively entitled "Plan of Lots on Gleason - Terrace," dated March 5, 1964, owned by Gustave Larson. Public LARSON-GLEASON hearing was set for April 6, 1964 and the secretary was in- structed to advertise same. Mr. Sullivan agreed to bring the third copy or the plans and to ink in lot areas shown in pencil. MINUTES The minutes of the Planning Board meeting of March 2, 1964, were approved with correction. Fo�km5 A Taken cinder consideration were the following applications Form A, for determination of Planning Board jurisdiction: #64-12, submitted March 6, 1964 by W. L. Crooks Jr., Atty. for Boston & Maine Railroad; plan entitled "Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 401, dated March 3, 1964, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. #64-13, submitted March 6, 1964 by Robert E. Byrne by Uharles E. Orcutt Jr., Atty.; Plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 401, dated March 3, 1964, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. #64-14, submitted March 6, 1964 by Macland, Inc. by its attorney Joseph R. Consli; plan entitled: "Plan .of Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 30', dated Jan. 4, 1964, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. Upon motions duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board determines that the plans accompanying Form A applications #64-13 and #64-14 do not require approval under the subdivision control law and that said plans be so endorsed. With reference to Form A #64-12, it was noted that the same plan had been submitted to the Board previously and rejected and that the parcel of land shown on the plan does not meet street frontage requirements of the zoning by-law. Therefore it was unanimously VOTEL: that the Lexington Planning Board determines that the plan accompany Form A application #64-12 does require approval under the subdivision control law. Discussion was held on the proposal for acceptance of streets as set forth in an article for the 1964 Annual Town Meeting. It was unanimously 3-9-o4, -3- ' VGrEu: that the Planning Board be recorded in favor of the accept- STREET ance as Town Ways and construction of streets as proposed in A=;PTANuEE the Warrant for the 1964 Town Meeting. The secretary was instructed to prepare the letters advising of this Planning Board vote. A letter from the Superintendent of the Public Works, SANLERSON ROAli recommending certain modification and giving cost estimates rela- EkrENSION tive to the proposed subdivision of Sanderson Road Extension, was read. The proposed new form for applications for the Board of Appeals action was viewed by members of the Board. It was agreed BQARU OF APPEALS that the form was an improvement, since it requires the applicant llRAFT OF to indicate the extent of variance requested, thus enabling PETITION everyone to determine whether the requested variance is a sub- stantial or a negligible one. A planning schedule prepared by Mr. Zaleski was distrib- PLANNING uted to members for review. SCHEDULE Mrs. Riffin agreed to accept an appointment to the His- toric Sites Study Commission and Mr. Greeley agreed to accept APPOINTMENTS an appointment to the committee on Route 3 location. At this time Mr. Charles Cole, architect representing ' the Niles Company, met with the Board to express opposition to NILES CO. the adoption of Article 76 of the 1964 Town Meeting warrant. Mr. Cole felt that the rezoning sought in said article would detri- The proposed acquisition by the Town of land on Waltham Street owned by Lyon was discussed. A letter from Mr. Legro, PARKING Town Counsel, dated March 4, 1964, was read and made a part of this record. The owner of this land requested the incorporation LYON in the Gonveyance to the Town of a 15 ft. wide access easement in favor of the owners of lot B, said perpetual easement to be located and relocated as determined by the Town and to provide access at the southwesterly corner of lot B. The Board was of the opinion that such permanent easement was not a part of the original option, that it will lower the value os the land to be acquired by the Town and that the Town should either take the land by eminent domain without any encumbrances or else negotiate a substantially lower price for the land. ' A letter from A. Morton relative to alleged zoning viola- tions in the construction oia commercial building at 334 Woburn ZONING VIOLATION Street was read. It was noted that as the Planning Board went on record in a letter to the Selectmen relative to the parking WOBURN STREET and driveways at #334 Woburn Street not meeting the requirements of the Zoning By-law, Chairman Meyer agreed to discuss the matter MORTON with Mr. Morton. The proposed new form for applications for the Board of Appeals action was viewed by members of the Board. It was agreed BQARU OF APPEALS that the form was an improvement, since it requires the applicant llRAFT OF to indicate the extent of variance requested, thus enabling PETITION everyone to determine whether the requested variance is a sub- stantial or a negligible one. A planning schedule prepared by Mr. Zaleski was distrib- PLANNING uted to members for review. SCHEDULE Mrs. Riffin agreed to accept an appointment to the His- toric Sites Study Commission and Mr. Greeley agreed to accept APPOINTMENTS an appointment to the committee on Route 3 location. At this time Mr. Charles Cole, architect representing ' the Niles Company, met with the Board to express opposition to NILES CO. the adoption of Article 76 of the 1964 Town Meeting warrant. Mr. Cole felt that the rezoning sought in said article would detri- -4 - mentally affect the interests of Niles Company, owners of the ' land adjacent to the southwest and zoned A 1. He was advised that the Planning Board will insist on restrictions on building within 20 feet of _A 1 district and that a zoning amendment to that effect will be presented to the next Town Meeting. Taken under consideration next were the drafts of Planning ARTICLES FOR Board reports. Mr. Greeley read the drafts on Articles 73 and 76. TOWN MEETING The drafts on Articles 65, 66, 67, 66, 70, and 75 were then read by Chairman Meyer. After a brief discussion, the Planning Board voted to adopt the reports on Articles 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 73, 75, and 76 with Messrs. Meyer, Greeley, Bryson and Campbell voting in favor and Mrs. Riffin abstaining. At 10:30 the Planning Board met with the Board of Selectmen BOARD OF in their office with Messrs. Donald Legro and Albert Gray being SELECTMEN also present. chairman Meyer introduced the new Planning Director, Mr. Zaleski, to the Selectmen. The question of a right-of-way easement over the land to LAND FOR be acquired by the Town from Mrs. Lyon was discussed. Mr. Meyer PARKING and Mr. Greeley spoke in opposition to any permanent easement since such easement was not provided for during the earlier nego- LYON tiations with Mrs. Lyon and would materially reduce the value of the land to the Town. Mr. Legro, Town Counsel, also opposed any permanent legal encumbrances on the land to be acquired. Chair- , man Meyer then advised the Selectmen verbally of Planning Board recommendations on articles 38, 73, 75, and 76. The meeting was aajournedd at 11:15 p.m. Roland B. Greeley, Clerk