HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-01-20PLANNING BOARD MEETING
' January 205 1964
A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held
on Monday, January 20, 1964, in its office, Town Office Building,
Lexington. Present were Chairman Meyer, members Bryson, Campbell,
Greeley, and Mabee, and the secretary, Mrs. Macomber.
At 7:55 p.m. the Board met with Mr. Russell S. Davenport
for informal discussion of his rezoning proposal for change of REZONING
zone of his land on Bedford Street from C 1 to A 1 apartment dis- PROPOSAL
trict, and to answer any questions the Board might have in rela-
tion to the same. A petition has been received bearing 112 names DAVENPORT
certified by Town Clerk Carroll to be registered voters in the
Town of Lexington requesting that an article for this change be
placed on the warrant for the annual town meeting to be held in
When asked if this was the same article which he had pro-
posed to present at the special town meeting held last November,
Mr. Davenport replied that it had been changed somewhat. He ex-
plained that this land is at the Hinchey Road gravel pit and the
area would look much better if leveled off. It is not considered
residential land. It was also stated that it is impossible to
develop some of the land along Hartwell Avenue because of insuffi-
cient frontage. The Board felt that there was room for more than
one motel and that there would be need of such when the federal
park was developed. Mr. Davenport stated that the motel business
was running out and that he preferred the apartments and not to
wait for the development of the park. He believes that the people
in the area prefer apartments, also.
Mr. Davenport asked if the Board favored this proposal and
was told that the Planning Board had prepared a report for the
last hearing, which had been postponed, and had given a copy to
Norman Richards, attorney for Mr. Davenport, and that the Board
had not discussed the matter since. However, it was the opinion
of the Board that their attitude would probably remain the same.
Mr. Davenport left the meeting at 8:10 o'clock.
At this time, Mr. Raymond Boudreau came to the meeting in
regard to his rezoning proposal to change a small piece of land REZONING
on Worthen Road from R 1 to C 2. He stated that a petition had PROPOSAL
been .given Mr. Carroll for checking of names. A tentative date
for hearing was set for February 20, 1964. Mr. Boudreau left BAYCO REALTY
at 8:15 p.m.
At this time Mr. William H. Sullivanmetwith the Board PRELIMINARY PLAN
to submit.a preliminary plan of subdivision to be known as -
' "Tillinghast Estates Section 2 Lexington, Mass." The Board. TILLINGHAST
looked the plan over and will forward it to John Carroll, Supt. ESTATES
of Public Works, for his comments.
1-20-64 -2-
At 8:20 p.m. the Board met with Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Seth,
REZONING Mrs. James Maxner, and Charles Cole, architect, with regard to '
PROPOSAL the rezoning proposal to change land on Worthen Road from R 1
to A 1. Mr. Cole exhibited the latest plan and survey of the
SETH -MATER entire site which shows a 40 -foot right-of-way through one house
lot fronting on Hill Street, which it was. recently discovered
was part of the original plan and had been so recorded in the
Registry of Deeds. This would provide for a second: -access to
the area from the rear. There is water available in both Worthen
Road and Hill Street. Mr. Cole stated that the petitioners felt
it might be wise to present this on its own merit rather than tie
it in with the housing project for the elderly. They would like
to present it some time in the spring at a special town meeting.
They would come in with the 14 acres, and the rest of the land,
7 acres, would come in under the old age proposal.
Mr. Cole asked if the Planning Board would take the re-
sponsibility for presenting the proposal, and was told that since
it had been postponed at the November hearing at the Board's re-
quest, the Board would sponsor some form of change here, -depend-
ing in part on what the Housing Authority decided to do. Mr.
Cole replied that the petitioners had signified their willingness
to cooperate in any way requested by the Board. The group left.
at 8:35 p.m.
At this time a group representing the Industrial Relations
CHAMBER OF Group of the Chamber of Commerce came to the meeting. Present '
COMMERCE were Leslie York, Mark Moore, Jr., Fred Johnson, Wilbur Nylander,
and George Kolovson. Mr. York, as spokesman for the group, said
they had come in to find out if there was anything they as a
group could do in the way of assisting the Planning Board in get-
ting things done, especially with regard to relief tax -wise.
After discussing various matters, including a tradesmen's park,
expanding business in the center, parking, C 2 and 3 districts,
etc., the group left at 9:35, stating they would be willing to
assist the Board in any way they could if requested to do so.
Specifically, the Board asked for suggestions as to where the
Chamber of Commerce felt tradesmen's park districts should be
The Board met with the Board of Selectmen from 9:35 until
10:00 o'clock.
Town Counsel Legro met with the Board to discuss certain
TOWN COUNSEL policies. The matter of Mr. Hardy's bill was brought up and Mr.
LEGRO Legro stated that he did not believe this money should come from
the legal budget. He said he could not be put in the position
of having any board, much less all town boards, employing con-
sultants without his having any control over the time and amount
spent and have it come out of the legal department's expenses.
If there is going to be a consulting fee charged to the Planning
Board there had better be an appropriation for it. He has no
objection to it going into the law department budget if it is
earmarked for the Planning Board. If a board in the town wants
legal services it is expected that the board will go to the
Town Counsel, and if the Town Counsel isnotin a position to
provide such services as the board needs, he will accept the bill.
On the other hand if the Planning Board or any other board goes
off and wants to hire a lawyer for counsel, then it should be put
on that board's appropriation. If the board wishes to present to
the Town -Counsel its planning and zoning problems, and he desires
to take them up with a consultant, then he will control the time
spent with such consultant. He has no control over the time the
board spends. If it is proper for the Planning Board, then it is
proper for other boards to do the same. He suggests an item in
the law department's budget be set aside for the Planning Board.
Mr. Legro then explained to the Board that after a subdivider
has submitted a definitive plan and the board is about ready to
approve it, the board will find out from the subdivider if he is
going to give a covenant or an agreement and bond, and who the bond-
ing company will be, and then forward this information to him. Mr.
Legro left the meeting at 10:20 p.m.
The Board approved the minutes of December 16 and 23, 1963
and January 6, 1964.
- Also approved was a.bill of $10.00 from A.S.P.O. for
advertising for Planning Director.
Taken under consideration was the following Form A appli-
cation for determination of Planning Board jurisdiction:
#64-3, submitted January 17, 1964 by William E. Maloney
by Harry G. Berglund, Agent; plan entitled 1?A Subdivi-
sion of Land Court Case No. 31699 Land in Lexington,
Mass.", scale: 111 = 801, dated January 16, 1964, Miller
& Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously
VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board determines that the
plan accompanying Form A application #64-3 does not re-
quire approval under the subdivision control law, and
that said plan be so endorsed.
The Board signed their Annual Report for 1963 (see adden-
Considered next was the request of Pond Realty Trust for
a reduction in the amount of the performance bond being held in
connection with Sec. 1 of Country Club Manor development. It
was noted that the Planning Board had received a letter from Mr.
Carroll, Supt. of Public Works, dated Jan. 17, 1964, stating
that $2,000. would be a sufficient amount to cover the cost to,
complete the streets and utilities to serve lots 5, 6, and 20
to 27 inclusive. An additional bond of $13,000. would be
needed, however, as surety for the remaining streets and util-
1-2o-64 -4-
ities in the subdivision; namely, those to serve lots 1 to 4
VOTED: to release the performance bond in the sum of $30,000.
inclusive and 7 to 9 inclusive. All matters appearing to be in
order, upon motion duly made and seconded,it was unanimously
VOTED: the -Lexington Planning Board determines that $2,000. is
-- a sufficieiht amount of security to hold for performance
of the work required -to complete the streets and utili-`
ties to serve lots 5; 6, and 20 to 27, inclusive, as
shown on the subdivision plan entitled "Country Club
Manor Section One Lexington, Mass.", dated February 23,
1960. An additional bond of $13,000. will be required
as surety for the remaining streets and utilities in
the subdivision, namely those to serve lots 1 to 4,
inclusive;-and'7 to 19;.inclusive.
A letter, dated November 6, 1963, from John Carroll,
Supt. of Public -Works having been received in which he stated
that the work to -be Clone in the. "Bowser Saddle Club Estates, -
SEC. 2
Sec. 2" had been completed to his satisfaction, and all other
matters appearing to be in order, upon motion duly made and
seconded, it was unanimously
VOTED: to release the performance bond in the sum of $30,000.
dated November 5, 1962, filed by Mark Moore, Jr., Presi-
dent of Todd Realty, Inc. as Principal, and The Travel-
ers Indemnity Co. as Surety to secure the performance
by`the subdivider of his agreement in the form of an
application for approval of a definitive plan, Form C. i
dated August 28, 1962, to complete the work to be per-
formed by the subdivider as shown on the plan entitled
"Bowlers Saddle Club Estates Section Two Lexington,
Masse.",- and dated August 15, 1962.
Read to the Board was a letter from Mr. Tropeano, dated
January 6, 1964, requesting release of Lot 16 as shown on a
plan entitled "Vine Brook Meadows Section Two Lexington, Mass.",
dated June 12, 1960. (See addendum.) Also read to the board
was a letter from John Carroll, Supt. of Public Works, dated
January 17, 1964, advising that the ways and utilities to serve
this particular lot have been completed. (See addendum.) Upon
motion suly made and seconded; it was unanimously .-
VOTED: to release from the provisions of a covenant Lot #16 only
as shown on the subdivision plan entitled ItVine Brook
Meadows Section Two Lexington, Mass.", and dated June 12,
It was -noted -that a petition -bearing 100 certified signa-
tures had been received from I. W. Douglas, representing Lexing-
tonPlazi Trust, requesting that an article be placed on the
warrant for the annual town meeting to change certain land on
Bedford Street from an R 1 to a C 2 district. A date for hearing
will be set later when all requests for rezoning have been re-
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned
at 11:25 p.m.
-Roland B. Greeley,
To the Honorable Board of Selectmen
-Lexington, Massachusetts
In March of 1963, the Planning Board published a report entitled "Phase I:
Summary Report." This report reviews the Board's philosophy, states re-
sults of studies, and makes specific recommendations for future action.
In effect, this report is a portion of'the "master plan" and all inter-
ested citizens are urged to obtain a copy at the Planning Board office.
Because the "Phase I: Summary Report" is comprehensive and was recently
' published, this annual report will be confined to a few selected items.
The Board this year was primarily concerned with work on a complete re-
vision of the Zoning By-laws affecting general and local business districts.
Proposed major revisions to be presented for the town's consideration in
the future will in part include: modification of existing C 1 uses; crea-
tion of a new, so-called "Tradesmen's Park" district; and creation of a
"neighborhood business1t district. As part of their major revisions, the
Board has already presented, and the recent special town meeting has al-
ready voted, zoning legislation to create a new "Small office district
(C 4)
Conservation Commission
The Board supported an article at the recent special town meeting to
create a Town Conservation Commission. Under the law the Lexington Con-
servation Commission is charged with several responsibilities closely
allied to those of the Planning Board. After members of the Commission
have been appointed by the Selectmen, the Planning Board looks forward to
cooperating and working with the newly formed Commission.
Planning Director
The employment of Samuel P. Snow, Planning Director since 1954, terminated
' June, 1963. The Board hopes from time to time to draw upon Mr. Snow's
special talents, thorough understanding of ,the town, and complete
familiarity of the Townts planning needs in his new capacity as in-
demendent planning consultant.
Since June, 1963 the Board has been actively seeking a full time re-
placement for Mr. Snow and the Board is now acutely aware of the need,
importance, and desirability of obtaining the full time services of a
professional planner.
The Planning Board greatly appreciates the cooperation given this year
by other town boards, the League of Women Voters, the Town Meeting
Members Association, and developers.
/s/ Robert E. Meyer, Chairman
/s/ Arthur E. Bryson
Is/ Joseph A. Campbell
/s/ Roland B. Greeley
/s/ Irving H. Mabee
January 6, 1964
Mr. John J. Carroll
Town Office Building
Lexington 73, Massachusetts
In re: Lot 16 Vine Brook Realty Trust
Dear Mr. Carroll:
The Trust is under agreement to sell Lot 16 as shown ,on a plan entitled
TTVine Brook Meadows Section 21t dated June 12, 1960, Albert A. Miller -
Wilbur 0. Nylander, Civil Engineers, duly recorded with Middlesex South
District Registry of !feeds in Book 9762, Page 142. Before thedeedcan
be delivered I will need a document suitable for recording executed by
the Planning Board releasing this -lot from the agreement between the
Trust and the Town. As you may recall, the Trust deposited a check in
the sum of $1,000. as a surety for the completion of Section 1 and these
lots were released by the Planning Board. -Will you please look into this
matter and if you are of the opinion that the lot can be safely released
from the Town's point of view, will you please ,let the Planning Board
know. If you have any questions, please call me. If you so recommend
and the Planning Board follows your recommendations, if you will let me know
I will draft the release of the covenant and forward'it to Mr. Legro for
approval. This will expedite the matter.
With best regards, I remain
Very truly yours,
/s/ Alfred P. Tropeano
January 17, 1961
' Planning Board
Town Office Building
Lexington, Massachusetts
Re: Lot 16 Vine Brook Realty Trust
Enclosed is a copy of a letter from Mr. Tropeano regarding Lot 16 Vine
Brook Meadows, Section 2.
Please be advised that the ways and utilities to serve this particular
lot have been completed. This does not imply that the ways or utilities.
to serve any other lot in this section have also been completed.
Very truly yours,
/s/ John J. Carroll,
Supt. of Public Works
& 'Town Engineer
cc: Mr. A. P. 'Tropeano