HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-12-23PLANNING BOARD MEETING ' December 23, 1963 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was held on Monday, December 23, 1963 at 7:30 p.m. Present were Chairman Mabee and members Campbell, Greeley, and Meyer. From 7:30 to 7:45 the Board met in executive session EXECUTIVE for discussion in regard to the employment of a Planning SESSION Director. Resuming its regular meeting, discussion was held on a letter from Mrs. William H. Lyon, dated November 29, 1963, LAND FOR with reference to her property, numbered 55 Waltham Street, MUNICIPAL which the Board is interested in acquiring for municipal park- PARKING ing purposes. (See Planning Board minutes of December 2, - 1963.) Mr. Mabee reported on his meeting with Mrs. Lyon and LYON her son Robert. It was decided to make an offer of $52,500 to Mrs. Lyon, Mr. Mabee to negotiate. The following bills were presented for payment: Servall Secretarial Services; hearings --$91.75; Henry W. BILLS Hardy, Esq., professional services --$325.00. The Board approved for payment the bill of $91.75 for secretarial ' services, but decided to refer Mr. Hardy's bill to Town Counsel Legro for payment from Legal Fee Budget. Taken under consideration were the following Form A applications for determination of Planning Board jurisdic- FORMS A tion: #63-78, submitted December 23, 1963, by Estate of W. H. Lyon, by Robert S. Lyon; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", Scale: 1" = 201, dated Dec. 20, 1963, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. #63-79, submitted December 23, 19635 by Robert E. Byrne; plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.?', Scale: 1" = 40', dated Dec. 19, 1963, Miller & Nylander, C.E.'s & Surveyors. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unani- mously VOTED: that the Lexington Planning Board determines that the plan accompanying Form A application 03-78 does not require approval under the subdivision control law, and that said plan be so endorsed. No action was taken on application 163-79 since it was deemed by the Board to be an incomplete application. 12-23-63 -` Considered next were the notices of petitions to be heard by the Board of Appeals on January 7, 1964. With reference to , the petition of William Potter to use R 1 land for a golf course on Walnut Street, it was suggested that a member of the Planning Board appear at the hearing, also on the Corrazini petition. Mr. Meyer indicated he would attend the meeting. At 8:00 p.m. a public hearing was held on the petition of PINEWOOu Gerald D. and Margaret T. Shirley for approval of a subdivision SEC. ONE plan of their property numbered 169 Grove Street, to be known as - "Pinewood Section One Lexington, Mass.rr, and being an extension SHIRLEY of Dewey Road from its present terminus to Grove Street. Four interested citizens attended the hearing. Mr. Shirley presented the plan, after which some questions were raised as to drainage and whether connection could be made with the sewer in Grove Street. These questions being satisfactorily answered by Mr. Carroll's letter, the hearing was declared closed .at 8:20 p.m. At this time Mr. Benjamin Simeone met with the Board to SIMEONE discuss his land on Sanderson Road, shown as "Lot D" on Lowell Estates. Mr. Simeone was advised to have a preliminary plan pre- pared and submit same to the Board. At 8:30 p.m. William H. Sullivan met with the Board to re- quest an informal opinion in regard to subdivision of land off SULLIVAN Adams Street and the extension of Juniper Place. Mr. Sullivan was advised that in the Board's opinion it would be acceptable for him to go ahead and prepare a plan. ' At this time Mr. Mabee announced that effective as of January 2, 1964, he was resigning as chairman of the Board, but would remain on as a member. A letter, dated December 20, 1963, having been received GLEN ESTATES from Town Counsel Legro stating that he believed it was now in - order for the Planning Board to release the bond it now holds WAYMINT TRUST as security for the performance of the agreement dated May 9, 1960 from Waymint Realty Trust with reference to the "Glen Es- tates" subdivision, the matter was taken under consideration. However, since there seemed to be some question with regard to Lot 6 on said plan, it was decided to postpone action and con- fer with Town Engineer Carroll before proceeding. Read to the Board was a letter from the Board of Select- men advising that all articles to be inserted in the Warrant for the Annual town meeting scheduled for Monday, March 16, 1964, must be submitted to the Board of Selectmen on or before Monday, January 13, 1964. Also read to the Board was a letter, dated December 13, 1963, to the Selectmen from the Boston Regional Planning Pro- , ject suggesting a series of sub -regional meetings with local officials of towns and cities within the area. It was decided 12-23-63 -3- to ask the Selectmen to keep the Board informed of the dates of such meetings in order that it might participate. The meeting was adjourned at 9:46 p.m. C:;?o,geph A. Campbell Clerk 11