HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-03-02PLANNING BQARu MEETING ' March 2, 1964 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held in its office, Town Office Building, on Monday, March 2, 1964 at 8:00 p.m. Present were Chairman Meyer, members Bryson, Oampbell, Greeley, and Mabee, and the secretary, Mrs. Macomber. At 8:00 p.m. a hearing was declared open on a proposal to see if the Town would vote to change to Holmes Road the name STRrZT NAME of Alcott Roaa for that part of an accepted way extending from CHANGE HEARING Burroughs Road a distance of 1,546 feet, more or less, westerly to Thoreau Road. No one appeared either for or against, and ALOOTT ROAD TO the hearing was declared closed at 8:03 p.m. It was moved, HOLMES ROAD seconded and voted that the Board support this change. The Board approved the minutes of its meeting of Febru- MINUTES ary 24, 1964. Also approved were the following bills which had been presented: Louise M. Macomber, secretarial service February 24 BILLS and 26--$18.00; Hobbs & Warren, Permanent Record Book --$26.95. considered next were the following Form A applications ' which had been presented for determination of Planning Board FORMS A jurisdiction: #64-7, listed week of February 24th. #64-9, submitted February 25, 1964 by Joseph Augustine Jr.; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 201, dated Feb. 7, 1964, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. #64-10, submitted February 27, 1964 by Edward T. Martin for John H. Devine; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lex- ington, Mass., owned by: John H. Devine; Scale: 1" - 40', dated September 14, 1964, Joseph W. Moore, Inc... Bedford. #64-11, submitted March 2, 1964 by George W. Forten; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale; 1" = 40', dated Feb. 29, 1964, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. Upon motions duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board determines that the plans accompanying Form A applications #64-7 and #64-11 do not require approval under the subdivision control ' law, and that said plans be so endorsed. VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board determines that the 3-2-64 -2- plan accompanying Form A application #64-10 does require ' approval under the subdivision control law. With reference to Application #64-9, it was decided to contact the applicant, Joseph Augustine Jr., and ask him to meet with the Board to discuss the plan. Read to the Board was the following correspondence: A letter, dated February 26, 1964) from Donald R. Grant H.D.C. of the Historic Districts Commission in reply to the Planning Board's letter d' February 7 asking for the Commission's recommendations on proposed zoning changes in the By-laws. It was noted that the Commission did not believe it to be their function to make recommendations with respect to proposed changes in the by-laws, although as individuals they might feel free to express their opinion. A letter, dated February 25, 1964, from Alan McClennen, M.T.A. Chairman of the City of Cambridge Planning Board, asking support for a Bill calling for the extension of the Harvard Square sub- way to the Alewife Brook -Route 2 area. It was decided not to take any position on the bill itself but to write the Board of Selectmen stating that the Planning Board is generally in favor of supporting the extension of the rapid transit to the Alewife Brook area and to urge that the town be in support of the ex- tension. A letter, dated February 15, 1964 from the Lexington Con - LEXINGTON servation Commission asking the support of the Board in helping CONSERVATION to preserve in as natural a state as possible the areas of COMMISSION Willards Woods, Whipple Hill and the North Street Sand Pit. Also another letter, dated February 24, 1964, calling attehtion to the potential use to Lexington of Mt. Tabor Road and asking the Board's support in seeing that the town retain its rights in that area. A letter, dated February 24, 1964, from Anton Morton and MORTON - others objecting to the building being erected on Woburn Street WOBURN ST. at Countryside. It was decided to postpone action on this letter until next week, and in the meantime gather together such previous correspondence as had been held. Read to the Board were notices of hearings to be held by the Historic Districts Commission on March 4, 1964. It was de- cided to take no action on these petitions. Also read to the Board were decisions of the Board of Appeals on hearings held February 25th. A discussion was then held in regard to the hearings held ' Wednesday, February 26 on the rezoning proposals to be acted upon J-2-�P4 -3- ' at'the March town meeting. (See record of said date.) It was decided to support Article 76, Rayco Realty Trust, provided an REZONING agreement could be arrived at whereby the Trust would not build PROPOSALS closer to the lot line than 20 feet, and that this be made part of the recommendation; also to support Article 73, Lexington Plaza Trust, and Articles 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, and 70. With re- gard to Article 75, Davenport land, it was decided not to recom- mend the change to A 1 Garden apartment use. Mr. Greeley agreed to write the recommendations for town meeting on Articles 7,6 and 73; Mr. Mabee to take care of Article 75; and Mr. Meyer Articles 65, 66, 67, 68, 69 and 70. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. PL4_� 6, `� Roland B. Greeley, Clerk D 1